Monday, August 01, 2022

Is the JOCO vote Secure?

 We read about the dopey Sherriff discussing ongoing investigations into the 2020
election a couple of weeks ago, but we haven't heard anything since he was exposed.  Every news website is discussing just how big the election in Kansas is tomorrow and we can not get closure on 2022 yet????? 

I seriously doubt there was any tampering etc.. The evidence was fictitious, the spokespeople lacked credibility and the charges were made by little girls and boys that got all in their feelings about politicians that couldn't give 2 shits about them after election day.  


Why so silent???????  You just know that this is going to come up from the losing side tomorrow.  I could write the headlines now from the left or right point of view.  This shit is telegraphed.  

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Jim Florentine Prank Call Best of Compilation Part 1

Group Home - Supa Star

Robert Plant - Big Log

Them/They Gardner Schools

Gardner school district to discuss if guys can hang out in the girl's
locker room and if girls can hang out in the guy's locker room.  

I can not believe that the loophole that could exist hasn't been exploited by kids in school that does not consider themselves trans (which is 99.9% of the population).  You just know that there is a smartass kid at school just waiting to catch a glimpse of the cheerleaders changing with this excuse in hand.  

Friday, July 22, 2022

Mayor Lucas is an idiot

 He honestly believes that illegal guns are the fault of the people making guns
Yes, that is right.  This guy is looking to blame anyone/everyone but himself for the spike in KCMO violence and it makes us all look extremely bad.  Pretty soon, our idiot will be mentioned in the same breath as the moron running Chicago.  

All these Kansas election stories right before Aug 2

There sure seem to be an awful lot of stories regarding the integrity of Kansas votes ahead of the "big vote" on Aug 2.  I do not believe in coincidences, and neither should you.  Is there now enough doubt in the minds of both parties that neither side will be satisfied with the results?

Consider the timing of everything and then look at who is leaking the information, making rulings etc... before you react to headlines.  Basically, do your homework before you turn into some lunatic that wants to torch towns or storm capital buildings.

This is your PSA for the day.  

Gary Clark Jr - This Land

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Joco Power Grid Can't Take The Heat

 At least the power outage happened in a place where little if any actual work happens in the county.  

KC Mayor Wastes Time for Bogust July 21 Celebration

 Seriously?  The Mayor of KCMO just made July 21st a holiday for something
that NOBODY in town even knew existed

WHO THE HELL ARE THE PIONEERS?  Yeah, I asked the same question.  It turns out that despite our inability to find a tenant for the Sprint Center we were able to land a prestigious Esports team.  Yes, video game nerds.  

I am sure that you have checked out their fan shop for gifts or seen people sporting Pioneer jerseys and hats right???? 

Sure it's fine that some nerds formed a "team" and play video games together BUT does the freaking mayor need to celebrate them like this?

What a waste of freaking time, energy, and a day in July

Right now there is a Dungeons and Dragons club probably submitting paperwork for July 22nd.  

Pic of the Day - Going Green