Sunday, August 19, 2012

Dumb Ass of 2012 - Todd Akin

You dumb ass!  Claire was done, finished and obsolete BUT you had to open your ignorant mouth and start talking about abortion.  Women getting raped can't get pregnant?????????  How freaking far to the right do you have to be to believe that?  IDIOT

Once again social conservatives have cost us a freaking election 

African American Breast Feeding Update

As many of you know I stumbled upon this little gem a couple weeks ago on a government website.  As it states, it offers a Guide to Breast Feeding for African American Women".  At first I thought it was a joke.  I mean why in the hell do African American women need a special guide to breastfeed and why are they the only ethnicity in need of special instructions?

I had to order several of these just to see what all was involved. My 10 copies just arrived and I am so glad that my tax dollars paid for an unlimited amount of brochures, free postage and of course a totally racist thick guide for women that the gov think have magical breasts or something.

Order yours today!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Headline of the Day - Food Stamp Edition

Joco Sluts Celebrate

Planned Parent hood charges dropped is good news for the sluts of Joco (mostly North Joco right?) and men that hate condoms.  Enjoy the night sluts because today is your day 

And guys remember that the best place to pick up loose women is in front of an abortion clinic. - Dogma

Liberals Hate you and you and you

That's right, the liberal sitting next to you hates you!  He/She is sitting next to you bitching about 
what you eat for lunch, 
the car that you own, 
where you live, 
the clothes you wear, 
your marital status, 
where your kids go to school, 
what religion you practice, 
when your ancestors arrived to America, 
what gender you are, 
that your wife stays at home with the kids, 
that you decided to have kids, 
where you buy your groceries, 
what you have hanging up in your cubical, 
the mascot of the college you went to,
how much money you make,
what charity you donate to,
what music you listen to,
if you are a gun owner or not,
the type of food you eat,
the color of your skin,
your sexual preference,
the holidays you celebrate .......

Almost Daily Link Blast

We suck slightly less than local drive time talk radio.

2.  30 Things that Fast Times at Ridgemont High Taught us.  Could you imagine school being anything like that nowadays? Thanks Libs.
3.  9 Guys chicks date before they settle down.  Yikes! (captions are to the left)
5.  People ask what Michael Phelps is going to do after swimming.  Here is the answer.
6.  8 disgusting and psychotic diets that people actually follow.
8.  Top 7 Hangover Foods.  Wimps.
9.  You might be a perv if your dick has been stuck in one of these 6 places.  WTF
10.  McKayla Maroney is everywhere
11.  10 Things guys wish they knew about women when they were 18. 

Slaughterhouse - My Life (Explicit) ft. Cee Lo Green

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Worst Race Card Played Ever

The hate is flowing deep from the left.

Rosehill Elementary Victim of Neighborhood Sucktitude

Having grown up in that area and later lived in the Rosehill area I can tell you that this comes as no surprise.  The once family friendly and middle class neighborhoods that use to surround the school are gone and have been replaced with Section 8 housing and low rent hotels.  Some of the kids that show up for school there look like they haven't showered in days and most are on some sort of government meal program so of course they are carrying viruses.  Who the hell is going to take them to the Doc?  Everyone knows that people on government assistance carry diseases.  duh.   Keep in mind that this is the Richard Grissom Hood

Let's all face the facts here.  The Shawnee Mission School District's greatness is a thing of the past (check out the test scores for West and North) and you can thank local leadership for neglecting Northern Joco and instead expanding West and South. This has allowed for once nice apartment complexes to be turned into section 8 drug zones and single family houses into meth labs.  

That area is just another example of Northern Johnson County going to shit.  Once our kids were old enough to attend elementary school, we moved to Blue Valley without even giving it a second thought.  Who would want their kids hanging around unhealthy kids?  

True Jocoians know when it is time to pick up and head for bluer valleyer pastures.  

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


842 vehicles stopped with only 7 alcohol related arrests!  Are you freaking kidding me????  What a freaking waste of department resources and personal freedom of 835 people.

842 - Vehicles entered the Check Lane
50 - Drivers tested for DUI
2 - Drivers arrested for DUI
3 - Transporting Open Container (Alcohol)
2 - Minor in Possession (Alcohol)
1 - Other traffic violations

In the meantime the North Part of your city is turning into a drug infested crap hole.