Showing posts with label EDUCATION. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDUCATION. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010


When businesses are about to be split up or be sold off you typically see consolidation of buildings and people.  Could eliminating half of the districts buildings and over 250 teaching jobs be a sign of the future?  One can only hope.  The business model that is the KCMOSD is a complete and total failure.  If this were a private business they would been gone before the Yugo.  Instead the “Board of Directors” and most of the employees remain on the job and the only real turnover is the CEO/Super. 
The success of the students that joined the Independence school district should be all the proof needed to make this happen sooner than later.
1.  Is the closure of half the districts schools really part of a plan to fix the district?  If the kids aren’t learning anything in a smaller classroom in a school closer to home then what the hell is going to happen when these kids have to travel further and are getting less attention paid to them by their teachers?
2.  KC STAR columnist Yael T.  Alphabet’s latest column is further proof that apathy has set in on the districts failures.
3.  Congratulations to Central High students for winning the coveted “Most Dangerous School in District” award.  

Thursday, May 21, 2009



WHO THE HELL ARE YOU HIRING! How is that a little girl can get raped one day in a classroom and a little boy can get sexually assaulted on a bus AND NONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES were there to stop it from happening? What a disaster!

I hope to god that the East Side of KCMO rises up and says enough is enough and rids themselves of the current system. THIS IS YOUR DISTRICT AND YOUR KIDS, YOU HAVE A SAY. Don't take this crap. The district works for you, they are paid by you and the answer to YOU.

  • You should be demanding that your kids receive a quality education
  • You should be demanding that your kids can be transported to and from school without getting assaulted
  • You should demand that your kids aren't getting raped in classrooms while school is in session.
  • You should demand that teachers listen to your kids and take them seriously when they SAY THEY WERE RAPED.

Where are the ministers and activist? Should they not be organizing protests and fighting for the safety of your kids? These aren't outrageous demands to ask of your school district yet they continue to be ignored.

Good lord this crap pisses me off. THESE ARE KIDS!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


If you are a parent in the KCMO school district you should REFUSE to send your kids back next year unless the state takes over the district. YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT YOUR KID GETTING RAPED IN A CLASSROOM!

HOLY CRAP, KCMO is nothing more than hell with a nice Arena.

If you are a leader, parent, activist, business owner or resident of KCMO you should be ashamed of yourselves. What future do these kids have?

The people that did this need to face charges as adults and locked up for a long time.

Thursday, April 09, 2009


You have to feel sorry for kids that grow up in households with "parents" like this. Nice freaking example lady! I am sure your daughter is going to turn out to be a well adjusted kid.

If at first you don't succeed, lower your standards

You have to appreciate a community that celebrates the increase in people applying for their GED's. Could you imagine a news agency reporting this in OP? Good god politicians and school board members would be running for their lives. It just goes to show you that society continues to lower its standards as the business community increases theirs.

The only people that should be celebrating this news are the kids living in JOCO who continue to be the cream of the crop for colleges to recruit and employers to hire.

Wednesday, April 01, 2009


UMKC has decided to sponsor the opening of 3 new charter schools in an effort to combat the ineffective KCMOSD. It's sad that there is even the need for charter schools in KCMO.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


For the longest time I have been wondering why the uneducators at the KCMOSD were willing to work with out a contract. Turns out it was for porn. That's right, porn watching in the classroom.

This crap writes itself.

Friday, January 09, 2009


I don't care who you are or where you live this story will make you chuckle. While KCMO is dropping a dead body every other day the KCMOSD is calling them to arrest kids for bringing a non lethal kitchen utensils to school.

Friday, December 12, 2008


For every bitching teacher of that crap hole district that wants to go public with their grievances I say we produce 10 illiterate kids that they produced. Show some results before you start bitching.