Sunday, August 21, 2011

Screw You Harley Davidson

So last night I go to start up the bike to ride on a day when it isn't 120 degrees and of course it didn't start. There is no point to this post other than to bitch and complain about the fact that I went to try it again today and IT DIDNT START.

to be continued

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Normally a douche bag with such little significance and importance as Louie Wright wouldn't grace the pages of this blog but this guy has crossed the freaking line.  When a public official goes after a blogger that is relaying information passed to him gets sued then said official must have something to hide.  Why waste time and effort to go after a blogger if a story is totally false?

The real question here is where Louie is getting his funding to attack Tony.  Is he using Union dues to pay for this hit job?  Do you really think that firefighters give 2 craps about the leaked story?  I come from a family of firefighters and I can tell you this, they don't care and are probably pissed that you are making a jackass out of yourself and putting yourself before them.  

I will personally send an email to any and all firefighters I know and let them know what it is that your dumb ass is doing you pathetic "man".

Check out your own website Louie.  It is nothing more than a site full of political hit stories aimed at.... PUBLIC OFFICIALS.  Yet you have the balls to cry when it is about you!!!!!!!  

Monday, August 15, 2011

OP should make a move

It is time for OP to lure even more Plaza retailers over to our side of the state line. We need to be proactive and pull as many of these merchants that we can away from the Flush Creek area.  

1.  KCMO has proven that it can no longer keep the high end retail area safe
2.  Most of the people that can afford to shop and eat down their reside in JOCO
3.  OP has a huge empty lot on the corner of 135th street and Metcalf that is prime for development.

It's time to level the Plaza like we leveled Bannister Mall.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Question of the Week

How long will it be before the Plaza horses are draped in Kevlar?

The Wire - 70 degree days

The Mayans have nothing on my ability to predict future events and this weekends violence proves it.  Never before in this city's recent history have the elitist ruling class been more afraid.  Trust me, in two weeks they will have that area resembling East Germany.  
For over 5 years now we have been discussing the crime epedimic in the metro and for 5 years it has gone ignored.  In this time, city leaders have even stated that violent crime has dropped and the Mayor, city counsel and chief of police have played blind, deaf and dumb.  ONLY NOW that it has reached the sacred grounds of the plaza are people starting to pay attention and promise "action".  

I wouldn't count on it working though.  If we know one thing about liberal elitist in this town it is that they are all symbolism without substance.  

1.  North East residents are pissed at all the attention that the plaza has been getting - Murder
2.  3 Kids shot under the age of 16 in front of Cheescake Factory on the Plaza.  And the one and only decent place left in KCMO is history.  
4.  KCK makes a run at KCMO but falls short with only 2 shootings.  54th and Crap Street.
5.  KCMO shooters aren't sexist - Woman shot/killed

Friday, August 12, 2011

Tip for Drunks

Random Crap

1.  It is lame to hear people brag about going to a preseason Chiefs game even though it has more meaning to it than a September Royals game.
2.  I am all in favor of taking the Sly James curfew, tweaking it and using it in JOCO.  After 9pm if you have license plates from a place other that JO then you should get fined.
3.  Mike Shannin rapping is still better than Kevin Kietzman talking.
4.  This weekend thanks to farm aid, it will be cool for joco kids to look like they are from wyco.
5.  Since when did it become cool to pay $7 for a burger? Morons.
6.  It's sad that Catholic priests in this city get more ass than Joco trophy wives.
7.  The fact that the JOCO fair isn't taking place at Aristocrat motors baffles me.
8.  Is Miranda Cosgrove breaking her ankle really worth of being on Channel 9's front page?
9.  Anyone that pays to go out to Powell Gardens needs to get their heads examined.  There is less to see there than a KCMOSD honor roll.
10.  I stood behind a guy in line this week at the gas station that paid in change. That means that I get to watch this douche bag count out $36 in change in front of the cashier who then RECOUNTS the change that was just counted in front of him.
11.  Don't fall for the bait and switch at these charity cheer leading car washes.  The Varsity is out on the corners in their bikinis trying to get traffic while the flag team is back there washing your car.
12.  People under the age of 50 that ride "Trikes" are douche bags that are too chicken shit to buy a real bike.
13.  Anyone else get a kick out of the idiots stuck on I35 this weekend due to road construction?  You have to hand it to the rocket scientist at KDOT that planned that.  It takes balls to piss off that many people.
14.  When do you think Blue Valley Kids will get together and plan a flash mob for the Landing Mall?
15.  Anyone else pissed that there wasn't more TV coverage of the riots in England? I would love to see leftist getting shot with rubber bullets and sprayed down with fire hoses.

The Wire - Drop Dead

Will the weekends nice weather provide us with an increase in the metros body count?  You betcha

1.  You know that your city sucks when people stop and jump from a viaduct.
2.  Are KCMO residents crossing into JOCO to burn down playgrounds?  Of course they are.
3.  KCK cops are skilled in the art of finding dead bodies.
4.  Perv rapes 14 year old 
5. Firefighter pulls gun on buddies due to empty gas tank on truck...