For the past several years I have been telling everyone that would listen that Americans do not support the leftist agenda, they simply hate Trump. Trump is/was cancer for the only party left that would like America to remain free and safe. Republicans running in 2022 and 2024 should remember this as the Orange Man tries to pry his way into this victory and into running in 2024. He already tried to claim this as a MAGA victory, despite Youngkin refusing his help...
Virginia wasn't the only place where Americans stood up against this Marxist socialist movement.
- Defunding the police in Mn was shot down largely because leaders in the black community called the new form of White Wokeness something on par with the worst racism they have seen since the 60s.
- New Jersey, which nobody saw coming, almost went to Republicans
- Project Lincoln sent in dem staffers to Youngkin rally dressed as Tiki Torch scum to try and paint Youngkin as a racist. It of course backfired.
- Nicole Wallace (typical white woman wokeness) tried to say that CRT was made up... Despite all the evidence brought forth by parents, students, and even educators. Do people actually believe this woman????
- Wallace, Maddow & Reid meltdown and it is too funny not to watch over and over again
- An excellent post listing all of the epic meltdowns across all the liberal news outlets and their idiotic hosts/contributors