Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Things that annoy me Part II

  1. Bicyclist that feel that riding on the road means they get a whole lane to themselves. This isn’t the Tour De JOCO. If you must ride in the street stay close to the gutter.
  2. The fast food Drive Through. You have 2 simple tasks in your job. Take money, put CORRECT ORDER IN THE BAG, THAT’S IT. Yet this simpleton isn’t even capable of handling this.
  3. 55mph on 435 or I 35. Why this person even attempts to navigate the highway is beyond me. They look out onto the highway like scared deer with a death grip on the steering wheel as cars fly right by them at a whopping 65mph. These people cause more accidents than speeders.
  4. People from St. Louis that think their city is on the East Coast. Last time I checked our sewage runs down stream.
  5. Celebs that help Africa first and the citizens of this country 2nd. Hey Oprah, I am sure that the Chicago public schools wouldn’t mind if you helped them out. I am sure your limo drives by thousands of homeless people on the way to the studio that could use some of your Africa money.
  6. People that hate JOCO but work here and spend the majority of their time in the community. Why work in a community that you hate? That’s right, the community you live in has no jobs.
  7. The makers of deodorant that do not automatically put in antiperspirant. Who the hell thought this was a good idea? Is there really a segment of our society that doesn’t mind having sweat stains on there shirts as long as they smell like an Irish Spring?
  8. People that will spend 5 minutes digging through there pockets in order to produce “EXACT CHANGE” at the cash register. This moron thinks that it is some sort of sport and does a fist pump once they find it.
  9. PEOPLE THAT WRITE CHECKS OUT ONCE IT IS THEIR TURN TO PAY. This ass clown has been in line staring at nothing for 8 minutes yet the thought never crosses their mind to break out the check book and get everything filled out except the total. GOOD LORD!
  10. People that press 2 in the elevator. Seriously you can’t walk up that one flight of steps?
  11. Discount scan cards: Why do I need to carry a little card that I paid nothing for, that anyone can get that is scanned before I can get a discount? Am I part of some special club? Are people suppose to see the Price Chopper card in my wallet and be impressed?