Thursday, March 13, 2008


How do teenagers find time for all of their activities nowadays? Take this girl for example. She is 17 years old and has a 2 year old son and yet she still finds time to slang crack and OD her kid on it. Multitasking in the hood.


1. KCK man gets gun shot wound confused with being set on fire.

2. The most overrated part of the city joins the club of local shootings.

3. When the woods and rivers in the Metro are full of corpses murderers are left with little options in hiding the bodies.

4. Anyone who has ever ridden a school bus knows that the people that drive these things are questionable characters yet everyday we load our kids onto them. This incident should give you second thoughts.

5. Selling drugs near a school is no big deal. If speeding in a school zone is twice as bad as speeding on a normal road shouldn't drug dealing in a school zone get you more than probation?

6. Some chicks are just crazy. This is a fact that men deal with on a daily basis. This poor guy obviously wasn't schooled in this fact.

7. If you are fortunate enough to make decent money the Senate hates you (until they want a donation). I can guarantee that if I was able to bring home more of my check I would buy more crap thus creating jobs for others. The liberals rather take it away from me and hand it out to those without jobs. Bright aren't they?


This strand of the flu has to be the worst to hit the area in a long time. I got it on Sunday and am still fighting it off. There are people in my office who had it last week and have gotten it again this week. Is there no freaking cure for this crap???????????????????

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


1. The North Side of Overland Park continues its spiral toward roelandparkdem. Torching cars?

2. The streets around the Sprint Center will be closing tonight. Let's be honest here. If those streets were closed 3 years ago (at night or on the weekends) would anyone have noticed?

3. Having seen some of the people that work for the USDA I think I will pass on their advise on healthy eating.

4. Constipation at its worst?

5. Good news for Royals fans. The all you can eat section has been expanded.

6. Metro Casinos are getting better at taking your money.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Gang Bangers have an incredible work ethic (when it is warm out). The production rate of violent crime in Kansas City's east side is incredible. Let's think about it for a minute....... When was the last time you read this blog that there was no mention of a murder, shooting, car jacking etc....?

These guys turn out crime faster than Fairfax does cars.
Tonight, its Hardesty.


This past week I reached the 10,000 visit mark. I honestly didn't think I would be at 2000 visits at this time when I first opened up shop 6 months ago. Thank you for reading, commenting and all of your emails. And no I still can't figure out the right color scheme!


ESPN2 has picked up the game vs. South Florida. The game will now be on Friday the 12th at 7pm.

GRAB YOUR GAS CANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gas is flowing in liberty. You might not get a chance like this again! Just remember, while looting gas to not smoke, leave your car running or use your cell phone.



I dig the fact that this guy says what is on his mind and isn't a robot like so many other NASCAR drivers.


1. The most despicable family in the United States just happens to live in Topeka, Ks. Today they got a victory in court that will allow them to continue on with their hate towards Americas hero's that payed the ultimate price for our freedom. The legislators in the state of Kansas are idiots.

2. At least the gangsters are starting to drive themselves to the hospital after getting shot. Kudos to them for not tying up the ambulance services for non gang related emergencies. However how is KCMO going to compete for the crown with the recent string of poor aim on the streets? Another team letting the metro down.

3. People in KCK can't drive, this is a fact.

4. The whole key to Downtown Kansas City's revival almost went up in smoke!

5. Is the cloud of meth that hovers over Independence finally starting to take an effect on innocent bystanders?

6. Don't sleep on North East Kansas City. This little metro gem is referred to as Jurassic Park by KCMO police officers because of the danger and they see something new everyday.


A few weeks ago I caught a daytime space shuttle launch on and was impressed with it so much that I dvr'd the night launch last night. It was awesome. I am not a fan of the space shuttle program but if you get a chance to watch a rebroadcast I would recommend catching it.

Monday, March 10, 2008


1. If ever there was a case for someone to get the gas chamber it is this jackass. I am sure that the jury will take all of 3 minutes to decide this one.

2. Since when is a stolen stuffed animal news? I am glad that The Red Star is on the case!

3. The wussification of our kids continues and this time it is a first. It seems that a lawmaker wants to make schools a "smell free zone". Pretty soon there will be no freedom left in this country.

4. If you litter you are going to hell. So it has been written. UNBELIEVABLE!

5. 10 year old dies when his friend bury his head in the sandbox.

6. Dumb people can't find parking at the Sprint Center.



If the state of Missouri is interested in saving the kids of the KCMO school district they will take which of the following actions?

A. Take over the school district
B. Make the recommendation that the school board be dismantled
C. Have a plan to assist the city in improving performance
D. Say "It takes a village" and continue on with its business.

The answer is: D.