Tuesday, September 24, 2013

JOCO PD's are not ready

After decades of serving as nothing more than revenue collectors and prostitution raiders it is safe to say that the Police Departments in JOCO aren't ready to handle the violent crime that comes with a growing and diverse community (except for the Lenexa PD, they are the elite exception).

For the past 10 years the north side apartment complexes have been transformed into housing projects with little mention made to the general public.  Residents that have lived in these areas have seen their property values ruined, schools decay and violence increase, again with little to no mention of it by community leaders.

Instead of controlling the high crime areas in our county our "leaders" feel that it is better for law enforcement to write as many tickets as possible so that they can pad their pockets and repave the same roads 100 times over and over.  Instead of training our police departments on crime fighting they have turned them into armed meter maids.

So should we be surprised when people end up murdered in one of our special apartment complexes?  Hell, the cops probably gave the corpse a ticket for loitering.

Friday, September 20, 2013

KC DOUCHEBAGS of the day

1.  David W. GuthKU professor that hopes that NRA members have their kids shot. This tool is a perfect example of what is wrong with our University system. Parents spend 10's of thousands of dollars a year to send their kids to become educated by these douches without knowing what is being taught to them. Now that this asshole has been exposed I think that we should all question anyone with a J degree from KU and their ability to be fair.

2.  Hickman Mills students for attacking their teachers. Public school kids that attack their teachers need to be expelled so that tax dollars aren't wasted on them and their disruptive behaviors. Let them take their chances on the streets since they are such bad ass's

3.  Sprint for laying off another 100+ employees.

4.  Metro residents that stood in line overnight in the rain to buy a new iphone that is basically like the old iphone and the iphone before that one and the next one.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Democrats Piss all over American Heros

Spitting on Their Graves: Democrats Leave Benghazi Hearing Before Testimony From Families of Victims - Katie Pavlich 

What a bunch of freaking cowards.  If any of these idiots are reelected it will prove that America is lost.


Bill Clinton's ex-lover: Hillary is bisexual | The Daily Caller 

According to this story it appears that Hillary Clinton likes to have sex with men too.  Who knew?  

KC Douchebags of the day


An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intelligence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.

1.  The idiot that didn't know how to handle the cement truck in South OP this morning and
closed down 135th and Metcalf

2.  Jay Nixon for agreeing to meet with the man who is single handedly ruining our country.

3.  The douchebags from Philadelphia sports talk radio that were on with Soren Petro today.   Anyone that listened to these two idiots now understand how fortunate we are to have people like Petro on the air in KC.

4.  PV City leaders for attempting to make all of their buildings exempt from the states concealed carry laws.  These morons obviously haven't noticed that ALL of the mass shootings that have happened in this country HAVE happened in gun free zones. DOUCHE BAGS

Andrew Wiggins - Never Before Seen Footage

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

KC DOUCHE's of the day

1.  Ned Yost for his crappy use of the bullpen last night.
2.  Psycho attention seeking whore in OP that was involved in a police standoff this morning
3.  KCMO school leaders who are seeking partial accreditation when 60% of their students drop out.
4.  People that live in a part of town where people get killed daily that attended a funeral for a freaking deer.