Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I just got this photo off of the channel 9 website. Notice what the high temperature they have up is. At the time I copied this it was 33 degrees outside.


We eat every other bird known to man. The emu, ostrich, chicken, pheasant, turkey etc... but you never get a plate of Penguin Wings. You never get to order a 6 piece extra crispy bucket of Penguin.

What makes this bird so sacred? Why are we so concerned about a bird that swims drowning?


I will leave the Republican Party.

This man is not the person we need leading us right now or ever. It baffles me that people will simply vote for this guy because he is the most religious. What exactly does being the most religious have to do with leading a country? Sure people should have simple basic religious values that guide them, our country was founded on these principles. Huckabee however would throw away the constitution and replace it with a bible and HIS beliefs.

I am not against religion in fact I am for prayer in school, leaving god in the Pledge, Christmas Trees displayed etc... but this guy is so extreme that he would make the rest of us look bad. He is our Hillary, a polarizing figure that would unite the extremist in the Democratic party (where there is now divide). And what I don't need is this guy or anyone else pushing their religion on me or my family.

Still if it is between him and a Democrat that will raise my taxes, I will vote for Huckabee.


Do you need anymore proof? I don't.

Not only do the majority of the weather people in this town have no clue when it comes to predicting the weather, but with the exception of Mike Thompson and Brian Busby do more harm than good. Katie Horner must of had nightmares of clouds when she was a kid because I have never seen anyone more afraid than her of a storm. Gary Lezak's "new data" is simply code for "I blew it "(no pun intended) 10 minutes ago.

Monday, December 10, 2007


Johnson County will finally be able to put its weather dome to the test tonight. Everyone in the world is predicting at least 1 inch of ice (1/2 inch is all it takes to take down power lines) and up to 2 inches of ice. Will the dome that has protected us from Tornado's, Hail, Flooding, Locust, liberals be up to the challenge?


There are so many ways to go with this story but in an effort to keep this place some what clean I will just let you read this disturbing story.

<----- He was right, pigs are disgusting animals.

Chase Daniel

Todays emails have been humorous to say the least. They were filled of at least he was there, what good publicity for the school etc...

What good ever comes of finishing 4th? Who the hell is going to remember the 4th place finisher in the 2007 Heisman trophy?

"If at first you don't succeed lower your standards" should be placed in the empty trophy case in Columbia.


What would you say if I told you that someone were to take 39% of everything you make?


What would you say if you were to receive a 39% pay increase heading into next year?


What would you say if you were to receive that 39% increase but were not allowed to spend it? Someone else was going to spend it and more than likely it would be spent paying people that decide they don't need to work.

SORRY NOAH!!!!!!!!!!

Today was my Nephews birthday party and I had to miss it due to the pain in my back THAT WILL NOT EVER GO AWAY. This is the first such event that I have ever missed and judging by the photos it looks like I missed out on a good time. Hopefully he will like the gift.

Noah can't read so I am counting on his parents to read this to him.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


1. Texas has outlawed people having sex in their homes. Ok, Texas is outlawing 20-30 people having sex in one home. Either way, is this really the most urgent thing facing this country. The moral police in this country amaze me. They need to worry less about this and get back to work on building our damn border fence.

2 Is ALGORE really concerned about the environment or just looking for a way to pad his pockets? It seems to me that someone that was as passionate about a cause wouldn't charge for these speeches. Then again what do you expect from a liberal.

3. The United States once again defeats England. Floyd Mayweather is still pound for pound the best fighter in the world.

4. December is turning out to be one of the most violent months in recent history. First schools, then malls and now church's (Jesus not Chicken)

5. Bill Clinton went black but came back? According to my barber that is not possible.

6. This isn't Burger King you can't have it your way. It turns out that Dems that are now opposing waterboarding (because it is an election year) were all for it in 2002.

7. Holier than though? Paul Morrison isn't as perfect as some of you think he is.


This weekend was further proof as to why being a "weather person" in Kansas City is the easiest job in the country. I mean where else can you get away with blowing EVERY forecast. Katie Horner was telling people on Friday to stock up at the grocery store, Lezak said it wouldn't happen until Saturday night. BOTH WERE WRONG.

This caused my Saturday Morning trip to Hen House to be a royal pain in the ass. Not only was the storm not holding up until Saturday Night (nice call Gary) but the grocery store was completely out of carts and the lines were backed up to the back of the store (thanks Katie). I am sick of people calling these two the best in town. NEVER are they right and in Katies case they cause more harm than good with the panic they cause.

Horner may be the worst person to live in this city since Bob Berdella.