Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Top ten stories than you need to know about

1. Don't you wish that you could get a government bail out when you make crappy investments or have credit dept?

2. What does flying a corpse cost? And do you pick it up on the baggage return? Hopefully this bag isn't returned to the wrong owner.

3. Can we expect this to happen if KC gets Blight Rail? Probably only on the East Side route.

4. Is Il Ill?

5. California cops use the homeless for target practice. Is this a good use of available resources or inhumane? I am not sure.

6. Scientist are dead set on killing you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7. Does god hate Iran? If god hated the US and gave us Katrina then surely god must hate Iran and muslims.

8. Do you trust Old farmers or "weather people" in regards to climate change? I will take an old farmer over a glorified Katie Horner any day.

9. The Royals finally can the guy that has been maybe the worst scout in baseball history.

10. GM "mistakingly" releases pictures of its new electric car cleverly named The Volt. I wonder how many millions were spent thinking of that name.