Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Quick Hits

1. Who the hell plays this game? I thought that this was something that only Bugs Bunny did.

2. If you have to go to the ER in Kansas City you are screwed.

3. Recession fears hit Independence, Mo. The price to have someone killed is now only $260. Then again you get what you paid for.

4. Linday Lohan makes an EXCELLENT attempt at reviving her career. I for one appreciate her efforts and forgive her.

5. Obviously these kids never watch "The Wire".

Joanna Krupa


This time you needn't look any further than across the state lines and into the Missouri Senate. They are actually passing a BILL regarding bullies. Not just your ordinary bullies that beat you up, take your money etc.. INTERNET BULLIES.

Holy Crap, more politicians with their eyes away from the ball.


So I just finished watching the series on the History Channel called Gangland. As I posted earlier this year, after you watch the first couple of episodes you have an increased awareness of just how powerful and destructive that these groups are. It seems that the most powerful and destructive gang in the World is a group called MS-13. This group is made up of people from Central America and Mexico(started off in El Salvador) and are responsible for the slaying of thousands of their own people.

Hispanic leaders are letting their people down.

Our weak borders continue to allow these terrorists to enter our country and their primary target is other Hispanics. You would think that the Latino community in this country would make a tough stand against the rape, torture and murder that MS-13 is inflicting instead of wasting its time on a group of people with 2 way radios and binoculars, but they don't (do they see them as an ally against border agents?). These "leaders" seem more concerned with pushing their own agenda and increasing their "base". Why else would they focus so much time on the borders and disregard what is happening in their own neighborhoods?

The leaders want to trick you with misdirection and stories of struggling families looking for jobs in America(which there are and should be allowed in through work visas). They know if more light is shed on MS-13 and other gangs it damages their cause, so they ignore it. They accuse Americans of engaging in a "wave of hate" for wanting to protect all citizens regardless of color from allowing criminals like these inside our borders.

You can't shut down the borders and you can't make them completely open.

I am all for people coming to this country in search of a better life. Being of Irish heritage I can relate. If we have jobs that Americans are too lazy to do then let someone that wants to do it into our country. Many in this country take being an American for granted and do not see the opportunities that are available and piss away their futures. If someone from outside of our country sees the opportunity and wants to do it, let them in. BUT let them be screened first. Is that too much to ask?

If you think that this is just a border state problem you are wrong. Here are a few recent headlines from a few non border towns.


ALABAMA..........GULFPORT..........COUNCIL BLUFFS.......

Keep in mind that these are just a small sampling of some of the stories regarding MS-13 over the past 30 days. It is also excluding New York, D.C., LA, Mass, Texas, Arizona & Chicago.

Here are a few links worth reading on this subject.
Mexican drug cartels..........DAN RATHERS...........NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC.


If this stuff doesn't wake you up then nothing will.


1. It seems that whenever Sugar Creek is in the news there is always bad news to follow(what a crappy way to die). This is the most cursed town in the metro.

2. The northeast area finally gets a mascot(sinkhole) fitting of the blight, crime & poverty that over shadow any good that happens there.

3. With all of the armed robberies taking place in the metro I find myself cheering when it isn't a store that I shop at. Subway might be the worst sandwich shop in the area, so better them than say Planet Sub. We have even started a pool at the office to see which store will be robbed next. The number #1 pick is McDonalds.

4. I find it funny that people who want religion out of government are rallying around these misguided souls. This once again proving that liberals have no backbone. This will have no effect on legislation that is going through in the state making it unbearable for illegals to reside in the area. If only the Hispanic community was the motivated to stop Hispanic on Hispanic crime.

5. Pakistan just became even more jacked up.

6. UPDATE: Spider girl is now walking. No word on if she lost her ability to shoot webs out of her wrists.

Monday, February 18, 2008


It appears that Frank Boal is leaving crunch time. Could this have something to do with the new 610 lineup? I for one will miss Frank Boal. He is one of the only sane voices in Kansas City sports radio and appears to not have a personal agenda.




