Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Green Duck 40 years later

Tonight in the land that Kcmo elitist have forgotten, 3 more of its residents were shot (2 killed) in front of "The Green Duck".  What is so significant about that?  Well 40 years ago civil rights leader Leon Jordan was gunned down in front of that very club (his club).  

Has anything changed in the East Side since 1970? 40 years of experimentation by the liberal elite on the people of the East Side have resulted in nothing except for placing its residents on the endangered species list.  

Way Back Wednesday

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Who here thinks it is wise to get your car washed on Prospect after dark? Exactly.  WTF was this guy thinking?

Kenny Powers IS Darth Vader

Almost Daily Link Blast

These could be some of the best links yet.

1.  Reason #1 to not leave the cable guy alone in your house.
2.  12 College Movies that taught us all life lessons.  Right that down.
3.  Emergency Kits for your average day. -LIFEHACK
5. Maxims Crappiest One Night Stand Winners 
6.  This could be the greatest political ad of all time.  Holy Crap this guy has balls.
7.  Adults take place in the worlds largest Dodge Ball game EVER.
8.  11 Things that you only do when you are drunk.
9.  Because Midgets Kick Ass - 25 awesome pics of midgets.
10.  The Breast Milk Diet......

BMX Rider vs. Kid on Blades.

Holy Crap that is funny.


Could somebody please tell me how you get hit by a train while walking?  Do the rumbling earth, horn and loud noise not give you enough warning?  And don't train tracks typically mean that a train could come?

It's not like this thing sneaked up on this guy at a freaking intersection or ran a red light.

 This is Natural Selection at its finest

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to Fix Facebook

Facebook News Ticker Remover for Google Chrome


Random Crap

1.  Yes the new Facebook sucks BUT what sucks even worst is hearing people bitch about it all day.
2.  If you can't drive the speed limit on the highway then take the freaking side streets. You are more dangerous than people speeding.  Seen on 69 highway this week
3.  Those of you that txt while you are driving are assholes.  While you are typing "OMG" we are all watching your car swerve in and out of your lane. It's a freaking phone.  Dial the number and TALK. Seen on 69 highway this week
4.  Did I really hear Scott Parks say on todays show that he gets a pass because he has two friends that are black?
5.  Have you noticed that the KC Star puts pictures of skanks on their front page everyday now?  Kinda like a certain blogger that they hate...
6.  Today I actually met someone that hadn't had Caseys Pizza.
7. Do you think that you could study and get good grades if people were getting  shot by 3's in your neighborhood?
8.  Economic Stimulus - Putting inner city drug dealers in school districts in the burbs full of pot heads.  

When Liberals Rule

We all get screwed. 

1.  Warren Buffett has his billions and could careless if the rest of us make a dime.
2.  Obama puppet master makes the Forbes top 10 richest Americans.  Surely this is just a coincidence.
3.  Obama douches up a group picture
4.  While you are taking your jewelry to the pawn shop, the elitist first lady is wearing 42k in bling


Only 18k people tuned into this jackass lie to the world for 24 hours.  What happened to the great cause?  Are people finally waking up and realizing that they have been duped by elitist trying to make money off of peoples fears?

Way Back Wednesday

Two classic groups from the 80's and 90's. Before "bling" 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

JOCO losing its shine?

Is anyone else concerned about the gold paint fading on our ghetto?  What else are you suppose to think when you get an influx of We Buy Gold stores, a Salvation Army store on 117th and Metcalf, as many Aldi's as Hen Houses, 2 Savers stores and 100 Chinese buffet's ?

Yesterday I saw a guy dressed up as a leprechaun holding a sign asking for gold.  WTF!  When did this become Raytown?

Question of the Day