Thursday, February 06, 2014

Headline of the Day - Masturbating disfigured arsonist

Man accused of arson at Tampa apartment community | Tampa Bay Times

Man accused of setting fire after masturbation complaints - Sun Sentinel

"Haskins, who's disfigured from when he shot himself in the face"

Might be the headline and the year due to the picture that came with it.

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

24 hour coverage of 5 inches of snow????

Wow, you would that the world was coming to an end if you watched local news tonight. The crap that they are now reporting on is so trivial and unimportant that they are losing any chance of actually relaying important information to their viewers.

How many locations do I have to see field reporters stand in front of a camera and say "Yep it's snowing, don't drive if you don't have to?

Or my favorite new one, showing reporters driving on the roads. I think they are trying to recreate the effect of helicopters covering tornados. The only problem with that is sever storms need to be tracked and tornados can pop out at anytime during a threatening storm. These roads have been getting bad for over 8 hours now! This isn't late breaking news.

I keep waiting for Katie Horner to make a surprise appearance on my screen to tell me to wear a helmet when out shoveling.
Meanwhile, the rest of the nation doesn't give two craps about a snow storm that doesn't take place on the East coast.  Not one major news site last night even mentioned this "horrific" snow fall on their webpage last night.  This is just an example of the media not giving a crap about what happens to the rest of us out here in fly over country.

Which is worst?

Below are the front pages of 4 major news sites as of midnight last night.  

Obama ignores Fry Cook

Fry Cook Shifted to Part-Time Work Confronts Obama | National Review Online

This guy got cut to PT due to Obama Care and when confronted about it Obama said that he is working on an increase in min wage to help him out!  

Another example of just how out of touch the dictator is with non elites.  

Friday, January 17, 2014

The Almost Daily Link Blast

Links and news that you need to read today!

1.  Russell Johnson: 'The Professor' on 'Gilligan's Island' has died - The original McGyver
2.  Illegal contact? Witness: Jets' Kellen Winslow Jr. was masturbating in his car | - He told officers that he was looking for a freaking Boston Market.
3.  Disney star Bella Thorne's Candie's ads inappropriate? | Fox News
4.  Exploring the weird second lives of Pizza Huts | Fox News
5.  'World's most wanted hacker' SLAMS Obamacare site security | The Daily Caller
6.  MORNING BRO: Bros before hoes in O's White House [VIDEO] | The Daily Caller
7.  Number of Americans Who Think Global Warming Is a Myth Increases
8.  Hot List: Are Democrats Running Away From Obama? |
9.  Nintendo Confirms Wii U Has Flopped, Slashes Sales Forecast By ~70% | TechCrunch
10.  18 Problems Only Men With Large Members Will Understand
11.  Down The Rabbit Hole We Go! 300+ Mind Expanding Documentaries
12.  20 Things People Over 20 Should Stop Doing | Jarrid Wilson

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Picture of the day

Joco family wants law enforcement to unseal search warrants

JoCo couple tells legislators story of police raid |

"Robert Harte opened the door before it was forced with a battering ram and found

After officers secured the children, ages 5 and 13, the Hartes sat on their couch under armed guard while their house was searched for two to three hours."
himself face to face with Johnson County Sheriffs' officials. When his wife got downstairs he was on the ground, shirtless, with his hands behind his head and an officer with an assault rifle standing over him.

Joco investigators are lost when it comes to any crime outside of traffic violations.

JOCO Parks full of Psychos?

Johnson County park cleans out lost and found

"It also includes a diary filled with notes from a self-described "time traveler," with entries from the 13th Century to thousands of years in the future."

What type of psychos do we have hanging out at our parks?

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Metcalf South...Again.

OP councilman expects big changes for Metcalf South | Local News - KMBC Home

This will be the 20th year that I have heard this song and dance. Every year someone says that Metcalf South will be torn down and every year it remains standing. I am sure that Curt Skoog will be the one that is right though....

Let's face it, the only thing wrong with that mall is sprawl along Metcalf  If more was done over the years to redevelop that area Metcalf South would still be a viable retail center instead of a potential Wal Mart Super Center.

The Westboro Baptist Church takes to Vine

The Daily Dot - The Westboro Baptist Church is even more insane on Vine

When social media goes wrong.

Police Departments need weed to be illegal.

Legalizing Pot Makes Police Departments Poorer | VICE United States 

Tax dollars made off of weed aren't enough to offset the revenues from property seizures.  

Monday, January 13, 2014

Overland Park Police State- Our County is screwed

OP approves new fees for 'professional' photography in parks | Local News - KMBC Home

WTF!  They are charging people to take pictures of Tax Payer
funded Parks??????? It takes an awfully big elitist douche bag to believe that he can do this crap.  

They say that JOCO is the home of the Republican Party in Kansas, BS!  Has this county or any of it's city's seen a tax that they didn't like, a freedom that they didn't want to restrict or a ticket that they didn't want to write?  
City Council Resolution No. 4049 This county is going to crap!

Liberal Suckage in the News

Liberals suck no matter what party they claim.  Amd why does a group that wants government control over everything called "liberal".  I think that calling these socialist something other than socialist is being dishonest to ourselves.

1.  FLASHBACK: Hillary Clinton Fired From Watergate Investigation For ‘Lying, Unethical
Behavior’ « Pat Dollard

2.  Christie office: Obama admin approved Jersey Shore TV ads | The Daily Caller
3.  NY Residents Protest Common Core During Gov Cuomo's Media Appearence
4.  Sen. Mike Lee in One Simple Photo Argues That We’ve Become a Nation of Regulations |
5.  Liberal 'Meet the Press' Panel Shouts Down Lone Conservative to Defend Obama Against Gates | NewsBusters
6.  Golden Globe Winner: ‘This Is Way Better Than Saving a Human Life’ | NewsBusters
7.  Supreme Court justice slams Obama | The Daily Caller
8.  GOP Senator: Budget Cuts Affect Survivor Benefits
9.  McCain: Gates should have waited on book
10.  Report: Government spent millions on penis pumps, paid double retail price | Fox News
11.  Cornyn jabs Obama as 'astonishingly liberal' in ad
12.  Sen. John McCain is full of great admiration
13.  Obamacare Enrollment Confusion, Late Payments, Small Business Issues | New Republic
14.  NSA: Usefulness of Mass Surveillance is Vastly Overstated |