When kids with homes pretend to be homeless they make fools of themselves and make a joke out of being homelss. This is the ULTIMATE LIBERAL IDEA! All show and no substance. If you really want to help the homeless then get off your lazy ass and go to where the problem is. Last time I checked there weren't a lot of homeless people in Paola and definitely not on the high school football field For each one of these dumb ass Paola kids "camping" there are 5 homeless kids ready to kick their ass's.

Don't blame the kids, blame the teachers that put this scheme together.


1. If you can't call retarded people retarded, then what the hell do you call them? liberals? Have there been a bunch of complaints from autistic people about what they are called?


3. More good news for you gas price watchers.

4. The Clinton Mafia is dead set on preventing their party of a black presidential nominee. Can you imagine if a Republican were to pull half the crap that the Clintons have pulled on Obama?

5. I file this in the who gives a crap section. She is dead. She is not American. What good did this woman really do? Can we please move along.

6. No parole for this life sentence. I can't imagine the crime that this guy committed to get this type of punishment.

7. They must of read my previous post. Finally a museum group that gets it. Why hasn't the Kansas City Star run a series of stories about how Kansas City hates kids? I am just glad that the people that read my blog act quickly.

8. Kennedy conspiracy theorist have new life. Have fun wackos!

julia louis-dreyfus PICS


by not going to the Black History Museum or so the Kansas City Star would like you to believe.

There are so many things wrong with this "story" I do not know where to begin. First off, this isn't a racial issue this is a fiscal issue. The Kansas City Star would like to make it one but we needn't look any further than our own Union Station to see poor spending on "museums".

1. The city of Wichita already gave the Museum(link to the museum site, which is the worst site I have ever seen) $1.5 Million dollars to purchase land. I am fine with that if there was support for the museum and it would be well attended.
2. The city coughs up 200k annually for the joint yet the people that run it can't balance a budget. They went over by 90k. Museum welfare.
3. The director says in the article that the museum has no mission. Then why does it exist? The article even claims that it was simply a ploy to keep a historic building from being tore down.
4. They have raised 12k when they need to raise 12 million. Then purge it with another museum. In business this happens all the time (see telco companies). Obviously the only people in the city that care that the museum exists are the people that work there.
5. The article states that the museum lost out on a display to the museum at Wichita State which leads me to believe that black history is being displayed (just not there).

I am all in favor of putting up museums if they are going to be well attended (public wants), but lets be honest if this was a thimble museum that was going out of business would it be news? If an Irish History museum had to bet a city for money I would be for closing it down as well.

I have never understood why there has to be a different museum for each and every different culture, event, etc... Why not ONE museum with different sections and displays? Wouldn't this be the more efficient way to gather funds and expose people to different cultures, times, places and events? If we have learned anything from Wal Mart it is that people like to go to one place to get everything. People don't want to stop at 15 freaking buildings (and shouldn't) to be educated on historical events, times & cultures.

This article was simply a dig to try and create controversy by the Kansas City Red Star.


Would it not make for sense to issue the warning before the meat is consumed by everyone? I mean seriously, why issue a warning now? That is like sounding the Tornado Sirens 3 days after a tornado destroys a town.

This type of thinking is what you will get if the gov takes over health care.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


1. Bill Clinton hates Obama supporters more than monogamy.

2. Clinton Inc. doesn't feel that votes for Obama should count. Disenfranchising the black vote is just another example of Grand Wizard Bubba and his "wife" showing what they and all liberals truly think about minorities.

3. Black people love George Bush. I have been saying this for years.

4. How do people come up with stories for children? A homo penguin couple? Give me a freaking break.

5. KCMO reclaims crime headlines with another drug related murder. I guess midnight basketball got started a few days to late.

6. The mother of the Porter Children can't catch a break. There is a special place in hell for this guy.

7. How long before MU starts laying off faculty and the student union gets poor customer service ratings? If ever there was a perfect match, this is it.

8. How do you like this headline? KCK community college to host tour of the "rich & famous". The best jokes just write themselves.

Nastia Liukin HOT ?