Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Exploitation of Biker Violence by Race Baiting "writer" @jessejholland

This story on the AP is a reach, even for them.  How in the hell do they compare bikers killing bikers to rioters burning down innocent peoples businesses, trashing their cars, blocking traffic and robbing their stores?  There is not a single similarity between the two yet this jackass, @jessejholland, decided to make that reach today.  Is this all that people hired to write about race relations have to
discuss today?

The article even contradicts its self saying the following

"Civil rights attorney Charles F. Coleman Jr. said only minority communities get blamed for violence, while no one blames white families or white communities for fatal violence by white men, characterizing such events instead as "isolated incidents." "

Yet earlier describing the fugitives as this

"Mug shots show an array of suspects: white, Hispanic, a white woman and a man who looked black."

How is this the white community when only 1 of 3 mugshots were of a white person and that more that 50% of the bikers there were hispanic?

@jessejholland is nothing more than a race baiter who isn't even good at race baiting and has embarrassed himself by writing about a subculture that he doesn't understand.  Bikers rarely involve civilians in any of there criminal activities and have never burned down city blocks.  Most of their crimes are committed quietly in the criminal underbelly of this country and involve people that choose to participate in that lifestyle.

If anything we should be thankful that they are offing each other instead of innocent kids sleeping inside a house and getting wasted by a stray bullet from a drive by.  The fact that 9 people died Sunday proves only one thing, Bikers have good aim, gang bangers not so much.

Monday, May 18, 2015

10 signs that summer is hitting JOCO

You can always tell in South JOCO when summer is approaching and the school year is coming to an end. Those of you residing in the poverty stricken areas surrounding us have no idea what stress there

is on us to provide a suitable Blue Valley summer for our kids and the preparation involved to do so.

1.  Trophy wives all turn what I like to call "Leawood brown". 
2.  The term "the lake" is used in every other sentence along with "what mile marker is your house at". You see to live out here everyone automatically believes that "the lake" means Lake of the Ozarks and nobody can comprehend not owning a lake house.
3.  $1200 grills are flying off the shelves that will only be used once.
4.  The horrified look that other parents give you when the hear that you go to a public pool and that your subdivision doesn't have one.
5.  30k motorcycle rode by a douche in shorts, flip flops and his hat backwards.
6.  Vacation bible school-  in JOCO it rarely involves the bible, never is school like and is strictly a way to have your family decide what religion they are by who is offering the best trip.
7.  Mothers start wearing the same clothing that their teenage daughters shouldn't wear.
8.  Garage sales offering layaway
9.  Lawn crews gathering at Quick Trip making it not such a quick trip
10.  The phrase "and that is why we don't go down there anymore" when discussing The Plaza.

GIF of the day

Yelawolf - American You

Almost Daily Link Blast

The Best Links on the Web 

1. The Waco Police Massacre | The Aging Rebel
2. Sonic's Candy Slushes sweeten sales 
3. 9 Sneaky Ways To Drink In Public, Inspired By Bay To Breakers
5. 9 Ways Japanese Schools Are Different From American Schools | Mental Floss
6. Twitter rolls out new search results interface on its site
7. Disney Considering Star Wars and Marvel TV Channels? |
8. On Game Of Thrones, The Stark Girls Learn The Cost Of Becoming Monsters
10. Students pack 27,000 meals for hungry children as part of Kids Against Hunger - +

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Picture of the Day

Teacher Crybaby

Every week thousands of people lose their jobs in this country and nothing is said except for a weekly freaking teacher loses her job that the news is all over it?  I feel bad for the kids losing their favorite teacher but seriously, this is ONE JOB, GET OVER IT.  The plight of the white female teacher is such a tragedy...  good thing that the unions are there to exploit it.
stat that lumps them all together.  So why is it that when a

Keep in mind that Tongi ranks 123rd in Kansas Schools.

Kansas Burlesque Festival

Have the state of Kansas and the city of Topeka sunk to such desperate times that they are promoting a stripper show full of Topeka skanks?  Nothing beats watching a bunch of 40 year old women with C-Section scars and hairy nipples gyrate for money.  

Videos and music may be submitted as links to online content OR on a disc. Videos will become property of VTI and the Jayhawk Theatre and may or may not be provided back to performer when music is returned. This is for promotional use ONLY.
Nudity is NOT allowed.  Pasties, g-strings or marking are required.
Fire acts are NOT allowed.
Routines should NOT exceed 5 minutes.
I went ahead and linked the application for those of you that want to be in show business.  

This is good but Uber is bad?

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sad Story but wtf.

It is rare that you read a KCMO murder story in the paper and see something that catches your eye.  It is usually the typical adolescent honor roll students offing each other with no witnesses or care given.

The tidbit that caught my eye was that this woman was a GRANDMOTHER of 7 at the age of 46.  No you are not looking at that number in the mirror, it doesn't say 64 it is  indeed 46.  With this wonderful family structure it is amazing that murders happen down in the east side.

La Coka Nostra - That's Coke

Rachel Pires - LOCAL GIRL MISSING!!!

