Friday, March 29, 2013

Kansas NOT the land of the Free

New Study proves that Kansas is not the land of the free.  In fact we are mediocre when it comes to being Free!   Congrats

Kansas saw remarkable deterioration in regulatory and especially personal freedom
during the 2009–10 legislative session, even as its fiscal policy ranking remained below average. As a result, the state’s ranking is now decidedly mediocre on economic and personal freedom

This is exactly what happens when the Religious Right take control of the Republican party, a party that is suppose to be for personal freedom. These snake oil salesmen are the worst of the worst and will stop at nothing to control your habits and hide behind God to do it.  

Next time one of these morons tells you that they are a conservative or libertarian laugh at them. Challenge them out on it.  That is the only way we will be able to tell who is truly for personal freedom and who is for biblical freedom.  

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Gay Marriage

I have been getting a ton of emails etc.. asking me what I think of Gay marriage so I figured I would answer it in a post.

Seriously, I could careless about someones actions that don't affect me, my family or our bank account.  Personal choices should remain personal. If I feel that way towards everything else then why the hell would I care about a stupid relationship title.

That is all the coverage and only comment I will have on this moronic issue being fought over by the two extremist political sides of our country.  I am not going to change my profile picture to some stupid equal sign, I am not going to slam those that do.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

KC is more Jacked than we think

KC parks board approves new policy to discourage smoking in parks -


Cig smoke is BAD but BULLETS in the air is GOOD

Psychic My Ass

Dionne Warwick files for bankruptcy in New Jersey - New York News | NYC Breaking News 

So much for that whole Psychic Friends Network

Social Media Fools

Volunteering in JOCO

Northeast News » Kansas City to participate in Prescription Drug Take-Back Day April 27 

If anyone can't make it there I will be more than happy to take them for you.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

NCAA Tournament in One Picture

If I see this commercial again

I will start pulling my fingernails off. HOLY CRAP! how many times can they play this thing? I must of seen it 50 times so far this NCAA Tournament

Who Cares?

Do we really care about the people that jumped off the bridge and killed themselves?  If you do, you shouldn't.  Suicide that doesn't physically harm others should be ignored by the media.  Don't give the cowards the publicity that they were seeking.  

I am just glad that no first resonders were injured while searching for their corpses. 

Walt Bodine

He messed up my pool.  I had Kyle James going way before Walt.  I thought Walt was going to make it to 100.   

Walt, you were a great man and we will all miss you. 

Pictures of the Day

Bring on the Zombies

Anyone else ready for the Zombies to take over?  Could they really be worst than the morons that run and occupy this country?  

1.  Jim Carrey goes Liar Liar about gun owners
2.  You can get yourself shot in the land of Obama for double parking
3.  You see, you get  7 lawn chairs, 7 ice picks, some binding wire....
4.  Abortion Insurance?  Would that count as a death panel?
5.  Deadly virus from Galveston Bio lab is now on the loose.  Bring on the zombies
6.  Why does the government continue to lie to us about their Ammo purchases?
7.  When your elected officials tell you that you will Pay the Price for your beliefs, be afraid
8.  Obama causes Boeing to fire 2k employees