Thursday, October 11, 2012

Joe Biden Americas A Hole

Tonight we just witnessed the biggest ass**** in American Government embarrass himself, this country and the office of the Vice President.

Union Thugs

Almost Daily LInk Blast

15 links that you need to look at right now damn it.

1.  7 reasons NOT to get on Facebook when Drunk.
2.  25 Things you shouldn't buy at the Grocery Store
3.  Finally, the Jay & Silent Bob drinking game.
4.  Comic Book Men Season 2 is about to start.
5.  15 awesome looking libraries
6.   30 years of memories (good and bad) of the Compact Disc
7.  When you are too fat for............  9 hillarious stories.
8.  10 facts that you didn't know about our Oceans
9.  6 Reasons to keep hydrated
10.  Top 10 perverts of all time
11.  How to cancel cable and not miss a beat.
12.  16 Things that make a good slut (that women want to know)
13.  Ghost Towns of the Pacific Northwest
14.  10 Beers that you should drink this Fall
15. 100 Best Tech Toys for all ages.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Monday, October 08, 2012

The Worst Thing That Ever Happened Anywhere

Picture of the Day

EPA Hitler Youth

You have to hand it to the EPA and their indoctrination of the youth of our kids.  It started off with Ranger Rick, then earth day, then Captain Planet and now ENERGY PATROLS!

Thats right folks, instead of sending our kids to school to learn they will now become trained in restricting peoples freedom because of the extremist views of those on the left.

Is education really important to socialist?  Or is it all about taking minds of mush and turning them into socialist zombies?