Friday, May 22, 2009


I love reader email and comments. As time has gone by it seems that I am getting more and more hate mail from both Republicans and Democrats so I feel that I am right on message since both parties suck right now. The email I got this morning though MIGHT just be one of the funniest things I have received lately. There is actually a BV class of 86 drop in it and some other pretty funny "attacks"

Let me get this straight.............
1. Terrorism is at our door steps

2. The government is dictating salaries to private industries.

3. The government is taking over the Auto Industry.

4. The government is taking over the Banking Industry

5. The government is getting set to take over Health Care.

6. The methods used to protect our country from terrorist for the past 7 years are about to be undone.

7. Governemnt spending is out of control.

8. The leaders of the Socialist party are getting ready to tax everything they can INCLUDING THE AIR YOU BREATHE so that they can dictate your behaviors

9. The redistribution of wealth through class warfare is dividing our country and penalizing achievers.

10. Our countries economy is in the tank
and I get the following email titled "Disappointed"

My response to Mr. Douchebag.

Dear sir,
I would kindly appreciate it if you could send me a list of music, movies, TV shows, books, radio stations and porn sites that you approve of. I lost my way there for a moment and I apologize. You see I thought that being a conservative meant that you were for freedom of speech and choice without the government stepping in and restricting your behaviors. I know that those are some of the things that I love about this country and made me want to serve our nation in the Marine Corp.

Clearly after reading your email I was wrong.

If your ideals were advanced we would simply have a whole different set of restrictions put in place by the government. The only difference would be that these would be based off of what you like. No thank you. I like a variety of music from different eras and genres. Something tells me that you are only into Hymnals and Christian Rock. I like Hip Hop and Classic Rock always have and always will. As long as the artist don't go Dixe Chick on me, Im fine with it. If a track is too extreme for me, I hit next. It is simple and a freedom that I enjoy.

In the future I would appreciate it if you would title your emails "Thank You" and "I'm Sorry". You should be apologizing to all conservatives for hiding your fascist ideals behind our new conservative movement. You are socialism in a different mask and our movement does not need you.

Kiss My Ass,

ashley tisdale coming to kc

Thursday, May 21, 2009




When paid columnist open up a blogger account it should be considerred a sign of defeat. Just do me a favor douche bag and try not to tarnish the good name of JOCO with your "blog. We don't need nerdy white dudes in bicycle shorts discussing their freaking pet cats. Take that crap to Starbucks and share it with other like minded douchebags.

Think about it. The crap that you get paid to write sucks so the stuff you write about for free has got to be complete garbage.

1. Maybe this will wake Obama up to the fact that our country is still at risk everyday. Probably not, but we can hope.

2. The closing of Gitmo is nothing more than another example of symoblism over substance. I say we put these bastards in Chicago.

3. This is a story about Bikini girl from American Idol. Nuf said.

4. Be proud America! Our astronauts drink their own piss. I guees springing for bottled water for these bastards wasn't in the Gazillion dollar Obama budget.

5. Socialist party circle their wagons to protect Pelosi from the truth.

6. 9 year old Cali kid watches as his parents get butchered in their own home.

7. The Emperor is showing some weakness after 100 + days of runing our country.

8. Government owns half of girls virginity.

9. Time Magazine puts Obama on cover for the 17th freaking time. I am not sure that Oprah has been on the cover of her own magazine as many times.

10. Its funny that a liberal news outlet like CNN would run a story regarding the paying off of personal debt........


Please enjoy the latest from Angelo

To the Only One: The GOP “The Grand Old Party”

For all those that love American history, this year we are celebrating the 155 years that the GOP was founded. Our party was created by anti-slavery activists, two years later we took control of all northern states and by 1860 we elected Abraham Lincoln as the new President.
During the Civil War the new Republican Party supported President Lincoln and start making the greater sacrifice and honor that an American can do, we started given our lives to save the Unity of our Country. I do have to admit that several “War Democrats” took part of this endeavor. I will title this as the first time that our republicans crossed the aisle and welcome the heroes of the Democrat’ side.

Our Party knows what it means to lead and succeed trough all the Six Party Systems that our country and government went through, especially after the infamous Fifth Party System (1932-1966) when we were able to elect only one President another American hero General Eisenhower. I like to call this era as the “Ignored Wake Up Call” that Republican we never understood (Do you remember the Liberal New Deal Coalition created by democrats under FDR? ). I will take risk to call this time as the grass roots of the Democrat Socialism in America.

