Friday, September 21, 2012

The 74% can kiss my ass

I have spent the past few days reading through census reports, tax rates, social engineering tax breaks etc.. so that I could better understand the whole 47% debate that Romney started and come to a simple, well thought out conclusion.  Well, with the exception of veterans and the seriously handicapped, the rest of them can kiss my ass.

Oh, don't worry, the other 47% is thinking that 53% of us can kiss their ass too.  Hell inside of the 53% that I belong to I want 27% of those people to kiss my ass.  

So basically what I am trying to say is that I could care less what 74% of you idiots think and I wish that you would simply mind your own business on all affairs and let me keep my freaking money.  

This percentage shouldn't be shocking to anyone because when you add up liberals and religious soldiers you are left with about 26% of the country that actually have some sort of common sense and live by the constitution and not by the marching orders of religion or their iconic hero's.

KCMO Fails again - Blunt Wrappers??

The latest step taken by the idiots in KCMO to fight drugs might be one of the dumbest ideas yet.  
KCMO officials believe that BLUNT WRAPPERS are key to drug use among "minors".  By putting paper behind the counter they seriously think that they are going to prevent marijuana use.  

I hate to point out the obvious here BUUUUUUUUT don't you think that the people buying an illegal substance MIGHT be able to get LEGAL blunt wrappers?  

Are they going to fight underage drinking by putting Solo Cups behind the counter too??


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Headline of the Day - Not so Deep Impact

Researchers also say air pollution has also been shown to “negatively impact penis size.”

and yet most porn is made in California

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Douchebaggery - Prairie Village Style

The recent actions against Mike Babick and his Christmas display by the Prairie Village city council  could go down as one of the biggest douche bag elitist moves in the history of the city.  Let's face it, that is hard to do in a city where people bitch about the invasion of BBQ smell in their backyard, the sound of kids playing catch and home to a school that once confused the Mercedes sign for the Peace sign.

For over 30 years now people have been bringing their families to see this awesome display of Christmas past and due to the sniffling and crying of a few people that is all going to come to an end.  I read in that story that the noise, littering, traffic were all to blame but anyone that has been there can tell you that traffic is congested but organized, the noise is low and I have never seen littering going on out there.  Did someone 15 years ago drop a gum wrapper?  Probably but other than that I have never seen a litter problem.

Prairie Village is a joke with a bunch of whiners as residents and a street full of pretentious jack ass's.

I say put the freaking thing up again this year but have Santa pissing on a sign saying  "welcome to perfect village".

Feel free to contact them and tell them how you feel.

Also be sure to check out their group photo.  Have you ever scene a group more in need of a laxative than these uptight pricks?

Ward I
 Ward II
 Ward III
 Ward IV
 Ward V
 Ward VI

Northeast Creativity is Lacking

Classes canceled at Northeast High School after threat -

We don't want kids that have to duck and dodge grenades, assault weapons, pistols, needles and hookers to have to deal with a bomb threat (that of course turns out to be a prank).  

Communist Kansas Fails........again

I first started talking about this a few weeks ago when I saw the scores for Shawnee Mission North & West.  This isn't just a blip on the radar people, this failure is a growing trend in this state and it will only continue to get worst as long as our school finance system remains the same as it is.

It is time to rid ourselves of the ridiculous formulas and rationalization behind this failed funding system and return to more local control of our money.  This communist redistribution of school financing is yet another black eye on a state full of backward thinking hillbilly's.  

Enjoy your most recent failures NEA, Politicians etc....

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hickman Mills Scholars.....

State gives Hickman Mills Schools provisional accreditation only | Local News - KMBC Home

Another victim of White Flight has emerged from the other side of the border.  

It's a sad story when you think about it because my in-laws all went there in the 80's and 90's and said that it use to be a nice district.  Then again if all that you have never eaten anything other than McDonalds you might think that it was good food....

Almost Daily Link Blast

12 links that don't suck

1.  Our unemployed, food stamp using population excels at one thing.  Downloading illegal content.
2.  Our favorite radio personality asks "Why can't we make fun of Muslims" - @voiceofmerrill
3.  Urban Living Room?  
4.  11 important things to know about living in Boston.
5.  10 commandments of air travel.  #1 is by far the most important.
6.  4 ways to fight laziness besides leaving the Democratic Party.
7.  Shop now for the Ron Swanson look
8.  Holograms on your Iphone 5?
9.  How many bible thumpers have had premarital sex and will end up in hell?  A Lot lol.
10.  Next time you kiss your wife you MIGHT want to read what her cosmetics are made out of.  Chances of her being covered in whale poop, road kill or foreskins from an infant are high.
11.  How to tell your significant other that she is brutal in bed.
12.  The 10 cheapest cities in America.

KC STAR writers will work for food

Be prepared to see that sign popping up all over town as newspapers continue to sink into oblivion.  How long before the city rids itself of another wannabe media elite like Yael alphabetsoupka?  It would be fitting to see a man that hates capitalism as much as he does lose his job to capitalism.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Gang Writing Spreading through Olathe

Today on my #olathe  Instagram feed I ran across this post and picture (not the above pic duh)from a concerned resident of the city.  I have been trying to bring some attention to the growing gang problem in Olathe but nobody seems to want to pay attention.

Picture of the day

Friday, September 14, 2012

I WANT MY 2$!!!!!!!!!! - State of Kansas

Not since Lane Myer was haunted by a switchblade comb packing menace on a bicycle have these words meant more to residents of Kansas.  You see, our politicians screwed up big time with their new modernized DMV computer system and literally want us to bail their asses out for the low low price of $2 per resident.  Oh, and we really don't get much of a say in the whole matter before it happens.

That's right, the state is basically going to increase property taxes on every resident of the state and disguise it as a "fee" to help them make up for their incompetence.

Here is an idea, how about you have 3M discount their price enough to make up for the overtime since it is after all their fault (according to you).  OR how about we hold back the pay of those that worked on the system, decided to purchase the system and WHO LIED to us about how big of a problem it really was.  Shouldn't they be responsible?  They do after all report to the tax payers not the other way around.

In the grand scheme of things $2 to an individual isn't much and they are counting on all of to say "ohh well, it is only $2".  What you need to do is find out what that exact total equals and how that money could of been better spent.

Could we of saved 1 more life with median restraints on our highways with that money?
How many police officers could the state, county and local governments employ with that money?
Could we provide firefighters with better equipment with that money?
Could we of kept open some of the schools that we closed down with that money?

All of these would be a better use of a $2 per vehicle TAX increase on every vehicle in the state.  Instead we are going to spend that TAX money on a cover up of an incompetent group of government employees and the padding of the pockets of DMV employees.

Shouldn't we get to know the names of the people responsible for this and what actions were taken against them before we even consider bailing out their incompetence?  These folks don't still have jobs do they?  Thank about it, cashiers at grocery stores get fired for having a $10 shortage in their drawer.  Surely a multi-million dollar F*** Up like this should lead to the same right?????

Why married men are stupid

We finally have the answer to the question, "Why do married men always walk around with a dumb look on their face?"  I KNEW IT

Kate Middleton Topless? Yup

99.9% of the time these photos turn out to be fakes or unflattering.  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Two of a kind

So I was looking at Drudge and saw these two pics close together and couldn't help notice how much the new breed of monkey that was found and our former governor the crook look alike.