Monday, November 05, 2007

Amanda Bynes HOT ?


As many of you know I go to Topeka twice a week for business. It is usually a fairly uninteresting trip and I enjoy the time out of the office, until today. I had my run in with the Phelps Klan at aprox 21st and gage at a stoplight when the noticed my front license plate said United States Marines. 5 of them approached my car and started yelling nice things like "you will die" (duh, we all do), "*ags are going to kill you", "you are a piece of *hit" (from the girl who couldn't of been older than 12). I think I made them more upset because I was laughing my ass off at them during the whole thing and the leader guy started walking around the front of my car. So I opened up my door and stepped out and the leader ran back up to the sidewalk.

When I drove back by after my meeting they had left. I am sure the reason the left was to go catch Ellen's show.


Marc Vincent Sappington. Remember this guy? This is the fine Citizen from KCK ( hard to believe, I know)that heard voices in his head that caused him to murder and then eat his friends. His appeal was shot down this weekend and it looks like Hannibal will be spending the rest of his life behind bars. Why this guy didn't get the chair is beyond me. If not a guy that eats humans then who?


This girl has 8 limbs and is being called the reincarnation of a Hindu God. Apparently she is a conjoined twin except her twin has no head. No word as of yet on her web shooting capabilities.


Being a former Marine it was good to see them pick the Gilyeat family. Not enough is done in this country for wounded soldiers and what is done is a joke. One of the saddest things about this country is that people on welfare and illegal aliens get better health care than our troops. The VA should be shut down and replaced.

If they wanted to do this Marine a favor they would blow up the house and move him to another part of the metro. This guy deserves peace and quiet and not the sound of gunshots in the middle of the night, he just left that.


1. They scored more points on Nebraska than anyone else on history. They could of easily put 100 on the "black shirts" but Mangino pulled the starters at the end. I all ready have my call list made up and plan on having some fun with my Cornhusker friends and clients.
2. KU is ranked #4 in both mens hoops and football.
3. Even if KU loses its next two they still have a chance to win the Big 12 north with a victory against MU at Arrowhead at the end of the season.
4. If you are a casual fan looking for a ticket to the KU vs MU game you are out of luck. The cheapest ticket I have been able to find is $250.

Weekend Things of Note

1. Spiderman 3 wasn't nearly as good as the first two movies. There aren't enough special effect in a George Lucas studio to make Tobey Maguire come off as a ladies man. Those scenes were painful to watch. Whoever wrote that script needs to take the time they have while on strike and rethink their career decision.
2. My wife's cat is still alive. I bring this up again because due to daylight savings she has become even worst than before. This wolf like howls that this skeleton like beast belts out at 5am every morning have become louder and even more unbearable.
3. Thanks to the addition of an XBOX360 I have become addicted to Halo. The online play and the number of games helped push it ahead of the PS3 for me.
4. I rode my motorcycle during the Chiefs game and couldn't believe how wide open the roads were. I watched the 1st Quarter, rode and came back to watch the end. This will be my new plan moving forward.
5. I officially have my first internet stalker. It is sad (and funny) really. Some people are not equipped to be proven wrong and will not give up. This person is the metros own Hillary Clinton. I am awaiting smoke signals or sky writing for the next attempt of contacting me.
6. The blog has been averaging around 55 hits per day for the last couple of weeks. Not bad for 2 months of work. I am sure that this number will pick up the closer to the election we get.
7. Time Warner has jacked up the prices on my movie channels so I will now be going with either Everest or AT&T. That is unless TW can beat the price.
8. I completely wiped my HD of all things Microsoft Vista. Installing that piece of crap was the biggest mistake I have ever made with a PC. The thing is I KNEW BETTER but did it anyways.
9. My wife spend 13 hours scrapbooking on Saturday. 13 hours of cutting and pasting stuff to paper. AND THEN scrapbooked more last night. They must put crack in the adhesive.