Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Today I witnessed a scene out of Better Off Dead except this time it involved adults. It was an argument over $2, but to listen to the guy DEMANDING his $2 from the cashier you would of thought it was over $2,000.

I pulled into the Shell Station off of Roe this afternoon to grab another 24oz Monster drink to help me combat the allergy medicine I am taking and noticed a line that wrapped around the counter. I grabbed my drink and started hearing yelling and screaming coming from the front. The first thing that came to my mind was that some idiot was complaining about gas prices and blaming the cashier for him having to pay $1.60 more than last week to fill up his tank, I was wrong.

As I got closer to the situation I noticed the man with a lottery ticket in his hand. Did he win big? No, he won a FREE TICKET but the moron thought he won an additional $2 on top of it. I asked the guy in front of me how long he had been waiting and he said almost 10 minutes. I couldn't believe that an argument over $2 could last over 2 minutes.

Just as it was about to get violent a cop walked in the door and the dude left. Hilarious.



1. Blame yourself for not pushing congress to allow for more drilling in the United States.
2. Blame yourself for making it impossible to open a new refinery due to EPA regulations and the not in my backyard syndrome. Next time you see a tree hugging save the polar bear dolphin free tuna birkenstock organic green peace moron punch him in the gut.
3. Blame yourself for allowing the government to tax the hell out of it.
4. Blame yourself for driving all over town looking for low gas prices, burning up evenmore gas in the process.
5. Blame yourself for living far from work.
6. Blame yourself for buying an SUV and not thinking of the gas mileage. These are the same idiots that got Adjustable Rate Mortgages and the same idiots that buy a huge house and cant afford furniture.
7. Blame yourself for not riding the bus, but being in favor of mass transit
8. Blame yourself for continuing to pay the high prices.
9. Blame yourself for being bamboozled by a bunch of farmers from Iowa regarding Ethanol.
10. Blame yourself before you start bitching and wasting my time.


Monday, April 28, 2008


1. BLACK ON BLACK CRIME- Reverend Wright is stealing the democratic nomination right out of the hands of Obama, and it is hilarious. This guy has all alone ruined any chances of Obama ever becoming president.

2. DOLPHIN ON DOLPHIN CRIME - I don't know why but this story is funny.

3. Welfare checks are on the way to the middle class. Once again, if they are going to give us back some of our money it should be across the board.

4. Misguided Catholic protesters arrested.

5. The Headline "Drinking + Driving = Danger" showed once again why the JOCO papers are on the cutting edge of news reporting. Until I read that headline I had always thought it was safe. Pulitzer material for sure.

6. I have been reading The North East News for a couple of years now and nothing is more telling about the decline of that community than an article posted this week on how to spot Gang Activity. I am sure that this will be included in the welcome baskets to all that move into the area along with 50% off Coupon to Mckeys Surplus. On a related note the area will be having a neighborhood clean up on May 10th (having just been down in that area last week, I am thinking that they will need more than 1 day).

7. As if life in KCK isn't dangerous enough....

8. KCMO rings up another one.

9. Phil Kline continues to embarrass himself and the community.

10. The arson problem in Kansas City continues to go unnoticed.


With the warmer weather hitting the area (and Call of Duty 4) I have found it harder to blog on the weekends.

1. Congratulations to my brothers family on the arrival of the twins.

2. Landscaping - In the coming weeks the landscaping of my yard will begin. I am looking forward to putting our personal touch on the house but not looking forward to the damage that it will do on my all ready messed up back.

3. BBQ season started for me two weeks ago. I have been using the Weber grill the past two weeks and will fire up the smokers this weekend (I hope). While I have given up on plans to hold big BBQ's and even put together a new competition team, this year should still be fun. My new neighbors seem to be extremely interested in learning how to make good quality backyard BBQ so I am sure that they will be over frequently through out the summer.

4. With BBQ season comes motorcycle season. While getting out and riding isn't my #1 priority in life I still like to get out for a few hours every week to clear my head. I have finally picked out the new handlebars for my bike and hope to get them installed by June.

5. Call of Duty 4: As many of you know I became hooked on playing Halo 3 this winter. Well Halo as taken a back burner to Call of Duty 4. The online play of this game is more addictive than crack. If you play this game send me an email, I am always looking for more victims.

6. The Chiefs Draft: Anyone that is still upset that the Chiefs traded the walking 2 time DUI offender need to check themselves after this draft. After listening to sports radio this morning it just goes to show how ignorant most Chiefs fans are. The same callers that were calling in last week saying that the Chiefs sucked are now calling in with playoff hopes.

7. Ice Cream Trucks: The bastards that drive these things through our neighborhoods could be the scariest group of people to reside in our country. We spend every waking moment telling our kids to stay away from strangers, not to take candy from them etc... AND then comes this guy with his clown covered VAN with pictures of Ice cream on the sides driving down our streets with circus music blaring through 15 watt speakers, all to get your kid to COME TO HIS VAN! If school bus drivers and teachers aren't safe for your kids to be around anymore what about Ice Cream truck guy?

Thursday, April 24, 2008


I have been following up on some emails sent to me regarding my post yesterday regarding Amato and wanted to add a little update. After going back to their website I discovered that there are several thing that Amato COULD be doing to earn his 18k. Their website currently shows over 50 job openings. Why the hell can't he step in and help out? Makes sense right? These are tax payer and not corporate dollars that we are talking about. Shouldn't this guy do something to earn YOUR cash?.

With over 50 openings, it shows that NOBODY wants to work there. Some of these jobs have been open since NOVEMBER OF 2007. What this tells me is that the people on the board are scaring away resources needed to help these kids out. Even with unemployment numbers on the rise, people still don't want to work there.

Another question one needs to ask(and this is a big one) is where is the money going that was suppose to be used to fill these openings? These are obviously fully funded positions, so by not filling them there is a cash surplus going some where. So, is the money going to pay off special interest groups OR are these positions being put on hold (in which case the should be removed from their website, legally) to pay off the 18k a month they are giving Amato? Are the kids going without teachers & counselors because a few people on the board had their feelings hurt by Amato.

If only the local media had the balls and skill to put together a real story on this corrupt group.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


After reading about the usage of Amato (or lack of use) by the KCMO school district I now more than ever believe that it is time to cut them off. The people on the school board have no control on their spending habits and are nothing more than power tripping ego junkies that need to go. How do you as a publicly funded school district allow a man to make 18k a month and never do an ounce of work? I don't care if Amato has to pick up a mop, he needs to be utilized. Let me say this one more time 18k a month FOR NOTHING!

Is the KCMO school district so flush in cash that 18k a month is nothing? Do the people on the school board understand that they are wasting the money of the hard working people of their state and city? Seriously, how many times do we hear that schools are under funded? We are not talking about a corporation here this is a freaking school district.

I would tell you to contact them and complain but only 3 of the 9 member have their email addresses listed (Chicken S****).

List of Cowards with no contact info:
David Smith
Ingrid Burnett
Duane Kelly
Joel Pelofsky
Harriett Plowman
Cluade Harris

Have you ever read the backgrounds of the people on the board? Holy crap! These people DO NOT HAVE THE EXPERIENCE to run a school district. Have you been to the website and read what they are responsible for? They have failed in almost every area.

Legislative and Policy Making -- F

Executive --F

Appraisal --. F

Provision of Financial Resources -- F

Facilities -- F

Records -- .??

Staffing and Appraisal -- F

Public Relations -- . F

Cooperative Alliances -- F

Educational Planning and Evaluation -- F

Judicial -- . ??

Like any other addict or junkie these people that are caught up in their power addiction need to have the funding for their fix cut off.