Rachel Pires, 17, left her Stilwell, Kansas, home last week without medication she takes on a daily basis she is white, 5 feet 5 inches tall, about 120 pounds.

Thursday, May 07, 2015

Almost Daily Link Blast

This series of posts gave a local radio show station an idea to redo their whole line up.  Right Trending KC.....
1.  The Tuttle Tiger Safari sends tigers into tornado damage. 
2.  The most dangerous grocery store in the city is about to be built.  
4.   Channel 41 believes that making more money is bad for women.   Believes that welfare is a better route. 
5.  Government can't even track how many freaking agencies that they have.  That should instill calmness in us all. 
7.  THE PITCH writes a great article about a woman and an area that most of JOCO has never heard of Ann Murguiai
8.  Patriot Act conspiracy theories are starting to come up as it's expiration date draws near.
9.   Check Out this awesome COLD WAR bunker on imugr

Picture of the Day - Pelosi

Guest Post by Ernest Evans

       A few weeks ago I published an op-ed in which I noted how the city of Saint Louis has had a major crime surge in its black neighborhoods since the August 9, 2014 death of Michael Brown in Ferguson.  This crime surge is continuing:  In the nine months since Brown's death there have been 145 homicides in Saint Louis; for the nine months before his death there had been 80 homicides.  And, of the 51 homicides in STL so far in 2015, 43 have been black people.

      I sought to explain the crime disaster in the black neighborhoods of Saint Louis by looking at an earlier instance of a major crime surge in a US city; namely, the massive surge in violence in the black neighborhoods of Cincinnati after race riots in that city in May 2001. Those riots, which lasted for several days, were sparked by the killing of a black teenager by a white cop.  In the aftermath of the riots there were community meetings where politicians and activists demanded "swift justice" with "no legal obstructionism"; the local press corps was so terrified of being accused of racism that they did not cover the story with even a pretense of fairness.

    Police officers are required to do, and do on a daily basis, a most politically incorrect thing:  Use force against racial minorities.  And, as any veteran cop can tell you, there is no such thing as a "nice takedown"--they all look terrible on camera.  Given this un-PC but all-too-true reality, if police officers are going to have the morale and motivation to fight crime in black neighborhoods they have to be assured that if accused of racism they will get due process and a minimum degree of fair media coverage.  When this is not the case, out of sheer self-survival, a process called "de-policing" occurs: The cops abandon doing their jobs in black neighborhoods. Nature abhors a vacuum--so the gangs and the criminal elements take over the streets and violence explodes.  This is what happen in Cincinnati after the May 2001 riots, as the follows statistics on homicides in that city show:

      Homicide Totals in Cincinnati, by Year:

      2000:  15

      2001:   55

      2002:    64

      2003:    71

      2004:     64

      2005:     79

      The entirety of this homicide surge was due to black victims--homicides of other races did not increase significantly.

      Baltimore is currently one of the most violent cities not only in America but world-wide.  A Mexican research center called the Citizen's Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice put out a list earlier this year of the world's fifty most violent cities--Baltimore was listed as No. 40.  (The other US cities on the list were New Orleans (28), Detroit (22) and Saint Louis (19) ).  The death of Freddie Gray on April 19, 2015 resulted in such serious civil disorder that the state's National Guard had to be called in and police departments from the region had to send in officers.  There is a very real danger that these riots could have the same terrible impact in the black neighborhoods of Baltimore that the May 2001 riots had in the black neighborhoods of Cincinnati.

     So, Baltimore is facing a crisis that if not properly handled could destroy the city as we know it--just the way that there is a very good chance that the Ferguson crisis will end up destroying Saint Louis as we know it.  If Baltimore is going to survive it is going to have to do exactly what Saint Louis is going to have to do:  Defy the local and national versions of the Politically Correct Thought Police and insist on due process for any police officer accused of racist misconduct and simultaneously have the local media cover such cases with a minimum degree of fairness and objectivity.

Rep. Scott Schwab - KS Douchebag

Public Douchebag #1 is Scott Schwab.  This guy believes that grown ups are happy that Uber is Uber are adults?  Well, maybe he doesn't consider people that use anything other than expensive car services and limos to be adults.  Not all of KS can be wealthy capital market professionals and elitist public "servants".
gone.  Has there ever been a guy more out of touch with our city?   Does he not know that almost 99% of the people that use it are adult.

It is laughable that this guy uses Freemason phrases all over his website.

State Rep. Scott Schwab is not overly concerned with Uber Technologies Inc.'s decision to shut down its operations in Kansas."What Uber wants is irrelevant to me," Schwab, R-Olathe, said in an interview. "I have to govern, and (Uber) is no longer a part of that."

Note that this guys professional life puts him directly in bed with the Koch brothers (not a slam against the bros) that wanted this thing shut down and also contributed to this ass clowns campaign.

Do yourselves a favor and remember this guy that sold out our state, has lied about the response from voters and is in the Koch brothers pocket.

Just so you don't forget, I will remind you monthly until this guy is voted out of office.