Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fall Festival Douche Bags

School Officials: No Halloween Celebrations In Phoenixville District This Year « CBS Philly 

Why the hell do so many people take things so damn seriously.  Like letting your kids dress up for a goofy holiday is going to turn them to satan worshipers or have them shoot up a school.

Calling this a "Fall Festival" is stupid.  They are basically doing the same crap that you would at a halloween party but eliminating the costumes.  This is nothing more than more symbolism over substance.

Parents and educators that support this crap are douche bags.

Overland Park Shopping Center...Again

New $500 million shopping center coming to Overland Park 

SURE we can build $500 million dollar shopping centers but we can not enforce code violations and blight IN THE SAME FREAKING AREA.  The Overland Park City Council continues to bring in new crap instead of taking care the existing developed areas.

Liberals Getting Violent

You have to love how exposed this crowd of douche bags are becoming to the rest of the population.  This is the "Big Tent" party?  These idiots are a threat to anyone that doesn't agree with them.

 “I think they hate Obama. They want him out of the White House more than they want to destroy Al Qaeda. Their No. 1 enemy in the world right now, on the right, is their hatred, hatred for Obama. And we can go into that about the white working class in the South and looking at these numbers we're getting the last couple days about racial hatred in many cases … this isn't about being a better president, they want to get rid of this president,’ Chris Mathews

Axl Rose?

WTF Happened to this guy?

Monday, October 22, 2012


Funny that when I was in the Marine Corp not too long ago we still used bayonets.  I am pretty sure any Marine, Soldier or Special Forces combat soldier would disagree with you there Mr. Commander and Chief.  

Talk about being out of touch with the military.  What an ignorant tool.   

What would you expect from a guy that wants to deny our troops the right to vote.

MSNBC's O'Donnell Challenges Romney Son To Fight: "Take Your Best Shot"

MSNBC's O'Donnell Challenges Romney Son To Fight: "Take Your Best Shot"

@joco_sob during the debate

Let me know if you are going to be on Twitter during the debate tonight so that I can add you to my debate watch list.

Petty Kansas Dems

Democrats create own Kansas school online site - KansasCity.com 

Anyone know if this bullshit site is funded by tax payers?

Code Enforcement in Overland Park Update

It has been almost a week now since complaints starting being filed against the semi PARKED in the backyard of a South OP residence (in clear site) and not a damn thing has happened.

Residents of Overland Park should take note of this so the next time they get a ticket for parking their boat in their driveway overnight or for having their bumper 3 inches over the sidewalk.  Code enforcement doesn't exist in Overland Park unless you live in one of the gated communities.

Rick Collins is a joke of a councilman

Almost Daily Link Blast

10 Links guaranteed to bring joy to your otherwise useless existence 

1.  Slut Fluke proves that being a slut doesn't make you popular.  10 people come to see the moustached one speak about aborting babies and getting free condoms.
2.  Michelle Obama takes some big craps.
3.  10 tastefully slutty Halloween costumes for women.
4.  10 most evil people in the bible
5.  @voiceofmerrill discusses slutty halloween costumes that shouldn't be worn at office parties.
6.  10 sexist products that you can actually buy.  Perfect gift for the Obama supporter you know.
7.  8 Phone calls that most people ignore.
8.  24 Awesome caves to explore
9.  50 years of Bond Cars
10.  "what a young man should know" 1933

Friday, October 19, 2012

Our Jobs Plan

Picture of the day

The Possible President nobody has mentioned

I think it is time that we start looking beyond the November election and start to look at what happens next.  The one thing people aren't talking about yet is the fact that Obama IF elected again will have to answer to the Libya cover up.

Once the hearing and investigation start on the cover up Obama will be on his way out of office due to impeachment.  This would leave us with the very real possibility of a


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Overland Park Government Officials FAIL again

Overland Park turns its back on middle class neighborhoods in South OP

You will all love this.  According to the Overland Park Police Department is is OK to park a Semi in your backyard.  "It is their personal property, if you can find an ordinance on our website then we might be able to do something" WTF!!!!!!


Homeowners in the area have called the city and the police department on several other issues and nothing has been done.  

This house is dropping the resale values of all the houses in the 2 surrounding subdivisions, preventing houses from being sold and is a safety hazard for kids that play in the neighborhood.  

The semi is just the latest in a long line of violations that this house has had including a garage that looks like something out of hoarders, a chicken coup in the backyard, unlicensed vehicles in the driveway and SIDE FREAKING YARD and much much more.

Does Rick Collins have time for the city or is he too busy to do the job he was elected to do?

Boy Scout Files Released

Boy Scout Ineligible Volunteer Files (Perversion Files) (1965 – 1985) 

I think the cases should be investigated and then released with a name of actual suspects.