Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

White Kids for Sale

Does anyone in the freaking country believe that these two WT hillbillies didn't have something to do with their baby missing?  HELL NO and how could you.  There are more holes in their story than in the side of an East Side Caprice.  

Lets just hope for the babies sake that these two idiots didn't do any bodily harm to the kid and that they sold her.  Let's face it, the kid is probably better off living somewhere else than with these two incompetent lying pieces of soiled WT.  

#ows picture of the day

Headline of the Day

Woman Sues After Sex Toy Causes Pain, Bleeding

Dealing with Hangovers

For those of you that drink to much Cisco and Thunderbird over the weekend.

1.  Top 5 Breakfasts to help you get through the morning after.
2.  CNN gives you hangover food from around the world.  
3.  25 Best Foods for hangover -
4.  Hangover cures from Serious
5.  How to deal with your sloppy drunk hungover ass.
6. (that's a business mag for all of you #ows douches) has ten quick fixes.
7.  11 solutions to ease the pain of a hangover - Mens Health