Showing posts with label MAXIM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MAXIM. Show all posts

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Weekend Link Blast

Here is some of what we have been reading during this weeks snow event.  Enjoy.

1.  Cooking with beer from one of my favorite blogs "The Bachelor Guy".
2.  Flash Mob - Breast Feeding women expose their udders at mall
3.  Living near a volcano is even worst that putting a mobile home near a creek.
4.  The Chinese are buying America one piece at a time.
5.  Super Bowl Infographic covering the history of the NFL
7.  10 most amazing armless people from another one of my favorite blogs Oddee
8.  Beavis & Butthead return ths summer.
9.  23 of the funniest signs I have ever seen
10.  Maxim Super Bowl coverage - Steelers Chicks vs.  Packers Chicks.
11.  Review of the Dell Streak 7

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


A little bit of everything today.

1.  Billions later and Haiti still in ruins.
2.  So blaming conservative talk radio for a shooting didn't work this time so they are going to try again next time?
3. Top 10 cars from TV.
4.  If they will shove a gram of cocaine up someones ass to get it across the border then a cruise ship shouldn't be that shocking.
5.  5 things you need if you want to be a good office drunk.
6.  Piece of crap liberal politician is using the death of a 9 year old girl to raise money.
7.  Wussification hits American Idol
8.  Obama thanks the incompetent sheriff in Arizona for what?  Letting 6 people get killed under his watch?  20 people getting wounded?  Death of a 9 year old girl? Or is it carrying the water for the democrats.
9.  Stephine Seymour incest ?
10.  Olivia Munn shows it all on Maxim cover and the religious right are going crazy.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thursday, November 19, 2009