Monday, August 08, 2016

OP about to be overrun by Syrian Refugees, Oh joy!

It has been discussed in many circles within law enforcement (including being put on a super secret FBI watch list) for over a decade regarding the growing Islamic population in Overland Park which has been growing at a rapid pace.

  With the building of the new Mosque on 151st and Antioch we now future refugee shipments.  Of course being the great people we are in Overland Park we will welcome them with open arms and not think twice about whether they were vetted properly, are they here to become part of our community or like in many other places in the world will they segregate themselves into their own communities to promote sharia law?
have a huge bulls eye on us for any

Personally, I don't give a crap who, where or what you are as long as you are here to become part of the community and become productive members of our society BUT how do we know what their intentions are when the places they come from have no records of them and we have no clue as to who they are?

I do wonder what went into the selection of the cities that were selected because I seriously doubt that there were a bunch of mayors lining up to get first dibs on what could be the biggest security risk to ever hit their communities.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Removed my Blog Roll widget

Just a housekeeping item for those of you that read this thing.  I use to have a list of blogs to read on the right hand side of my blog but I took it down.  Honestly, I have no idea who is blogging in this town besides Tony and myself.  It appears that the majority of hipster douche bags that tried to be more important than they really were have moved on (thank god).

Also, those of you that were Voice of Merrill listeners, make sure that you click on the photo on the right and catch up with him and get show info.

Monday, July 11, 2016

WT Mecca in JOCO gets demolished

In its opening 2 years the "Great" Mall was a decent place full of actual outlet stores but soon after it
became a gathering place of Joco's bottom feeders.  These catfish sucked the commerce out of the mall and made it into a mall full of stores that didn't fit in anywhere else in the city.  The magic shop, the 5 beanie baby stores, the movie theater that was broken down half the time, the food court that became a wasteland of picnic tables and orange chicken, the kids birthday party places that changed names every month.

The memory of mullets, unattended toddlers running around toxic playgrounds and the 16 year old pregnant girls from Spring Hill, Gardner, Olathe, Ottawa and Lousiburg.  shopping for baby clothing for their 2nd child will be wiped away with wrecking balls and TNT.

Say goodbye to one of the greatest people watching places in the whole metro.

The Almost Daily Link Blast

Because my links are better than your links

1.  Black Lives Matter spread their warm embracing message to Michigan. 3 dead
2.  Trickle Down Justice being sought by Marine. Is Hillary above the integrity of a US Marine?
3.  Carrie Underwood.  Enough said.
4.  The ugliest public official in American History is willing to leave America if Trump wins.  This should be enough to push those on the fence over to Trump.
5.  5 chicks that you will be cheering for in a few weeks
6.  Clinton Super delegates don't fall far from the rotten worm infested tree.
7.  Harley Davidson close to the end
8.   Troy Aikman Destroys the left
9.   Jeb Bush continues to act like a bitch and will do what he can to ensure a Hillary presidency. 
10.  CNN believes that black people can't be racist...Pretty sure there are cops across America today that MIGHT object to that.

Picture of the day

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Sickness and Health is BULLSHIT

UPDATED 02-2019
The Jinx of Life and why I have not been blogging

  • Aug 2014 Motorcycle accident serious head injury causing memory issues and CTE
  • October 2015 Cancer found behind my eye. Rare cancer that only 2K people a year get in America.  
  • October 2015 I lose sight in my left eye due to cancer
  • June 2017 - Wife files for Divorce to get my attention when I check bank account notice that all money is gone into a private account of hers.
  •  Holidays 2018 - Wife files for divorce again before I can come home from work-related travel leaving me stranded at an apartment with nothing.
When asked why the divorce the woman said, she wasn't able to handle cancer and the accident changes in me.........  Meaning, she had to get a job to help pay bills for the first time in 12 years lol.  So yeah, awesome right?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

2,000,000 and counting

That is right a local blog that isn't liberal, religious or ass kissing of the media has hit 2,000,000.  Probably could of been there sooner but took 6 months off to recover from a motorcycle accident.  Thanks to Tony, Merrill, Darla and others that have covered us locally and nationally.