Wednesday, December 19, 2007




Is it just me or is the local news media suffering from turn over issues? The only station that doesn't seem to have any issues is Channel 9. What this city needs is the return of Monica Parise


Thanks to his new "love child" scandal John Edwards can finally put the homo rumors to rest. Nah, still gay.



1. Seeing 8 checkout lanes void from a cashier while you wait in a line 10 deep. What makes this even better is when you see 5 or 6 employees of the store standing around customer service chatting. You have two things to do. Scan items, collect money. that is all there is to it and you CAN'T EVEN DO THAT!
2. The jackass that follows you to your car in order to take your spot when you leave. This happened to me last week and I simply started my car, turned it back off and walked back into the store. The look on the guys face was priceless.
3. Special Buys. What a scam this is. In the fine print of the ad you will see the words limited quantity or only 7 per store. They do this to lure you into their store and switch you onto a more expensive product.
4. Blue Christmas lights. Why even bother? These are the ugliest lights on the planet (icicles from the gutters are a close 2nd). I have never met anyone that likes seeing those hideous things.
5. Drooping Christmas lights. If you are going to go to the effort of hanging them up make them straight. Nothing says WT more than drooping lights.
6. $10 gift cards. Really, what the hell are you suppose to purchase for $10, batteries. There is nothing wrong with a gift that costs $10 it shows that you put some thought and effort into it, This says that I didn't want to spend anytime shopping for you at all.
7. Holiday office parties - Nothing says Christmas like getting together with people that you see 50 hours a week, every week for a Dinner. Really, do we need to see these people after hours as well just because it is Christmas? Nobody I have asked this year likes these things yet they occur every damn year.
8. Traffic - This really needs no explanation. We live next to Oak Park Mall, Kohls, Best Buy etc.. so crossing Quivira is impossible. It amazes me how many people are out shopping when the majority of the gifts given are gift cards.
9. People wishing me a happy holiday. Just say MERRY CHRISTMAS! Why the hell do we have to use code to speak of a holiday? Do I really need to have a Navajo Indian with me in order to speak at Christmas Time.
10. The writers strike has ruined what has always been a great tradition, Christmas episodes of TV shows. "The Office" Christmas episodes were becoming instant classics but in its place we now get to watch some crappy game show. UNIONS SUCK!
11. Stores that advertise the Mail in Rebate price as opposed to the actual price. Anyone that has ever gone through the mail in rebate process understands that it is a hoax. Why do you have to wait 6 months to get $40? Microcenter is notorious for this.

Darnell Jackson - KU's MUSCLE



The Chiefs may have given up but the Gangsters haven't. Chances are if you are on Gilham Road after 8pm you are going to get shot. There is no evidence to prove otherwise.

Kansas City needs a stronger MOB presence in order to curb the violence. Back in the day there was a code and set of rules for someone to get killed and if you were connected it just didn't happen. Nowadays people just get shot. These aren't random acts of violence we are talking about, this is all drug and crime related.

Bring back these people and violent crime will drop.

Gabrielle Union HOT ?


These gals keep proving that you can take the WT out of the trailer put you can never take the WT out of them. 16 years old and knocked up! How does this happen to someone when they have Americas poster child for Crappy Mom as a big sister?

The most shocking thing is that she called the guy that is to play the role of "daddy" her long time lover. Mistakes happen, I get that but she is proud of this. BUT THIS IS RAPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She is 16 & he is 19. Long time? Isn't that rape?

Where the hell is the Dad in all of this?


1. There isn't a week that goes by that the school system avoids the QUICK HIT section of the blog. This time a kid gets arrested for cutting her food at lunch. "She did not use it inappropriately. She did not threaten anyone with it. "She didn't pull it out and brandish it. Nothing of that nature," explained Marion County School Spokesman Kevin Christian. Why is it that people that lack the ability to make judgment calls are educating our kids? How long is it before kids get arrested for farting in class because it caused a bioterror?
2. When animal loving goes wrong. To be fair 225 Pomeranians prob equal 3 real dogs.
3. Woman jingles santas bells and gets arrested.
4. Environmental crusaders have no sense of humor. They should just be thankful that we are not heating lanterns whale oil. How long before they want Moby Dick removed from Book Shelves.
5. So we can poll how many mexicons are here illegally but we can't stop them? 7 out of 10!
6. Disney's rides are too realistic. Lets face it, there should be some casualties when climbing Everest.
7. HS coach gets into trouble for educating his students on the mating habits of reindeer. The coach should get a high five for this team building exercise not ridiculed.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Was there anything in her sentence regarding staying away from girls? Debra Lafave is simply misunderstood and is truly worried about her former students and employees.

Since this blog was not around when she first got in trouble I feel the need to comment on it. How does the kid turn his hot teacher in? This guy should of been the most grateful kid in the world. I am not saying that what she was doing was right and she should be punished but what GUY in the world does what he did?????????????????????

Monday, December 17, 2007


DA - OUT Grunhard - OUT

Shockingly Neal & Marty will still have jobs.

Entercom will never be able to compete with Union Broadcasting with moves like this. These two were the only ones that even competed (numbers wise) with 810. Screwing up sports radio is nothing new for Entercom, lets look at a nice time line.

1. Put Soren Petro in a no win situation on 980.
2. Lost the broadcasting rights for the Royals.
3. Didn't offer Petro a good enough time slot when the formed 610 which forced him to leave for 810 (where he now has the highest rated radio show in the city).
4. Didn't listen to Whitlock when he complained about Bill Maas's substance abuse problem.
5. Didn't support Whitlock's marketing and promotions even though he was TIED with Kietzman in ratings.
6. Underpaid board ops and producers at the station.
7. Put Neal & Marty in drive time. This move might be the biggest insult to sports fans in this city.