Sunday, December 09, 2007


This weekend was further proof as to why being a "weather person" in Kansas City is the easiest job in the country. I mean where else can you get away with blowing EVERY forecast. Katie Horner was telling people on Friday to stock up at the grocery store, Lezak said it wouldn't happen until Saturday night. BOTH WERE WRONG.

This caused my Saturday Morning trip to Hen House to be a royal pain in the ass. Not only was the storm not holding up until Saturday Night (nice call Gary) but the grocery store was completely out of carts and the lines were backed up to the back of the store (thanks Katie). I am sick of people calling these two the best in town. NEVER are they right and in Katies case they cause more harm than good with the panic they cause.

Horner may be the worst person to live in this city since Bob Berdella.