Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Slut Fluke Pics - The best of

I have had a ton of emails sent to me with pics regarding Sandra Fluke and thought I would share with you some of my favorites so far.
For the record, here is my take on this subject

1.  It is every woman's right to be a slut, whore and skank.
2.  In most cases we (men) encourage this behavior and have no problem with it.
3.  Sandra Fluke has the right to birth control, in fact I hope that the never reproduces.  
4.  In no way is the government suppose to step in and force people to fund the choices of others.
5.  In no way is the government suppose to dictate to "da church" what it is and isn't suppose to do.
6.  Refer back to rule 1.