Thursday, April 25, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Have you seen Molly?

Due to the local media's 20 year lag on what it is that is on the streets these days I thought I would introduce you all to Molly.  No Molly isn't some slutty sorority girl from KU but she gets used almost as much and by almost as many people.  Molly is the latest club drug that has taken over America and one of the most accepted drugs by those in Pop Culture.  

Molly, short for molecule, is considered to be pure MDMA, unlike Ecstasy, which generally is laced with other ingredients, such as caffeine or methamphetamine. According to Pax Prentiss, co-founder and CEO of Passages rehabilitation centers in Southern California, molly users tend to be ages 16 to 24.
If you have a kid in High School or college then chances are they have been exposed to it several times in the past year.  If you have a daughter then you need to warn her.  This stuff is now being used as a date rape drug and has been involved in several high profile rape cases involving high school kids.  

JOCO kids as always are the major target of dealers and kids have little problem hiding them from parents since they look like sweet tarts.  


KC's Biggest Environmental Disaster

One could read the Northeast News story about the homeless and feel some pain for those that live under bridges, overpasses, in boxes and yes underground.  Hell you might even want to get off your fat JOCO ass and do something to help.  BUT who are we kidding right? 

We all know that the real issue here is how the homeless are responsible for global warming in KC.  The homeless are global terrorists dead set on world wide destruction and pocket change.
Do you really feel sorry for those that leave trash behind that will end up destroying this planet in a billion years?  They are purposely trying to kill our great, great, great...... grandchildren to punish us for their misfortune.

And let us not forget the one person most directly harmed by this problem, George E. Kessler.  Is a park full of litter and human waste really fitting for the man that helped found city planning and landscape architecture?

Sippin on some Sizzurp - KC Media Fail

Tony's Kansas City: KC News Quiz: "What is purple drank?"

This made me laugh my ass off this morning because it is just sad that our local media is so far behind on what goes on underground.  I believe I even heard KMBZ call this "new" this morning this story.  Are Tony & I the only ones out there that actually know what this shit is
when talking about?

For those of you that don't know this "drink"  has been around for around 20 years or so and really took off in the Houston, Texas hip hop scene.  The whole music genre "chopped & screwed" was developed because of the popularity of the drink and how the slowed down music sounded while on it.

This crap has taken tons of lives and is more addictive than crack cocaine.  The purple stuff isn't new to the area, just new to the douchebags that cover news in this city that never go beyond the yellow tape at the crime scene so that they can better understand the real issues and causes of all this madness.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

She might not blow Bill

House GOP concludes Hillary Clinton blew Benghazi response - Washington Times 

But it turns out she blew Benghazi

Congratulations Mission, Kansas

In what can only be seen as yet another example of the N. Joco financial collapse the JOCO health department has decided to remodel a WIC office in Mission, Kansas.   Why shouldn't our WIC peeps enjoy luxury accommodations while they utilize our tax dollars?

These remodeled WIC centers are sure to attract the best and brightest employees to our county.