Thursday, October 22, 2020

Pulled from the scrap heap

After consulting with several attorneys that specialize in media publications and my mutt, I have decided to make a come back into the blogging world.  I have gone back through and edited most of my political posts from the past 12 years because well, none of that crap even matters as of Jan1 of 2020. 

This country has become one hot dumpster fire on the verge of a civil war.  Death, beatings,
unemployment and corruption have made life inside the 50 states unbearable.  Who here hasn't had their lives turn upside down?  That might be the only thing that we have in common with one another today.  

Some ask, how the Fuck did this happen and look confused as if they were completely unaware and did not themselves participate.  The answer, social media.  The world is now controlled by pandering Blue Check marks and clout chasing posers trying to one up their most woke neighbor, or neighbor 1000 miles away that they have never met.  Before social media you couldn't hide in your basement and light the country on fire with your rhetoric, you had to do that shit face to face.  This made SMART people measure their words and idiots stand out.  

Truth hurts at times and it seems that a lot of folks would rather silence the truth than deal with it head on (I went through this shit when I took this blog back online when I was getting screwed with by people wishing to silence the truth I was speaking).  It is never the facts that come into play but instead people of unlimited power and influence personal desire to divide and silence their minions.  If you think these people care about you, keep the wool over your eyes and let the country and those that you care about suffer. 

Daily Struggles

Tuesday, May 14, 2019


Due to the recent ruling against me and the threat of jail time unless I comply with their ruling I am officially mothballing this site.  It will remain up so that
future projects including podcasting etc.. can refer back to some of the classics but there will be zero new content coming from here (besides the Judge ordered post). 

Most of those post was satire and occurred at a point in my life in which I now realize was some of the most miserable of my existence.  I was truly unhappy and it is now that I feel free and happy despite my financial ruin and the constant harassment I receive from the ex.  Even with one eye, cancer, zero money, constant head pain and memory loss from my motorcycle accident and my kids being brainwashed and being used as a bargaining chip against me I am happier now that I have been since 2012.  The only thing missing is honestly my children.

So with that, the new content will focus on where I am now etc.. instead of the negativity that brought me into my situation. 

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Joyner Lucas - I'm Not Racist

Case Lost in JOCO COURTS

So today was my 1st amendment case and well as you can see by the number of posts regarding the judge that remain I was told to remove them or face 2 days in jail!

There will also be a statement posted from the courts on this blog in the upcoming days that I must keep up for the duration of the case...

If you are a blogger in JOCO let this case serve as your warning that your speech is not protected.


Friday, February 08, 2019

Lenexa Cops Kick Ass - OP Police....Not so much

I just got done reading yet another story of how Lenexa Law Enforcement
stepped up and made the people of JOCO proud.  This time they stopped a human trafficker during a traffic stop!

Take a bow LENEXA PD!

In the meantime, OP cops are more than happy to assist you or your spouse with suicide by cop, letting illegals lose to kill sheriff deputies and of course the shooting of teenagers!