Showing posts with label Racial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Racial. Show all posts

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Brownback Douchebaggery

Did I really just read that the Governor of our state apologized for slavery?  This is the type of symbolism over substance that we typically get from the left, not a supposed conservative who is suppose to let his actions speak louder than his "words".

Slavery sucked, Segregation sucked and racism sucks, we all hopefully know that by now and hope to never repeat the mistakes of those that came before us. This post has nothing to do with those terrible acts, instead it is about how insincere and cowardly our elected leaders have become.

If an apology was to be made it should of been 50 or 100 years ago.  Then the people that were effected by these events could hear those words and it MIGHT of actually been sincere.  Brownback comes across as a panderer and grand stander.  

What guts does it take to come out and declare something wrong when 99% of the population feels the same way?  Make that apology 100 years or even 50 years ago when this was at its worst and people were actually divided on the issue and then you would have some guts. Stand up to a mob of people that are for segregation and make this apology and THEN it would mean something.

I am so sick of all of these after the fact and "told you so" politicians.

And why now?  Has anyone heard residents of Kansas demanding this from our Governor?  I never heard it come up during the election or one of his thousand or so abortion speeches.  There has to be something going on behind the scenes that we don't know about so keep watch on the news headlines over the next few months because something is sure to drop.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Southern Miss - "Wheres your green card"

How freaking racist is that? Oh wait its Mississippi should we be surprised? What a bunch of ignorant inbreed WT hillbilly fucks.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Hoodwinked & Bamboozled by Democrats

“Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” 
― Martin Luther King Jr.

1.  Democrats wanted to end MLK's dream.
2.  Legacy of Democrats racism
3.  It's 2012 and Democrats haven't changed.
4.  Democrat lead KKK targeted Republicans
5.  The KKK was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.
6.  History of violence Democrats have had towards black people
7.  Who is the real Democrat Party?
8.  Democrats use media to hide their racism
9.  Democrats spared murder to black people as long as they didn't vote for Republicans
10.  David Duke is OWS
11.  Joe Biden lets his racism slip
12.  Harry Reid lets his racism slip
13.  Famous quotes by Racist Democrats
14.  "Democrats  hate black people" - Blacksphere

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Racist Dove Ad?

This ad has been causing a ton of commotion this week on the internet.  
I wonder if Jesse Jackson has giving up showering in protest.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


What happens when black youth cross Troost in KCMO?  Liberal elitist panic and expose their true colors and try to rid their sacred Plaza area of the same people that they exploit for votes every year.

The KCMO liberal elite only want to associate with the black community when it benefits them.  You know, when they want to throw a fancy party and write it off as a "charitable event" or get their name mentioned in the media for being compassionate. 

These same douche bags will talk about the diversity that KCMO has compared to JOCO yet fail to realize that they live in one of the most segregated citys in the United States.  Think about it for just a minute, the elite in KCMO have put tan people in one section of the city, black in another, brown in another etc... and don't give a crap what happens in those areas (judging by the inability to protect and educate the residents). 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Daily Link Blast

Because covering politics all the time sucks. 

1.  For those of us that love Netflix Instant Que this Twitter app is now a must.
2.  12 Fastest Cars in the World  - The Sixth Wall
3.  From Brass Monkey to Wine Critic.  Mike D?
4.  Great post regarding the best toys of the 90's
5.  If you are thinking about buying a Tablet then you should read this first.
6.  After fleecing Americans of millions of dollars Justin Bieber calls us evil.  Douche Bag
7.  Here is an in depth article about Strip Club Recruiters.  Yes, Strip Club Recruiters.
8.  Students dragged to protest by school teachers.  All of this of course is payed for by tax dollars.
9.  Here is a good one from Texas.  Elected official tells white people to go to hell.  Personally, I think that Obama has done wonders for race relations.
10.  The top ugliest houses in America

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Yes, I am sure that Toys R' Us  hates dolls of different colors.  I am sure glad that we have brave citizens like this to expose a toy sale as being racist.  Rosa Parks has nothing on you, racist toy warrior.  Wonder how pissed she gets when Macy's has its Whites Sale?

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Lora McDonald is suffering from a bad case of white guilt and to make herself feel good she is only going to shop at black owned stores.  This social working liberal idiot is a true believer in symbolism over substance and her shopping habits will not change a single damn thing. 
What makes this story even worst is that KSHB decided to run a story on this.  This passes for news?  This is worth covering?  KSHB just became the biggest joke of a news station in the metro.