Friday, December 07, 2012

Almost Daily Link Blast

11 links for KCMO residents to read when they get  internet access at the library.

1.  Gaming sales are down - Probably because those that buy them are out of work YA THINK.
3.  Your wife has had better sex with someone other than you.
4.  Tis da Season to attack lesbian TV Hosts - You would think the RELIGIOUS RIGHT would have something better to do during CHRISTMAS.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

We are Middle Class Fools

We once lived in a country full of War Heroes, Pioneers, Settlers and mob bosses but it looks like that has all been replaced by a bunch of self serving leftist douche bags and elitist scum.  These douche bags go against everything that this country was founded on.

They use their freedom of speech to control your freedom of speech and religion.  If they see you happy and successful they want to ruin it and will claim that your happiness makes them sad.  This is no longer just a small portion of our country, it is HALF.

They piss on you and your happiness as they reach into your wallet and take your money.  

Half of the people in America hate what it stands for, it's traditions, symbols and freedoms granted to us under the constitution.  They are jealous of us and our normal happy middle class life.

Leftist claim to be after the rich but when do you ever hear about the rich getting screwed by this group?  Never.  It's always us.  The wealthy have enough cash to handle anything thrown at them and enough ways to hide money that it never gets taken from them.

47% of the country hates our constitution and 2% are above the constitution.

The top 2% and bottom 47%  don't give a crap about the normal everyday family guy.  Think about it.

The bottom 47% live off of our tax dollars and the top 2% live off of the profits me make them.  All legislation that goes through congress is in favor of one of those two groups getting more power or money from us.

Why do you think that they pass laws and regulations that increase our retirement age and strip us from our retirement finances? Because they need us working 24/7.  They need our money.  Everyone needs the labor or wages of the middle class except of course the middle class (according to them).

And what do we get in return?  Crappy schools, bad infrastructure, corrupt elections, over regulation of our lives, spied on by our government, robbed of health care, foreclosed houses and the restriction of our speech etc...  Sounds good doesn't it?

God forbid someone wanted to say "Merry Christmas", put up a Christmas tree, drink a large coke, eat meat or drive the car you want.  Hell no. Those actions would destroy the world right?   One more large coke and the world as we know it is over.

Tell me again how we are a free people and I will laugh in your face at your ignorance.  Wake up lemmings.  We are getting F'd with no Vaseline.  We aren't even getting a kiss on the cheek or thank you when they are done because they are too busy thinking of new ways to F you.

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Collapse of Civilization

Anyone else look at the headlines today and wonder how the hell we are still up and running?  We are not generation X or Y etc.. no, we are generation RIP. Freedoms being robbed, slaughters and executions taking place in public, rape mobs etc.. WTF people?

What happened to people that wanted to enjoy life, raise a family, travel and give back?  How would a Zombie Apocalypse be any worst than this?  

2.  Executions and AK-47's overtaking Detroit.
6.  Government using cameras to issue false tickets to raise money.
7.  Freedom to eat while driving is a thing of the past
8.  Government refuses to set record straight with the families of those that were murdered and raped in Benghazi 
10.  You are being watched by Big Brother more than you think.

For each criminal action there is an action taken to take away freedom from the rest of society.  Government must protect your feelings at all costs right?

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Cold Blooded Belcher

Kansas City Chiefs linebacker Jovan Belcher spent night with other woman before murder-suicide -

People that defended this Murderer, felt sorry for him or try to blame guns for this crime are eating their words today.  This drunk cheating bastard isn't deserving of a single fuck given about him.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

The Whitlock Agenda - "gun culture"

Grandstanding and tragedy poaching at its finest

Jason Whitlock takes this opportunity to slam the 2nd amendment instead of the mentality of a murderer.  The mention of a "gun culture" is ignorant and distracts from the real issues that took place yesterday.  WTF is a gun culture?  

  • Is Belchers gun ownership the reason their was a dispute between the two?
  • Is Belchers gun ownership the reason he handled conflicts violently?
  • Is Belchers gun ownership the reason he couldn't hand his inner demons correctly?

The answer is NO.  It is easy to blame gun ownership instead of blaming the way he was raised, coached, taught, chemically made up etc.. Do we blame Ford for drunk drivers?  Banks for robbery?  Gates BBQ for Whitlocks fatness?

Personal responsibility has to come in to play at some point doesn't it?

And lets not forget that Whitlocks favorite music label is the local label, Strange Music.  It's not a big secret that the label is made up of Blood gang member and received its initial funding from the gang.

Update From New York Post
"It didn’t help that he was drinking every day and taking painkillers while dealing with the effects of debilitating head injuries, the friend said."

But I am sure that the fact that he owned a gun was the reason he drank all the time and abused prescription drugs...

Saturday, December 01, 2012

In a KC Minute

Death is around every corner and nobody is immune to it.  

100 murders, neighborhoods that are war zones, kids sleeping in bath tubs to avoid drive by shootings, growing gang membership and your daily mystery body found in a park.  Those things are only worth 60 secs on TV and 2 paragraphs on page 5 of the local paper.   

Football player MURDERS his girlfriend and kills himself and the whole city takes note.  Lets face it, if this was done by anyone else NONE of you would give 2 shits about the story.  

This city is developing a whole culture of murder, what makes this guy immune to it?  His job?

The KC Bloggregator

 The KC Bloggregator 

New site to check out for those of you that follow local bloggers.