Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Due to the recent ruling against me and the threat of jail time unless I comply with their ruling I am officially mothballing this site.  It will remain up so that
future projects including podcasting etc.. can refer back to some of the classics but there will be zero new content coming from here (besides the Judge ordered post). 

Most of those post was satire and occurred at a point in my life in which I now realize was some of the most miserable of my existence.  I was truly unhappy and it is now that I feel free and happy despite my financial ruin and the constant harassment I receive from the ex.  Even with one eye, cancer, zero money, constant head pain and memory loss from my motorcycle accident and my kids being brainwashed and being used as a bargaining chip against me I am happier now that I have been since 2012.  The only thing missing is honestly my children.

So with that, the new content will focus on where I am now etc.. instead of the negativity that brought me into my situation. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Joyner Lucas - I'm Not Racist

Case Lost in JOCO COURTS

So today was my 1st amendment case and well as you can see by the number of posts regarding the judge that remain I was told to remove them or face 2 days in jail!

There will also be a statement posted from the courts on this blog in the upcoming days that I must keep up for the duration of the case...

If you are a blogger in JOCO let this case serve as your warning that your speech is not protected.


Friday, February 08, 2019

Lenexa Cops Kick Ass - OP Police....Not so much

I just got done reading yet another story of how Lenexa Law Enforcement
stepped up and made the people of JOCO proud.  This time they stopped a human trafficker during a traffic stop!

Take a bow LENEXA PD!

In the meantime, OP cops are more than happy to assist you or your spouse with suicide by cop, letting illegals lose to kill sheriff deputies and of course the shooting of teenagers! 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Dreams Crushed in North Overland Park

For the past 15 years, people in Overland Park have wondered what would take the place of Metcalf South.  Would it be a huge park?  How about an area like Prarie Fire or Park Place?   Maybe a retailer that the area doesn't have will move into the area to draw traffic to the area (see IKEA).  Sports fields? Arena? Corporate HQ Campus? 


Have you driven by the area?  What a damn joke.  Right across the street from it is a freaking HOME DEPOT so the area really doesn't need a new hardware store let alone a hardware store that already has several locations in the area.  Has anyone honestly ever felt like they were neglected by the number of hardware stores in the area?

JOCOians that have grown up in the area have been hoodwinked, bamboozled and completely let down by the city planner that allowed for this to happen.  Can anyone in this area get anything right when a mall gets torn down?  Remember the MISSION MALL disaster?  They will go from Aquariums, hotels and multiuse to a freaking Walmart,  Bank of America and Starbucks, just you watch and see.  

BUT that is all North JOCO and doesn't really matter to those of us South of  127th street!  They wouldn't dare let some crappy redevelopment/development happen in our precious land of Blue Valley.  Hell Walmart made their store brick just to move in and that was 15 years ago.   

If you drive out our way you would swear that you were in a different city than OP and if you like it out here, good luck trying to buy a house because prices have gone up so much that a starter house goes for $250K.   

So let them destroy Downtown OP, put a museum in a freaking bowling alley and tear down a landmark and replace it with a Lowes based shopping center.  Let the idiots get all of their bad ideas out of their system before they come out my way.  The only blighted shopping area left is Rosana Square and that is on, oh crap 119th street!!!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Information age = Self Destruction of Society

All my life I have always heard and believed that information is power. I have witnessed this several times, whether it be in combat tactics or business.

Having said that... Since we are in what is called the INFORMATION AGE it appears that people are not capable of consuming, reacting or processing this new power.

The country is more divided by income and politics, racial issues, more copycat acts of violence, less focus on those in need locally and more focus on countries and problems that have nothing to do with the outcome of your own community....

Now combine all of that POWER/Information with all of these new mind-altering drugs that have come out in conjunction and WTF do you expect? Peace? Harmony? HAHA! We get bullets, bombs, rapes, suicides, overdoses and broken families.