Wednesday, July 09, 2008


I just read this little article on KSHB's site regarding the Kansas City beautiful competition and couldn't help but think "how about the opposite"? Seriously, we have all seen photos of the same statues, fountains and shuttle cocks for years, not much has changed, BUT what about KCMO's most blighted areas? Why is there no top ten list for this?

So over the next few weeks I will be taking photos of KC's top 10 blighted areas (in my mind) and posting them on the blog. If you have suggestions feel free to send the info my way.


1. Does anyone go to Swope Park without a gun? I am sure there is a simple explanation as to why this guy was shooting at cars from the park. The kicker of this is that the Female officer FROZE and allowed this guy to shoot 3 cars before the calvary came in and dropped him. NICE JOB outta her.

2. A weekday that ends with a "Y" typically has at least one shooting in the East Side.

3. Nothing beats a Chevy for day care in the East Side.

4. I forget what this story was about.

5. The Phelps KLAN is at it again, this time the victim is a dead pregnant soldier. Classy bunch.

6. A Chappelle skit that has come to life. Yet another reason to avoid public transportation.

7. It is good to see that the deadliest city in America has its priorities right. New Orleans almost makes KCMO look like JOCO, almost.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


1. Health - This past week was nearly pain free. They have finally found a medicine that helps me get through the rough spots so I am hoping to be back to normal soon.

2. Cyclist - I had a cyclist pull out in front of me while on my motorcycle this past weekend. I couldn't freaking believe it. When the idiot realized what he was about to do he nearly wrecked in the middle of Renner. These idiots have no business on the road.

3. 4th of July - The one downfall that comes with living in the dome is the nazi like ban of fireworks that every city has. I don't understand why the government must pass laws to protect the stupid. It should be every JOCOians right to blow up their fingers and lose an eye at the expense of shotty chinese gunpowder. Someone asked me how it is legal in KCK & KCMO and I had to explain to them that those communities couldn't prevent gunfire and therefore had no chance at stopping a bottle rocket.

4. Voting- For some reason I have been asked more this election than those in the past as to who I am voting for. The reply "Not for Obama". I am not a McCain fan but the thought of an elitist socialist in the white house scares the hell out of me. Even a senile moderate is better than the other clown.

5. Golden Retrievers - We adopted a 4 year old golden retriever a couple of weeks ago. I was pretty excited to have a big active dog but she may be the laziest coward of a big dog on the planet. She is a great family dog but not exactly what I was expecting.

6. The Olympics - Is anyone going to watch tape delayed sports that they wouldn't otherwise watch at any other time of year?

7. Call of Duty4 - Yes I am still playing this game, it is like crack, I can't stop. I dig the fact that due to X-Box live you can be cussed at in several different languages after you win. I highly recommend parents that will be sending their kids to KCK or KCMO public schools to buy this game for their kids. I can't think of a better way to prepare them for what they will soon be facing.

8. BBQ - Anyone else think that Kansas City BBQ is overrated? With a few exceptions the majority of BBQ joints in this town are garbage. Memphis BBQ is far superior to anything that we have in the metro.

9. Retail Developments- With the slow down of the economy you can count on more blight to come to North OP. With all of the new developments going in south of 119th street, N. OP isn't going to stand a chance competing for JOCO $$ with the exceptions of Targets and Wal-Mart.

10. Blog - I Just hit 1000 posts. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing.


How did this thing(racist comic book) get by the Wal-Mart Nazis? It will be interesting to see how this turns out.


Vacation time is over and not much has changed in the metro.

1. KCK never lets me down in the quick hits section and last nights murder is no exception.

2. Drunk plaza guy falls from his 2nd story balcony, and it is news?

3. You never know what you will catch when fishing in the Mo river.

4. About 6 or 7 months ago I mentioned that states would pass tougher legislation against illegals than anything that the feds were proposing and I was right. Adios amigos.

5. Are kids safer on the streets than with their families in the East side?

6. KCMO prepares to flush $3 million down the drain for failed vine district.

7. Apple stores are coming to Leawood.................

Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Darla Jaye is moving to nights and Glenn Beck is taking her spot. I have been listening to Beck for a couple of years now (XM)and he is by far the best radio host in the nation.


Tonight on HDNET they are broadcasting the Karate Kid in HD. Once you have seen Daniel catch a fly with chopsticks in HD, you will never want to watch it any other way.


Have you ever noticed that most mass murderers and serial killers are white? This guy continues the trend.


This article by Forbes is surely going to piss off all the haters in the Metro. For some reason blight, gang violence, crappy schools, decaying infrastructure and last place sports teams didn't help other local communities. Weird huh?

Life in the dome is good.




The recent madness by the incompetent school board proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that this group needs to be dismantled. Parents and students in that district need to protest and boycott this supposed educational system until the board is wiped out. If protesting and threats of a lockout are ok for the NEA to use, then how about the students? Why the hell should they be forced to attend schools that fail that are headed up by corrupt and shady uncaring idiots?

Where the city and state have failed the voices of the community and youth can prevail.


As we approach Independence day it is a good time to remember that the greatest threat to your personal freedoms is the religion of earth and its cause needing followers. These extremist will stop at nothing until you do as they say, live how they want and earn what they think is fair. So enjoy the freedoms you currently have because who knows how independent you will actually be next year.

1. Flooding is now due to global warming....

2. Will the wackos disregard the volcanoes erupting under the ice? Of course they will...

3. Liberal policies are now forcing women to utilize the "ass for gas" tactic.

4. The high price of gas is causing a liberal strong hold to close 600 stores. Where will the skim milk drinking hippies go to discuss how crappy America is?

5. Liberals in congress love the fact that gas prices are going up so why would they attempt to do something?

6. It didn't take long for Insurance companies to start using the "global warming" hoax to jack up your rates.


What the hell is this crap? We are one nation, not two or three or four and we have one National Anthem. This freelancing crap has got to go. I was not aware that there was a country called "black" that had there own anthem.