Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russia. Show all posts

Monday, March 03, 2014

"Wrong Side of History" Foreign Policy

 Russian President Vladimir Putin is "on the wrong side of history," says President Obama

This seems to be the catch phrase anytime that Obama and his minions face adversity from a group
outside of their elitist collective.  Let's review (links provided below) the subjects that everyone according to liberals are on "the wrong side of history" .  Gun Control, Syria, Israel, Egypt, Libya, Gay Marriage, Immigration, Obama Care, the bailout of large corporations and now of course Russia and their actions against Ukraine.
I can just see Putin shaking in his boots as our "leader" lobs that catch phrase his way as he marches across the borders of our allies.  Putin has to care what the elitist left in our country think right?  Surely he will stop his invasion because John Kerry said that he is using 19th century methods right? 

Obama put us in this position and now he is completely clueless on how to get us out.  Face it we are screwed. 

Monday, September 15, 2008


It isn't often that there is a good story in the news regarding Satan worshiping so when one comes across the news desk here at JOCOSOB I feel obligated to share it with you.

It appears that in Russia a group of peaceful worshipers got a little carried away and stabbed 4 goth teens over 600 times. Ohh the fun doesn't stop there. Once they bleed their kills the prosatan group butchered them up and slow roasted them on a camp fire. The story doesn't mention what side dishes were served or what was for dessert.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


If you read this blog at least once a day chances are you will be more informed of current events than 70% of the country.

1. Russians set to go Waco? It is too bad we can't get the Phelps gang in on that action. Fred put your money where your mouth is.
2. The power of Ipod is greater than the power to vote at NYU? This is good news. NYU has long been a breeding ground of socialist.
3. This guy cracks me up. The whole state is going through a drought and nearly in a state of emergency and this guy is watering his lawn in the middle of the night.
4. The LAPD has decided not to map Muslims because of the bad PR it was receiving. It is a good thing that I did it for them.
5. Mexico raging terror war along US border. How is this not news? The Kurds in Iraq are doing the same thing to Turkey and that is an international crisis.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Does anyone else get the feeling that we are on the verge of WWIII? If you read the statements in the news and see some of the chess moves taking place through out the world you would have to be blind not to think so. This is a very unstable point in our countries history and the decisions we make today will have a major affect on how we live our lives in the future. Below are just a few of the issues taking place that should cause concern.
  • North Korea
    • They successfully test a nuke
    • They "shut down" there program which I am sure is just a cover for them to work on a delivery system for the nuke.
    • Take hostages from Japan & South Korea
  • Iran
    • Currently working on developing a nuke.
    • Supplying al qaeda with weapons, money and training to fight us in Iraq.
    • Supplying Hezbollah with weapons, money and training to fight Israel in Lebanon.
    • Forming alliances with Venezuela, Russia & China.
    • Pledged the extermination of Israel and all Jews.
    • Lead by a madman
  • Russia
  • Iraq
    • Due to the lack of support shown by this country(dems in congress) for their government they are now starting to sign contracts and set alliances with our enemies.
    • Oil. They have it and everyone wants it.
  • Venezuela
    • Rapidly moving towards communism
    • Calls the United States the devil in front of the UN.
    • Forming alliances with Cuba, Iran & Russia
  • China
    • Anyone believing that China has changed is foolish.
    • Do not forget about Taiwan. With all of the attention in the Middle East recently it is easy to forget about is one of the biggest potential conflicts.
    • Oil. They will do whatever it takes to get a hold of their oil
  • Syria
    • Terrorist safe haven that for whatever reason we never level like a football field.
    • Funneling point for troops and weapons into Iraq and Lebanon for Iran.
    • Trying to build a Nuclear reactor.
    • Believed to be storing Weapons of Mass Destruction
These are just some highlights of what is happening in the world. Now we as a country can take either the Carter approach or the Regan approach to how we handle this. We have seen the Carter approach nearly destroy this country, yet why are so many people willing to reuse it and now call it the Clinton plan?