Friday, July 12, 2013

Rioting Rules - Repost

Just in time for your Zimmerman riot preparation 

1. Remember the Fundamentals1. Wear a mask when looting - Don't be the dumb ass on the news carrying a TV out of a Best Buy without a mask.

2. If you loot Dollar General, Dollar Tree or Dollar Store then you are too stupid to live.

3. Looting fast food joints is never a good idea. The street value of a Big Mac isn't all that high.

4. If you are driving a semi truck DONT STOP AT RED LIGHTS. You might get Reginald Denny'd

5. Wear hats and gloves. It is cold and flu season and you don't want to be the one guy out of 1000 that leaves a finger print.

6. Avoid wearing gang colors - You are there to lootriot and you don't need to the distraction of Crip Dancing.

7. Move your crap out tonight. Chances are good that you will be torching your own neighborhood.

8. Don't post pictures of you burning crap down or looting on Facebook or Instagram. This should be a no brainer but....

9. Do not check in on Foursquare at a place you are about to loot. There isn't a special badge for that (I think).

10. Rob a bum of his shopping cart so you can carry more shit.

11. If caught, tell them that your dad is the Mayor.

12. If your dad is the mayor, throw up gang signs and act like a bad ass

13. Use a task list and stay organized. You want to make the most of your experience.

14. If you want to be on TV then act and speak like a complete fool. The media will find you instantly.

15. Use a high arc when throwing your rocks. You don't want to be the guy that looks all over for the perfect rock to throw and throw it right at the riot shields.

16. Goggles are great against water cannons.

17. Rioting in the burbs isn't cool. Hipsters love "the city"

18. Use the bathroom before you leave. It is rude to piss or crap in the streets when rioting.

19. The early bird gets the worm. Don't wait for the official results to come in. If you feel that Zimmerman is going to walk hen you should be in position now.


Report: Napolitano to Resign | The Weekly Standard

One of the most corrupt politicians/law enforcement officers in American history is finally calling it quits.  I guess her work on destroying the lives of law enforcement officers and wiping her ass with our constitution is finally done.  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Liberals Screw Over The poor AGAIN

D.C. Council approves ‘living wage’ bill over Wal-Mart ultimatum - The Washington Post

You have to love how the liberals just F'd the people of D.C. in the rear with no KY on this one.

1.  You lose 1800 jobs from a blighted community
2.  The residents of that community will not receive the savings that Box Stores can bring.  If you read through the stories on this you will find that residents have been begging for Wal Mart to open a store in their hood.
3.  The City can count on ZERO new proposals from other companies to open stores in that area.

Is there more to the story than his?  Is here a hidden agenda (like lower property values) by the liberals in D.C.  There has to be.

Photo of he right is of the other DC that nobody talks about.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Government has ALL of your info

When you look at this slide and then go to this link you might start asking yourself what country you live in.  This isn't the America that I know

IHOP vs. Gay people of Uganda

Foiled in the United States, Anti-Gay Evangelicals Spread Hate in Africa | Mother Jones 

And another local cult of psycho's is making international headlines.  

Almost Daily LInk Blast

Because you don't know what is interesting. 

1.  Orgasm Infographic - Crap you should know but probably don't
2.  The Art of Punk - Dead Kennedy's 
3.  Kathleen Parker has fantasies about Sara Palin getting knocked up and is jealous of her womb.
4.  If Obesity is now a disease then Christina finally found her cure.
5.  What does your grill say about you?  If you live in Prairie Village then it probably says that you are a pansy.
6.  Do Skinny Husbands ever have Fat wives on TV?
7.  New app lets you get paid to be a Snitch.
8. 7 Awesome resignation letters
9.  Teen Gets Jailed, Registered as Sex Offender for Having Sex with a Female While 'Pretending' to Be a Boy | Alternet
10.  10 most shocking things that the FBI has done since 9.11
11.  FISA court is a sham
12.  Blue Eyed kids are smarter than brown eyed ones.
13.  The dictator wants his minions to spy on other minions.  Sound familiar?
14.  Ice Cube isn't a big fan of Dwight Howard going to Houston
15.  10 kids games that got banned by liberals.

Monday, July 01, 2013

Ernest Evans Guest Post

Ernest Asked me to share this with my readers

Dear Mr. Abouhalkah: 
 First, to set the record straight:  I think that there need to be some significantly increased restrictions on the sale of guns. Second, the Mayor is "dodging the blame" when he says he can do nothing about crime as long as the GOP-controlled legislature in Missouri will not pass such additionaly restrictions on guns.  The Mayor, the Police Board, the Star  and the community leaders can do a great deal to fight crime.  First, the Mayor:  Make a speech saying as long as he is mayor and a member of the Police Board any KCPD officer accused of racist misconduct will get due process. Second, the Police Board:  Issue a public statement telling the men and women of the KCPD that if accused of racist misconduct  they will get due process.  Third, the Star:  Run the op-ed of mine that has been sitting on the Editorial Board's desk for five years:  The one that says:  "It is just as wrong to deny due process to a white police officer in 2008 accused of racism as it was to deny due process to a black man in 1908 accused of raping a white woman."  Fourth, the community leaders:  Say that they will stop threatening convention boycotts to get their way on controversial issues of police misconduct. The crime wave in KCMO that has been going on for the past five years is exclusively in the black neighborhoods and was sparked by the mishandling of the Salva tragedy by the city's political class--due to that mishandling, out of sheer self-survival the cops stopped doing their job in the black neighborhoods of the city.  Mr. Mayor, wake up and smell the coffee. Our city's crime disaster is not going to be solved by the Missouri state legislature.  Take care and God bless.  Sincerely, Respectfully and In Christ, Ernest Evans

Picture of the Day

George Zimmerman is going to be RIch

CNN Broadcasts Zimmerman Social Security Number 

How does a news organization that has been around for over 20 years do something like this on accident?  They Don't.  This was done on purpose by some douche bag at CNN.

Hood Report

News stories that you seldom hear from the land of Joco

  1. Psycho woman with gasoline decides to turn bus into her own smoker.
  2. Crappy building collapses in KCK.  Best part is that 15 people were evacuated from a building that has been empty for 6 years.  
  3. Joco has door to door girl scout cookie sales.  East Side has door to door dead people.
  4. "This is crazy. They burnt these people from head to toe. From every part of their bodies you can possibly think, private parts and all. This is crazy,"  - Grandview Representing 

Support Firefighters Families

'Perfect storm' wildfire raging in Arizona claims 19 men in elite unit - U.S. News 

Donate Here

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Best Picture Ever - Aaron Hernandez

Sometimes you find stuff on the internet that is too good to be true.  This is not that time because this is a legit photo of the NFL's Pro Bowl Murderer(allegedly).  Notice if you will the Livestrong bracelet and the always safe finger on the trigger.  Looks like an innocent guy to me...

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Blog First

There are very few firsts for a blog when it has been up and running for over 5 years but today I can finally claim something I never would.


That's right folks, according to someone who posted a comment below a link that Tony's Kansas City put up, my blog is a liberal site.  You gotta love the internets.