An economic indicator that often goes over looked is the crap factor. We all look at what the fed is doing to rates, how many new homes are being built, what the unemployment rate is and of course gas prices (why, I have no idea). The Royals have added a new factor to the equation.
The Royals who haven't made it to the post season in over 20 years, have had several 100 loss seasons, just had a ton of money sent to them from the fans for stadium renovations, constantly trade away our good players in exchange for "prospects" and finished in last place yet again last year are raising ticket prices. Typically the prices of tickets go up once a team has a great season and demand increases or if it is hard to get a seat due to the size of the stadium not meeting the demand for people wanting to attend.
If you attended any game this year or even watched one on TV you could clearly see that the stadium was always at least half empty and the team finished in last place yet again, below .500 yet again and were one of the worst teams in baseball, yet again.Yet the great businessmen that run the Royals and Wal-Mart said lets
raise tickets 15%.About a month ago I was working with a Royals Lancer to "prepurchase" season tickets through my company. He gave me a price quote but said that it probably go up a little bit once new ticket prices came out. The guy called me three times a day and pushed me to make a decision right away. I now know why. I would of ended up
paying almost 4k more than what I thought I was going to pay had I pulled the trigger.
This morning I called my season ticket rep and told him that I would pass and told him to call me once they finish above .500. David Glass continues to be the biggest joke of an owner in sports.