Saturday, April 05, 2008


Most of us already know that it sucks to be a liberal. They are dirty, smell, lazy, dependent and ignorant. Ohh and they party and most of their "belief system" is starting to crash down all around them. Here are a few examples.

1. What global warming???? Temps haven't risen in nearly 8 years.

2. Behind every great hoax there is someone trying to make money.

3. Liberal energy plans are making it tough for their base, "the poor" to afford food. Planet before people.

4. Hillbillies from Arkansas profiting off of liberal stupidity.

5. If only I could set up a charity in my name, donate to it, keep the money and the count it as a write off. THE BIGGEST SCAM EVER!!!!!!!

6. Is she an even bigger liar than Bill? The hits just keep coming.

7. Even more good news out of Iraq. You won't hear about this in the news. Instead you will hear a tale of poor Umbaka whose goat blew up after eating a roadside bomb intended for US troops.

8. Hate radio on Air America finally gets some attention.


Here is yet another example of religious groups taking things to the extreme. This time the lives of 52 girls were ruined due to extremist beliefs. I guess they should just be thankful that they weren't offered Kool Aid to drink.


How long before a deaf person gets shot by a hispanic gang member that confuses sign language for gang signs? The lack of such an incident to this date amazes me considering that these two groups make up the majority of the population in the city.

I am going to go out on a limb and predict that in 2008 there will be such an incident.


I have been saying it for months now on this blog...The woods in the "Urban" core of the metro are littered with bodies but the city has been avoiding them. If it weren't for a group of people cleaning the area of trash THESE bodies would never of been found. Maybe now metro leaders will wake up and start investigating.

Friday, April 04, 2008


1. Pscyo B**** gets the Death Penalty. Even if you are against the death penalty (which you shouldn't be) you would be for this chick getting 86'd.

2. Reverse discrimination costs Platte County $2.1 million dollars. This case alone has finally put an end to affirmative action and opened the doors across the country for even more to follow.

3. Now we know what they were saving the bullets for. KC criminals up the ante and go after Armored car.

4. The violence in KCK has no boundaries. This time the jackass street thugs that plague the community take down a 1 year old.

5. A freaking BB gun NOT EVEN in the school is cause enough for a lock down in Liberty. The educators that walk the halls of liberty wouldn't survive an hour in either the KCK or KCMO school district.

6. Street gangs are now utilizing grenade launchers.... Can we finally classify these groups as domestic terrorists and put an end to them?

7. Unpaid taxes are a bigger threat in America than street gangs.

8. How this guy isn't a Metro loft dweller who attends "First Fridays" is beyond me.

9. More celeb global warming hype.

10. Vodka manufacture rewrites history for ad campaign in Mexico.

Thursday, April 03, 2008


I have had a ton of requests on how to find this song. As far as I know the only way to download this song is to follow this link. If you download it you will need ITunes to play it.



Yet another dead body was found in the Metro. This one had been there so long that they are having a hard time telling what gender it is. People that I know that work in some of the metros police departments have told me that if they "went looking" for bodies they could find bodies. The problem is that the murder stats for the metro would rise and people would lose their jobs.

Which leads me to this important question... Which movie that involves kids going on an adventure to see a dead body is better, Stand by me or Boyz in the Hood? I have been trying to decide this for nearly 8 years and still can not come up with a winner.


This blog is key on picking up on crime trends. You heard it hear first that gang bangers were now using knives as their weapon of choice, that Northern JOCO was becoming unsafe and that trends were showing that KCMO will challenge record murder rates per capita. I think it is safe to say that arson is the latest and greatest craze amongst the metros criminal underworld.

1. Jackson County
2. Excelsior Springs


As most of you noticed there was no posting on this blog yesterday. The car the had performed for me so well over the past 3 years was starting to act up and being that it was nearly at 100k in miles(I put on 20k a year) I had to ditch it. So after spending the morning shopping online inventories from local dealerships I called two places Olathe Ford (big mistake) & Car Max and decided to head to Car Max first and deal with Olathe over the phone.

After dealing with usual tricks and ploys of Olathe Ford over the phone I quickly dropped them from contention and decided that I was only going to deal with Car Max.

I have never had a better car buying experience. They remove all of the BS that you usually have to deal with and make it simple, quick and hassle free. If you ever have to buy a car go there first. After driving damn near every SUV ever made I ended up purchasing a fairly new Mercury Mountaineer.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Deja Vu for Jayhawk fans????????

So every time we make it to the Final 4 an opening is created at our current coaches alma mater. Reports from ESPN have Sean Sutton stepping down at Oklahoma State making Bill Self the first choice as his replacement.

This is not an April Fools Day joke.

If Bill Self doesn't come out and address this in his news conference today at 3pm central then I say let his ass leave. This needs to be dealt with TODAY.


In an effort to better organize the ramblings that often take place in this blog I will be starting a new post title. "Things that only happen in _______".

The first city and story are very fitting due to the odd crap that happens inside of KCK.

Man driving down 7th street at 3:30am(when all good things happen) has flaming mattress behind him which ends up catching his car on fire.


If you live in the KCMO school district you are surrounded by illiterate morons! If you are educated LEAVE AT ONCE! This story confirms what every self respecting JOCO resident has thought for more than 30 years. For those of you that live outside of KCMO or are in the minority of educated people residing there I have put together some tips on how to handle your run ins with the ignorant majority residing in KCMO.

1. Talk slow.
2. Do not use words above two syllables.
3. If they are available utilize visual aides.
4. Do not use story problems.
5. Make them show their work or at least have a calculator on hand.
6. Do not engage in any form of communication that requires spelling.
7. Learn what the initials GED stand for.
8. Do not engage in any of the following topics; politics, economics, education (given), history, the weather, sports or current events.
9. Nod your head and make eye contact.
10. Speak in rhymes. Think Johnny Cochran, Dr. Seus, Jessie Jackson, Mother Goose.

Good LUCK!


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