Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I will leave the Republican Party.

This man is not the person we need leading us right now or ever. It baffles me that people will simply vote for this guy because he is the most religious. What exactly does being the most religious have to do with leading a country? Sure people should have simple basic religious values that guide them, our country was founded on these principles. Huckabee however would throw away the constitution and replace it with a bible and HIS beliefs.

I am not against religion in fact I am for prayer in school, leaving god in the Pledge, Christmas Trees displayed etc... but this guy is so extreme that he would make the rest of us look bad. He is our Hillary, a polarizing figure that would unite the extremist in the Democratic party (where there is now divide). And what I don't need is this guy or anyone else pushing their religion on me or my family.

Still if it is between him and a Democrat that will raise my taxes, I will vote for Huckabee.