American daily patriots and followers of the basic principle and values of our founders were able to elect 18 of the 27 US Presidents since 1861; I can not be humble when I said that also we won 23 of the last 37 elections. The “Palin Effect” took away our victory on the last elections, because we did have with McCain a Hero, a Patriot and an American that will never concede the safety, pride and security of our Country. (Just out of the topic: It is curious but I start seeing a lot of McCain campaign sign back on several yards. Why? Stop by to those houses and ask the people living there, they will tell you a special message to all Americans).

Even before arriving to this my New Country, I became a Ronald Reagan Fan 100%. The Reagan Era I do believe is one of the more glorious and proudest time for all Americans especially for Republicans, Reagan became the best communicator ever.
I started reading his books especially his letters, if you allow me to give you an advice, read his letters, this President took the entire time to answer letters even to elementary school students and to general public. To me he is also the Father of the Modern Volunteerism Movement: People given time and money to support our country.

His “Peace Through Strength” platform designed to combat communist and socialist threat no only to USA, but to all the small countries in South America, including my home town Ecuador, Chile, Peru and others. And of course I have to talk about the Reagan Revolution. Here is when I understood the importance of the Conservative Approach of the Republicans, when I saw the entire conservative wing taken over the GOP, the massive tax cuts to help the revitalization of poor areas and the country in general, and the call for individual responsibility, etc. There was no more choice to me but to keep doing all the possible research about this Great Communicator and his Grand Old Party. I do believe He was the greatest inspirational source for conservatives to get closer to the Republican Party. Here again our Party tough another great lesson by allowing to the “Reagan Democrats” to assimilate our ideas and support RR for the great victories in 1980 and 1984 and to George Bush’s (Father) on 1988 as a catholic I will like to mention that in 1988 our members were an important factor for the G.H.W. Bush victory and the stronger support came from Catholics form the Northeast..

When I arrived to USA in 1992, I was welcome by the “New American Revolution” led by Newt Gingrich when he produced the “Contract with America” in 1994. I have to give one credit to President Bill Clinton, His actions helped me with my decision to join the Republic Party and I did 10 minutes after my swearing ceremony as a new USA citizen. Thanks Bill! And thanks to the sweet old lady member of the DAR for helping to register as such.

Some of you my dear friends may be against with what I am going to said, this is a personal statement GW Bush started the Golden Era of the American Patriotism with his “ War on Terrorism” (Liberation of Afghanistan) , the Operation Iraqi Freedom”, the USA PATRIOT act and later on He will present to us another patriotic initiative with his “ A Safer World and a More Hopeful America”

Please join me to wish our GOP a happy 155 anniversary! And to wish the best of the best to our GOP Chairman Mr. Michael Steele, and YES! The honeymoon is over! Be aware democrats! Be aware! The groundwork for a Republican comeback is stronger this time…by the way Mr. Dennis Moore and the other democrats you should start looking for a job, outside of Johnson County! Things will change in 2010! Read my lips…things will change in 2010
God Bless America!

Angelo Mino


"We debated for quite a while about how we were going to get her out of there and so we finally decided, since we didn't have a van that was large enough to carry her, it was decided between (the police) department and the coroner's office to use (the truck)," said Detective Marcus Kennedy.

I think I am actually speechless because this story is not about a whale but a 750lb dead Indiana woman.


"Texas Mayor Resigns Over Love Affair With Mexican Man"

Not that there is anything wrong with that....


"Pool Repairs Sink Memorial Day Plans" KSHB

They do not have pools in Belton, they have Cement Ponds. I bring this up because I care.


WHO THE HELL ARE YOU HIRING! How is that a little girl can get raped one day in a classroom and a little boy can get sexually assaulted on a bus AND NONE OF YOUR EMPLOYEES were there to stop it from happening? What a disaster!

I hope to god that the East Side of KCMO rises up and says enough is enough and rids themselves of the current system. THIS IS YOUR DISTRICT AND YOUR KIDS, YOU HAVE A SAY. Don't take this crap. The district works for you, they are paid by you and the answer to YOU.

  • You should be demanding that your kids receive a quality education
  • You should be demanding that your kids can be transported to and from school without getting assaulted
  • You should demand that your kids aren't getting raped in classrooms while school is in session.
  • You should demand that teachers listen to your kids and take them seriously when they SAY THEY WERE RAPED.

Where are the ministers and activist? Should they not be organizing protests and fighting for the safety of your kids? These aren't outrageous demands to ask of your school district yet they continue to be ignored.

