Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Seriously, nowhere in this story is there a quote from someone saying Gas Fairy, nowhere. I would say that this story involves two dumb ass's. The guy that hit the wrong button at the gas station and the moron that wrote that headline.

Is this paper actually worst than the star??


After reading this story I plan on littering the whole way home. This local extremist group wants to tell you how to live, what to buy and what temperature your home home should be set at and yes they want to take away your bottled water. They have been trained by the opportunist ALGORE and are dead set on pushing their religion on you.

How can you trust a group that has this as the first sentence on their website" Yes, we like trees a lot; but it's community that we hug". WTF! STAY AWAY! It gets worst.... Job titles for this group include Earth Day coordinator and Heartland tree alliance coordinator. If you thought those titles were bad, the photos and bios of the people that hold these positions would be better used at a West Bottoms haunted house.

You have been warned!




It must be, because I am pretty sure that someone catches a beat down at least once a day in this neighborhood.

But if you have the time you have got to follow the link. The video reporting by the star has got to be the crappiest form of news media to ever hit the metro. They have voices made for writing, it's just too bad they don't have the talent for that either.


Good news for the people of the Metro's Sadr city, you will be getting 30 more cops! This is a step in the right direction for a city that desperately needs help.

It would of been a better step if they didn't say that they were targeting certain sex's and ethnic backgrounds. What are the chances that they are targeting the Irish when they say that?


1. 2 for 1 night at the Wax Factory in KCK.

2. I don't know what is more disturbing in this story. Is it the fact that someone is "Mushroom Hunting" or the fact that he found a dead body? I am going to go out on a limb and say that Mushroom Hunting MIGHT not be the most manly of hunts.

3. KSHB report teaches you a resourceful way to save at the pump.

4. Is this inspection REALLY necessary? That would be like the guy in story #2 calling a doctor to verify that the corpse he found is dead. This inspection is going to be a sham and will do nothing more that further empower the fools at the KCMO school board.

5. Crybaby story about the treatment of this guys dog makes news?

6. I just heard two nut job women from this group say that NO underage sex was taking place there.....OOPS!

7. South Side Chicago violent crime continues.

8. India takes class warfare to a new level.

9. Could this be the horniest teacher on the planet? This chick has now been arrested 3 times for giving private tutoring sessions on sex ed. " Ragusa had gone to the teen's house to discuss the criminal case but wound up in bed with him, police said."

10. Paula Abdul is a dumb ass. Not exactly live, late breaking news here.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Jeremiah Wright is unoriginal

I KNEW that I had heard that "chickens have come home to roost" line used when slamming America before. Malcom X (great movie by the way) used it when describing the assassination of JFK.


Today I witnessed a scene out of Better Off Dead except this time it involved adults. It was an argument over $2, but to listen to the guy DEMANDING his $2 from the cashier you would of thought it was over $2,000.

I pulled into the Shell Station off of Roe this afternoon to grab another 24oz Monster drink to help me combat the allergy medicine I am taking and noticed a line that wrapped around the counter. I grabbed my drink and started hearing yelling and screaming coming from the front. The first thing that came to my mind was that some idiot was complaining about gas prices and blaming the cashier for him having to pay $1.60 more than last week to fill up his tank, I was wrong.

As I got closer to the situation I noticed the man with a lottery ticket in his hand. Did he win big? No, he won a FREE TICKET but the moron thought he won an additional $2 on top of it. I asked the guy in front of me how long he had been waiting and he said almost 10 minutes. I couldn't believe that an argument over $2 could last over 2 minutes.

Just as it was about to get violent a cop walked in the door and the dude left. Hilarious.



1. Blame yourself for not pushing congress to allow for more drilling in the United States.
2. Blame yourself for making it impossible to open a new refinery due to EPA regulations and the not in my backyard syndrome. Next time you see a tree hugging save the polar bear dolphin free tuna birkenstock organic green peace moron punch him in the gut.
3. Blame yourself for allowing the government to tax the hell out of it.
4. Blame yourself for driving all over town looking for low gas prices, burning up evenmore gas in the process.
5. Blame yourself for living far from work.
6. Blame yourself for buying an SUV and not thinking of the gas mileage. These are the same idiots that got Adjustable Rate Mortgages and the same idiots that buy a huge house and cant afford furniture.
7. Blame yourself for not riding the bus, but being in favor of mass transit
8. Blame yourself for continuing to pay the high prices.
9. Blame yourself for being bamboozled by a bunch of farmers from Iowa regarding Ethanol.
10. Blame yourself before you start bitching and wasting my time.