Tuesday, January 08, 2008


The art of cussing is something that was drilled into my brain while I was in the Marine Corp. There isn't a topic, situation or setting(besides in front of my parents) that I do not excel in this area. It appears that my freedom to express myself how & where I want is about to be violated starting in the city of St. Charles, Mo.

"The proposal would ban indecent, profane or obscene language, songs, entertainment and literature."

This country is slowly becoming a country of wussified crybabies.

The people to blame for this are the same idiots that wanted to make everything smoke free. Instead of CHOOSING to go to a smoke free place to eat, shop, talk, drink these people decided to start taking the rights away from those that chose to smoke. I don't smoke but I feel sorry for those that do for having there freedom taken away by big brother and his crybaby little sisters.


Email change. I have no way to respond to all the emails during the day sent to my home address, so i set up a yahoo email adress: jocosob@yahoo.com. Please start utilizing that email address in the future

Lacey Chabert PICS


1. "Roadwork snarls traffic in Johnson County". ...That was the headline in the star this morning. Is this any different than any other day of the year. Great reporting fellas, I hope that you follow that up with a pot hole story regarding MO highways.

2. Dead man on Troost. Someone should really do a study to see what the life span is for a black male on KC's East side. I guess planting Tulips isn't helping.

3. Police search KCK for an escaped inmate.......This should be along search since half of the cities population is or has been an inmate.

4. Where the hell did this come from? How many people ALIVE TODAY OWNED SLAVES!!!!!! I for one would like to apologize to the O'Kelly clan for the crimes that my Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great, Great Granfather committed againgst him in Ireland back in 200 A.D.

5. Didn't we just get done hearing for months how brilliant and stable the people of Iowa were and now this happens?

6. If you were a parent why would you report this? Isn't this a public declaration that your kid is a dumbass? Somethings are just better dealt with inside the home.

7. Was this guy really an American Idol? I don't think I heard one song he sang besides that annoying Ford jingle.

8. Isn't this the classic which came first the chicken or the egg story?


They turn into bigger ones. It wasn't more than two months ago that I mentioned that the area in which this shooting took place was trouble and now it has turned violent. What the hell have our county police departments been spending their time on? Speeding tickets (for revenue).

Phil Kline is a complete joke. He would rather police the personal lives of people that are obeying the law than go after the real criminals in this county.

Once again if they do not rid the following areas of crime soon then you might as well let wyco have the land.

1. Roeland Park
2. Old Olathe (west of the tracks)
3. 75th street corridor in shawnee
4. 3 apartment complexes off of 95th & Monrovia in Lenexa
5. Apartment housing off of 87th and Switzer.
6. Frontage road area that runs along 1-35

Monday, January 07, 2008


This video just goes to show what lengths the Clintons will go to win. Who wants a president that cries because she lost in Iowa and is trailing in NH? Could you imagine how she would handle a REAL problem?


I stumbled across this photo today. No reason to put it up, just funny as hell.

alicia silverstone PICS


1. Girlfriend, its whats for dinner.

2. Kansas City finally gets a QB it is just to bad that he is going to be playing prison ball.

3. Hillary Clinton is finished and so are the coattails of her husband. Such a sad day.

4. Guys everywhere that had Britney Spears on their laminated top 5 list may actually have a shot now. If ever there was a time to land this chick it is now. Her friends, family, employees etc... are all leaving her. Here is your chance to be the ultimate rebound guy.

5. Does anyone watch the Golden Globes anyways? This could be the one good thing to come out of the writers strike. Less awards shows and more sports = good TV.

6. KCTV-5 can't tell if they are in KCK or KCMO? Story says KCK, graphic KCMO. It is sad that our news people don't know the city well enough to get that right.


Aqib Talib

Sunday, January 06, 2008


No matter how much your dumb ass self tries and wants to be you will never be like Carrie Underwood.


If you have not watched this show then you must start. This is by far the best show that HBO has ever done. The KC Red Star wrote a great article about it so check it out.


1. Crime is down in KC, well that is what they want you to think. Another murder in the hood. I have just about given up on the City Counsel, Mayor, Police Commissioner and civic leaders for this city. We need to set up a green zone like they have in Iraq and just let those that want to be caught up in gangs and drugs kill each other and focus on the neighborhoods and people that would welcome the attention (like the latino neighborhoods).

2. "Wanna see a dead body?" That line was used in two classic movies, Boyz in the Hood and Stand by me. Well these two had a movie like moment in Raytona yestarday. It amazes me how a dead body out in the open can go unnoticed for so long. The body belonged to Zack Gamble who had been missing since Christmas Eve. Did anyone even hear of this story before now? Where was the 24/7 news coverage (like Kelsey Smith)? I feel bad for the family and of course Zack. This story should of had more coverage than the weather.

3. The residents of Greensburg continue to make the people of New Orleans look pathetic.

4. America has been defeated!!!!!!!!!!!! For some reason I don't remember surrendering.

5. Fine they I say we hunt Pakistanis on Pakistan soil. Allies my ass. Whatever happened to we will go anywhere and everywhere to kill this people? Now we are letting this idiot that can't control his own country prevent us from killing Bin Laden. Bush sucks at being a war time president.

6. Even attempted murderers are selling their sex tapes.

7. Women with hour glass figures have smarter kids. I KNEW IT!