Good lord this crap pisses me off. THESE ARE KIDS!


If you want to keep your jobs as murderers in this economy I am going to have to see an increase in your production.

1. Making new "friends" in the East side can be difficult. Murdered, Robbed - 39th Wabash.

2. Harrisonville cops don't play.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This week my oldest daughter ends her first year in the Blue Valley School District and let me tell you, it has been an eye opener. Don't get me wrong, we moved out South so that we could get our kids into the district. What we didn't plan on were some of the psychotic mothers that reside South of 135th street.

The JOCO Power Moms are pathetic creatures between the age of 35-45 that typically have a marriage in which she is neglected and children that she believes are under achievers. The reason that the woman is neglected is no seceret once they open their mouth to speak to you because the snobbery and bitchyness spews from their mouths like a popped implant.

Most of these women are former sorrority girls that try to recreate their drunken memories in the cul de sacs that they live in. They are always trying to acheive power by stabbing their friends in the back, intimidating unsuspecting mothers and playdate blackmale. They will hold up your building permits in your HOA and they will make sure that your kid plays the tree in the class play through their work in the PTO.

It is easy to spot these women so don't fear, I will touch on that later this week.

In the meantime if you run into one of these uppity women don't take their crap. It is our job as a community to check these bitches and end their power trips. Life is too short(tm Todd Shaw) to deal with their crap. Most of us that live out this way just want to enjoy life, not control lives.

Taking a Pelosi

Today I was at a client site and one of the guys said that he had to go "take a Pelosi" before we could leave.



I hate this show almost as much as I hat liberalism BUT I have to congratulate the winner.I have been a fan of this little lady ever since I first heard her story before the Olympics. Anyone that can't cheer for a gal from the Midwest with a killer smile is a communist pig.


Bill is back again this week with some more great info for homeowners in the Metro. I always look forward to these because frankly I am clueless when it comes to home repairs etc..

Energy Tax Credits for Windows

The Energy Star Rating: Is It Good Enough?

The short answer: Yes….and no!

Back in 2007, you could install any Energy Star rated window to qualify for the government energy tax credit. Millions of people had replacement windows installed and took advantage of the pr
ogram. The tax credits expired at the end of 2007 and were not renewed for 2008. Thankfully, they were reinstated for 2009 and 2010.


For 2009, the government changed the rules! No longer is the Energy Star label enough to guarantee you windows qualify for the energy tax credits. A little explanation of the factors involved is warranted. Below is an example of the performance rating label found on all new windows:

The two important ratings here are the U-factor and the Solar Heat Gain Coefficient. These are just technical terms for the energy efficiency of the window. This windows IS Energy Star rated! If they were installed in 2007 you would qualify for the tax credit. The new parameters are .30 for each measurement. This window would NOT qualify for the 2009 tax credit!

What do those measurements mean?

U-Factor measures the rate of heat transfer and tells you how well the window insulates. The lower the U-Factor, the better the window insulates. U-Factor values generally range from 0.25 to 1.25

Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) measures the fraction of solar energy admitted and tells you how well the product blocks heat caused by sunlight. The lower the SHGC, the less solar heat the window transmits. SHGC is measured on a scale of 0 to 1; values typically range from 0.25 to 0.80.

This change in parameters left many window manufacturers scrambling to meet these new requirements. This resulted in additional testing time as well as increased costs. Basically, since the windows cost more, you have to spend more money to get your tax credit!

Ok, so you replaced your windows this year and your windows DON’T meet the 30/30 standards…are you out of luck? Thankfully, no! We all know how efficient the government can be! They realized, after the fact, that many windows didn’t meet the new standards and gave the industry (and homeowners) are reprieve until June 1, 2009. If you had windows installed before June 1st and they have the Energy Star label, they DO qualify for the tax credits! After June 1st your windows must meet the 30/30 standards….unless they change their minds again!

So how much of a tax credit do I qualify for? Basically for windows, you get 30% of the window price with a maximum tax credit of $1,500.00. So in order to get the full credit, you will spend at least $5,000 on your windows. Many times this isn’t a problem since vinyl replacement windows average around $400-500 installed. With windows, you generally get what you pay for. More money = more features. Be sure to check out your installer to make sure they are qualified to install windows properly. This is one area where you do NOT want to skimp!

Check out my website, we install all kinds of windows, whether full frame new construction style windows or replacement windows. Our in-house installers know how to do the job right, the first time! No surprises! Check me out at: