Sunday, January 02, 2011

2011 an SOB Odyssey

2010 was a year of side projects and elections for us which reduced the posting on the blog.  I hated leaving my 2 or 3 readers in limbo but duty called. Fear not reader(s) we will back at full strength this year and well, we will actually be making money while doing it.  HA! 

We missed covering the idiotic short comings of the degenerates in this city.  Luckily for us nothing ever changes in Kansas City.  Murders are still high, the schools still suck, violent crime is the norm and joco continues to neglect the north part of the county. 

I guess the one good thing that we noticed is that the majority of local bloggers have called it quits.  Thank god.  Let's face it, if your local blog isn't listed in my blog roll then you aren't worth reading and you did us all a favor by quitting.

Scoreboard KCK

Could this finally be the year that the runner up city (in everything) overtakes KCMO for the murder throne?  Doubtful, but they did get on the scoreboard first this year with the first homicide in the metro. 

Way to go fellas. 


"And today, modern governments have all the tools to transform their country into a creeping police state, more so now then ever before, in this electronic age. They have access to information technology that previous full-fledged “police state” governments could only have dreamed about."
BIG BROTHER: The Police State Mentality in the Electronic Age by Rodrigue Tremblay

Ezra Klein on the U.S. Constitution

As if you needed more proof of the lefts hate for our constitution.


These two links (below) are to a story regarding the decline of Detroit over the past decade and the waste land it has become.

Another perfect example of liberals in control of an economy. 
1.  Slideshow
2.  Story

Crooked Ass Obama

For 2 years we have had to sit back and watch the most crooked president in American history destroy our country. In 2011 that all comes to an end.  The god king and his minions will be investigated and punished for their illegal actions and plots to destroy our constitution.   They know this and are now trying to hide behind yet another name for socialism/communism "the no label party".   Fool us once........

1.  Darrell Issa calls Obama administration the most corrupt in American history. 
2.  Hillary and Hugo - A match made in heaven
3.  Liberal Media (abc news) - Warns Republicans
4.  Obama, Pelosi and Reid delay your tax refunds because they think your money is theirs.
5.  Does anyone know what Ken Starr is doing??
6.  Peppermint Paddy doesn't care about American law enforcement officers
7.  Jack ass Joe Scarborough talks about running for office again.  Be afraid America.

Dr. Dre - Group Therapy