Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Voter ID

Get rid of all the things that do require ID and I will be all for not needing ID to vote but it can't be one and not the other.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Almost Daily Link Blast

Because watching teachers do porn is not all there is to the internet 

1.  All the new specs for the Ipad 3 are out.  Buy me one and I will be your friend.
2.  There isn't a single place on the net that you are safe, including PINTREST
3.  Abortions are now $25 and available in vending machines.
4.  25 Awesome ways to execute people.  BRING THEM BACK
5.  Paula Dean is being accused of Racism.
6.  12 Burritos big enough to feed KC Fatties 
7.  Remember when you could disappear.  Well these are the inventions that ruined that.
8.  6 ways to pick up neglected JOCO housewives at Nick & Jakes
9.  Disney is PRO fat kid.
10.  10 Sales tricks you dumb ass's keep falling for.
11.  Ramen that you can't buy in America
12.  66 Hottest athletes in the world
13.  Mother and Daughter strip club acts??????????????? 

KC Fatties Be Proud

Jayhawks and Tigers aren't the only teams making the Top 25.  KC is ranked one of the TOP 25 fattest cities in the World. 

Tiffany Six is - Stacie Halas is - Science Teacher of the year

Not only is this woman a great Science Teacher, she also is a great tipper!

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Headline of the Day

Holy Crap!

Married with Children Revisited - Pic of the day

McCaskill Scams the Lemmings

If you are one of the lemmings that went to this elitists website to vote against/for Rush then you have been scammed.  This opportunist is playing off of your ignorance in order to fund her struggling campaign for reelection due to her terrible voting record.  

When have you ever had to fill out all of the information to simply vote for an online poll?  She is simply putting together a mailing list to get money from you.  That is all this is, nothing more, nothing less.

Let us not forget that rather than calling someone a name she CALLED FOR VIOLENCE against non democrats.    

Slut Fluke Pics - The best of

I have had a ton of emails sent to me with pics regarding Sandra Fluke and thought I would share with you some of my favorites so far.
For the record, here is my take on this subject

1.  It is every woman's right to be a slut, whore and skank.
2.  In most cases we (men) encourage this behavior and have no problem with it.
3.  Sandra Fluke has the right to birth control, in fact I hope that the never reproduces.  
4.  In no way is the government suppose to step in and force people to fund the choices of others.
5.  In no way is the government suppose to dictate to "da church" what it is and isn't suppose to do.
6.  Refer back to rule 1.

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Almost Daily Link Blast

Because politics all the time is bad for your health

1.  Finding Jesus is easier than you think.
2.  20 people that loved eating people
3.  If you have one of these 10 medical syndromes then you are a freak
4.  8 hairstyles on women and what guys think of them.  (yes the femullet is mentioned)
5.  This Chinese reality show needs to make it to America - The Execution Factor
6.  Limbaugh apologizes to slut for calling her what she is
7.  TSA agents like Milf breasts
8.  Spam turns 75 and nobody cares.
9.  7 best HS parties in movie history 
10.  Obama likes gay men that have a big weapon 
11.  Rednecks go Green

Picture of the Day

The Wire - The JV steps up this weekend

Can KCK make 2012 their year?  Can't they let KCMO have anything?  

1.  2 dead and a freaking BABY wounded in shitsville.  And what the hell is a 16 year old doing at that apartment with a 21 year old???
2.  KCMO is getting soft!  Back in the day (2 weeks ago) there is noway that this would of ended peacefully. 
3. 2 more fine upstanding residents were gunned down by what were surely a couple of silly kids. 
4.  When robbing a Church's chicken it is important to wear your best coat.
5.  Who knew that drug dealers made crappy parents?  KCK again. 
6.  KCK man didn't realize that Kyle James is the only person in the metro that can get away with smakin ho's