Wednesday, November 19, 2014

What a Joke we have become

This country has officially hit it's lowest point since I have been alive.  It barely resembles the country that I thought I lived in.  Power hungry politicians have done what terrorists, communist and Axis powers were not able to do, destroy America.

The baby boomer generation will go down as the worst in the history of this country.  I can't wait for them all to get old and us not have money for their social security.

Sunday, November 09, 2014

Marches, Candles, Slogans and Teddy Bears

Instead of actually stepping up and assisting the police Kansas City fights crime with marches,
candles, slogans and teddy bears.  What a joke this city has become when it comes to inner city crime.  Is there nobody in these shit hole neighborhoods that is willing to man up and help the police departments track down these child killers?

The people that organize these marches etc.. would be better off using their time and energy to organize neighborhood watches, teaching their kids that it is OK to talk to the police and to teach parents that their actions effect the lives of their children.  These kids didn't ask to be born into a life of drive by shootings and street executions and their communities need to do more than light some flippin candles to remember their lives.

This crap has been going on for 30 years or so and has any of their symbolic gestures done an ounce of good?  The answer is obvious.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014

America Wakes the F up

Judging by the results of tonights election I think it is safe to say that America has rejected the policies of liberal socialist in this country.  6 years of Obama (2 of which he had both houses in congress) was more than enough for America.  

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Picture of the Day

Liberal Suckage in the News

The only life form lower than a cockroach is a liberal.  

1.  Illinois corrupt voting machines aren't a surprise to anyone that has been paying attention for the
past 70 years.
2.  Obama prepares to piss all over our constitution after the election after the election.
3.  White House tries to cover up the fact that amnesty is on its way
4.  The First Transvestite, Michelle, tries to divide America even further.
5.  Blackmail from black residents of Saint Louis.  They want blood even if the guy is innocent.  Gentle Giant my ass.  That is just like Trayvon being Obamas son.
6.  Only a Liberal would try to pull of this crap.

Monday, October 06, 2014

Almost Daily Link Blast

Because you suck at searching the internet for anything but porn.

2. “unfamiliarity” with bathrooms .  Yes this is 2014
3.  CNN Liberal Elitist exposed for their poor treatment of employees
4.  How to treat Swamp Ass.
5. Men and Porn: An Introduction | The Art of Manliness
7. American captive of Islamic State, Peter Kassig, has converted to Islam : Jihad Watch
8. 10 Urban Legends About Sex That Turned Out To Be True - Listverse
9. Treon Harris of Florida Gators suspended indefinitely because of legal matter - ESPN

Terrorist Charter Schools?

First science then arts and now jihad.  Charter schools now have every subject covered. 

How Stupid are Kansas residents?

I hate to say it but I think that Kansan's might be some of the most ignorant people to have ever walked the surface of this planet.  What other group of residents would vote for Joan Finney, Kathleen Sebelius and Phil Kiline and now have Orman leading Old Man Roberts?  I would say that the voters in KCMO were worst but half the residents that live in KCMO are felons so they can't vote.  
Go ahead and vote for Orman you ignorant hick that believe that he is independent.  Just don't start crying a year from now when he lets you down and shows you his true liberal elitist colors.  

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Back from the dead

Where have I been?  Well, I had decided to take a couple of months off and recharge before midterm elections and start back up in August BUT I was sidetracked.  In August I was involved in a motorcycle accident that landed me in the trauma center at OP regional for 6 days.  8 weeks and several therapy and doctor appointments later.... I am back.

Over the past couple of months I have received some emails that I didn't get a chance to respond to so I decided to answer them all in one post.

1.  Murder rate below 100 for 2014? Doubtful, the cops just haven't found the bodies.  Anyone that has watched "The Wire" knows that.
2.  Pat Roberts?  He sucks, but sucks less than having a democrat in the seat so vote for him.
3.  Use of the military by Obama?  How can he send 3000 troops to fight a virus and only 500 to "observe" ISIS?.  Shouldn't that be the other freaking way around?
4.  Scotland leaving the UK?  How is that they can vote them out yet the Irish have to fight them out of Northern Ireland?   If Scotland goes then Ireland should be allowed to become whole once more.
5.  Midterm Elections? It is your job as a conservative to get out and vote. The senate will be determined by turnout.
6.  What do you think of Prairie Fire?  I think that Corbin Park and Prairie Fire have made the Plaza obsolete to Jocoians.
7.  Did I watch the World Cup?  Yes almost every game, one of the benefits of working from home.
8.  What do you think of all the deaths due to police chases?  I think that if a bystander gets killed when a criminal is on the run then that criminal should be charged with manslaughter.
9.  Do you think blogging is dead?  I don't think so, I just believe that we are finally ridding the internet of wannabe experts that take themselves too seriously.
10.  Are you for legalizing Pot?  I am for getting the government out of almost everything that a person can do to him/her self.
11.  Your thoughts on Sly James?  He is better than the last dude.
12.  KC Radio?  I think that Dana & Parks have actually turned me into a listener.  They stopped talking about national issues and started a more local and less political show.  Petro is still the best and ST. John and Bukaty are not far behind.
13.  Will you also be returning to twitter?  Indeed
14l  Iphone or Android?  Iphone
15.  Who are you hoping will run for president for the Rep Party?  Rand Paul and Dr. Carson
16.  What is your favorite KC Blog?  Are there others out there besides Tony's?  The rest of them are crap.  Tony is still da best.
17.  Do you ever talk to Chris Merrill?  When something to talk about comes up he is still the one that gets to hear the stuff that I wouldn't dare put on the blog.
18.  Are you going to have guest bloggers back on your site?  If they haven't been on before then they probably wont be on in the future.  Those that have will always have a spot here.
19.  Last time you were at the Plaza?  Christmas Time.  Only time worth going.
20.  Do you go to Irish Fest?  No.  I celebrate my Irish heritage every day.  Irish Fest is just another drunk fest.  If people want to celebrate Ireland then they can support them in their efforts to regain Northern Ireland.
21.  Your thoughts on Strange Music?  Well Kutt Calhoun left didn't he?  So there goes their street edge.
22.  Will you ride again?  I am counting down the days until my bike gets out of the shop.
23.  In your opinion where are the biggest douche bags in Joco located?  That is easy.  It has to be either Lions gate or Wilderness  Valley.

Picture of the Day

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Return is Near

Don't count us out yet,  the break is about over and all topics will be covered soon!

Friday, July 11, 2014


As many of you MIGHT have noticed I am taking the majority of the summer off to avoid burnout before this years elections.  I thought I had posted this all ready but apparently it never made it.  

Let's face it all that we would be talking about is teens on the plaza, murder in kcmo, the decline of N. Joco and what a crappy president obama is.  Nothing changes in KC, just the date.