Thursday, July 14, 2022

Biden & Liberals hate the middle class

 The past 18 months have once again shown us just how much the liberals and
Bidens hate the middle class.  I am not even talking upper middle class no, no, no, these folks even hate the lower middle class.  Ask yourself why people that are in favor of the government controlling every aspect of our lives (except for abortion for some reason) do not want you to have any money? Why do they want you to pay so much for fuel? Heating? Food? Why do they want you to be afraid of your neighbors?  Feel unsafe going to the store? Leave your children unprotected at school? Afraid of the air you breathe? Afraid of the planet vanishing?

They hate you.  Enjoy today's hate

1.  Food lines have returned to Covid area levels.

2.  11.3% increase in wholesale prices (google what that means)

3.  There are too many illegals for the NGO's to keep up with

4.  "Ultra-Contagious" is how they are labeling the latest strand of Covid that they are predicting will lead to Dems shutting down the world again in a few months.  Remember that, Ultra.  Ultra seems to be the new thing for libs.

5.  People refuse to enlist to protect this country.  This should alarm all of you that would have been or are currently raising draft dodgers.

6.  Elites seeking forgiveness for the student loans they took out need to file before October.  Forget those of us that served our country to earn the money, worked shit jobs, saved, or didn't even attend.  It is important that the elites get a giant tax break.

7.  Jobless claims are on the rise. This means good career jobs are vanishing while shit jobs are not being filled.

8.  Mortgage rates are now 5.5%  

9.  The organic food market might be a complete fraud.

10.  Biden hates Israel and will not prevent Iran from getting a nuke