Friday, March 02, 2012

Jack Smacked Upside the Head

It is no secret that this blog has long believed that Jack Harry is an epic douche bag for his ignorant rants and sky is falling reporting.  Well, now the rest of you are witnessing it as well with Jack Harry's breakdown and tantrum over people being critical of him.  Funny isn't it?  A guy that makes a living out of false claims, name calling and baseless allegations acting like a teenager once he gets it thrown back in his face thanks to social media.

Old people shouldn't be allowed to drive and they damn sure shouldn't be allowed to do sports.

Thanks to Voice of Merrill for the lead.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Merit Badges that make sense

Almost Daily Link Blast

Ruining Americas productivity 1 link at a time.

1.  Ron Burgandy Not.  Ross Shimabuku's dumb ass comments about Patrick get him suspended.  
2.  I picked the Midway Arcade app the other day and love it.  
3.  Floating villages can be more than trailer parks on a flood plane. 
4.  SEX PHOBIAS - 10 of the weirdest 
7.  The only thing left that can get Max B out of Prison before 2042 is an accurate Myan calendar.
8.  Bad Luck = Having an airplane drop its load of shit on your head. NY
13.  Selling sex lube is easy, especially when you don't know you are doing it.
14.  Do you live in one of the happiest states in America?  Kansas #7
15.  National Lampoons Remake is on the way.  
16.  He-Man porn was a possibility 

Terrestrial Radio is Doomed

Great article regarding the dismal future of terrestrial radio in this country.  Of course those of us that live in Kansas City have known this for the past 5 years.

Windows 8.

I have a strict rule that I follow when it comes to new technology, wait a year after the product comes out and then purchase it.  Thank god I didn't shell out the money for Windows 7 when it is all ready obsolete.  $200 for an upgrade ain't cheap.

1.  5 Great Features of  Windows 8.
2.  Can your PC handle Windows 8 ?
3.  8 million people downloaded the preview in one day.
4.  Download the preview here

Ron Swanson for President

How can you disagree with his value system?

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Buck Compton

Sad news for those of us that love Band of Brothers.  

Occupy KC is still around?

This is the perfect example of the "if a tree falls in the woods" question 

Occupy Kansas City, MO:, 703-477-9434
Occupy Portland, OR:, 503-208-6775
Occupy Wall Street, NYC:, 347-292-1444

Occupy Kansas City Takes Direct Action to Protect Voting Rights and Fight Corporate Influence in State and National Politics

70 Cities Nationwide Stand up to Corporate Greed and ALEC

National Day of Action to Resist the Selling Out of the 99%
On February 29th, concerned citizens, students, and occupiers in Kansas City, Missouri and over seventy US cities , including Occupy Wall Street (NYC), are standing up to the corporations and legislators involved in American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). The biggest corporations in America, including AT&T, ExxonMobil, Peabody Coal, Bank of America, BP, Monsanto, Pfizer, and Wal-Mart use ALEC to buy off legislators and craft legislation that puts corporate profit over the well-being of ordinary people. Here in Missouri, legislative members of ALEC - in the Missouri Senate and House - are advancing an anti-democratic bill (HB 1104) that is a direct assault on the voting rights of people of color, the poor, elderly, and students. These same Missouri legislative members of ALEC are also pushing a bill to attack undocumented workers (SB 590) and overhaul workplace protections against discrimination (SB 592).

ALEC members in Missouri, corporate and political, have hijacked our democracy and are attacking the civil and working rights of the 99%. They are attempting to turn the Missouri state motto - “The welfare of the people shall be the supreme law” - on its head .

This assault on the 99% will not go unchallenged here in Kansas City. In response to a national call from Occupy Portland, this will be the Occupy Movement’s largest coordinated action this year and will confront ALEC corporations in the cities in which they do business throughout the nation.

“ALEC is attacking the rights of the 99% to vote. They’re trying to put in place an unnecessary barrier to our right to vote,”said Melissa Stiehler of Occupy Kansas City. “We’re here to remind our legislators that voting is a right, not a privilege."

ALEC is comprised of state and federal government legislators and many of America’s biggest corporations. In ALEC task-forces and committees, lobbyists work directly with legislators to draft and advance cookie-cutter “model” bills that serve the interests of the corporations rather than people. ALEC is responsible for some of the most anti-democratic, repressive, and discriminatory legislation to pass through the halls of government.Wisconsin Act 10, attacking public employee unions, mirrors ALEC’s anti-union agenda and was introduced by Governor Scott Walker, an ALEC member from 1993-2002. Arizona’s widely criticized Racial Profiling bill (SB1070) also has roots in ALEC model legislation.

“SB 590 is an attack on every child’s right to an education. Missouri State Senator, Will Kraus and Kansas Secretary of State, Kris Kobach want to scare immigrant families away from our schools and out of our communities. Our message to them is that we are all the 99%,” said Jeremy Al-Haj of Occupy Kansas City.

Occupy Kansas City will be rallying at the Feltcher Daniels State Office Building at 4:00 PM and marching on a corporate ALEC member. Activists will place tents and occupy the corporation’s property to protest voter suppression, anti-immigrant legislation, and other attacks on the 99%. A coalition of trade unions, faith-based organizations, and human rights advocates will be participating in the event.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Picture of the day


Those of us that live in JOCO need to heads a little lower today.  It turns out that we are no longer one of the wealthiest counties in the United States and can not be considered a county of 1%ers.   It turns out that we are nothing more than the tallest midget, the highest jumping white guy etc... of the counties in the metro.

We needn't look any further than Roeland Park, Merriam, Fairway and West Olathe for our recent demise.  It is time that we strongly consider removing these burdens from our county charter so that we can once again be the elitist that we deserve to be.