Wednesday, May 14, 2008


1. Kansas City Teens enable our city to make yet another Top 10 list.

2. Bomb squad responds to suspicious package found at 40th and whatever.

3. City Union Mission gives local homeless a new place to watch a big screen TV and surf the net for porn. Thats the motivation and assistance they need to get back to work.

4. Gunshots in Grandview

5. Ike Turner instilled some work ethic in Tina.

6. Wyco starts recycling next month. I just wonder how they are going to fit KCK in that little green bin.

7. Ghetto reality show hitting FOX. This has potential!

8. Obama - wear gets a new addition.


Monday, May 12, 2008


1. See what happens when people start reading the articles? Carrie Underwood could fix this!

2. The best ticket ever handed out.

3. The liberal media starts the campaign for Obama off by attacking people that live in rural America. John McCain has no clue as to what he is in for.

4. 53 illegals detained against their will..... not by border patrol or Minutemen, by their own.

5. Natural selection at its finest.

6. More layoffs at Sprint. They need to change their name from Sprint to Limp.


After months of research and tracking crime stats I have finally been able to put a finger on the reason that violent crime has spiked in the Metro (minus JOCO of course). I believe that the lack of McGruff the Crime dog ads which for years served as a reminder to our youth to not kill, stab, shoot, rape, car jack, extort, kidnap etc... is at fault. What else could it be? Surely it isn't ineffective policing tactics, liberal social programs, the desire to be Hood Rich, the early release of violent offenders due to prison overcrowding or drug wars. Blame TV! Blame McGruff!

1. KCK pulls the Hat Trick! That's right, THREE people gunned down on Central Avenue. Those crazy kids in KCK never let me down.

2. Out and about at 2am on Wabash. Did you expect another outcome?

3. Freemont lowers its carbon footprint by stabbing and not shooting. Al Gore is pleased.

4. I for one was shocked to learn that this gentleman had a criminal past. If you read liberal blogs you would of thought that cops just randomly shoot people.

5. I have never understood why a fine company like Quick Trip would open up a store in KCMO. Maybe after this they will stick to the burbs where their rollers of food are appreciated.

Friday, May 09, 2008


1. WITCHES & BITCHES. No I am not talking about some crappy art exhibit at the crossroads. Code Pink is back to protesting the Marines and they brought back up!

2. Do you make more than your stay at home mom wife?

4. Liberals think that a war over oil is a bad idea but how about a war over food? We could kill two birds with one stone if we act now!

5. Hindus get beef removed from British Airlines.

6. Selfish Union workers are effecting the lives of others.

7. When a car is broke into in JOCO it is news worthy! I dig the fact that this story will get just as much air play as this murder in the East Side.

8. The most creative burglars in Metro history were sentenced today. The metro will miss these bastards. With these idiots off the streets all that we are left with are 7-11 robberies.

9. KCMO releases last years police report. In a down year there was still one person killed every 4th day. I have a feeling that this years report is going to be a little different.

BIKE WEEK????????????

It has just come to my attention(thanks tony) that next week is going to be the most dangerous week for motorists of the year. Next week there will be armies of ultra thin people draped in spandex and retarded helmets taking up traffic lanes meant for cars. Next week the streets will be filled with "that guy", the guy that thinks that climbing a hill at 3mph is manly, taking up a traffic lane that is 6 feet wide with a bike that is 6 inches wide is their right, that wearing yellow bracelets will put them in the tour de france and the same ahole that picks rush hour to "train". Next week is BIKE WEEK!

If they want to have a week, no problem, make it the 3rd week of December. Do we really need to start off spring with a week that reminds us how annoying these people are?

This week will be a war of good vs. evil. Celebrate bike week with getting up behind one of these morons and riding your horn as they climb that hill. Cut them off at intersections. Screw the turn signal, let them look for your arm as you signal right and turn left. Slow down while in front of them to drink your coffee. Give them maps that show them where the BIKE TRAILS ARE! The metro has spent $$$$$$$$$ to give these jerkoffs a place to safely ride, USE THEM. The key here is to be creative and have fun with it and to remind these people that there is no such thing as THE TOUR DE JOCO.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008


1. Financial Gap? On one hand Overland Park is going to spend $13,000,000 on artificial turf for a kids soccer stadium. On the other side of the tracks, there is an estimated 2,000 teens homeless in the Metro. Do people really care about the homeless when the weather is nice?

2. If you own stock in Google, Intel, Clearwire etc... SELL, SELL, SELL. Everything Sprint touches turns to crap so why wouldn't this venture?

3. KCK man plots against JOCO resident. This should put KCK on notice, JOCO is watching you!

4. The strike isn't even a week old and these guys are already feeling the pain? To quote Charles Brown..."Good Grief". Their leadership is doing a great job of taking care of them.

5. Opportunistic Bastard: SO now the Cyclone is a result of Global Warming????? Haven't these things been happening for 1000's of years? What's next, Earthquakes?

6. Global Warming causes Volcano to erupt in Chile.

7. Teacher called wizard and fired for performing a magic trick.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008


This show might have a bigger following now that it is over than it did while it was up and running. I came across this great link for a character break down today that covers all 5 seasons.


The headline reads "school district needs significant improvements". WELL NO CRAP! Everyone knows that. The thing that everyone wants to know is what the hell are you going to do to improve it? After reading the article all that I could find was that the school district will have to file quarterly reports and put on a good dog and pony show for inspectors....

Are these the same people that are looking for Bin Laden? How the hell do 2oo people inspect the school district and think that they are on the path to accreditation?

This crap is hilarious.


Your company is:
1. Getting its ass kicked financially
2. Losing out on market share to Asian manufactures.
3. Shipping jobs to Canada & Mexico
4. Has closed plants in other cities
5. Is being forced by the government to meet ridiculous EPA standards.


You union lemmings deserve what you get after this latest stunt. I am all for stuff being made in America by American workers but these crybaby union workers deserve to be either replaced by a robot or have their plant closed and reopened in Mexico. Better yet, BRING IN THE SCABS. I am sure that they could do the same job that you do, only cheaper and more efficient.
Ask yourselves the following questions

1. What value do you bring to GM besides complacency and a sense of entitlement?

2. How do you give GM a competitive advantage?

3. Do rising employment costs help you beat Honda or Toyota?

4. Are the members of your Union that are close to retirement making decisions that benefit those of the whole group or just themselves? Seems to me that the Senior members are only looking out for themselves on this one.

5. Where exactly are you going to find work other than at the Fairfax plant? It's not like there are a lot of options for you out there.

6. When was the last time that you heard about a GM car lasting longer than a Honda or Toyota?

7. Do you have benefits? Do you have a retirement plan? Do you have people that have worked there for over 30 years? Do you get a check every week? Consider yourself lucky.

8. Have you met an employed Steel Worker in the US? Pretty rare huh?

9. Where do your union dues go? Are you going to be able to pay ALL of your bills while on Strike?

10. Are you incapable of thinking for yourself? Why do you need a "union chief" to tell you what to do, when to work etc.... I guarantee that the leaders of your Union won't miss a house payment while you are on strike

A job is not an entitlement. They don't have to bring your ass's back.

Monday, May 05, 2008


Is it safe to say that if you live in KCMO that your life is going to be hell this summer? Seriously, buy some kevlar, get a Desert Eagle and get bullet proof glass because it is only going to get worst.

1. Crime pays - The guy that shot this dude on College today escaped in a Lexus. I wonder what type of gas millage he gets going from murder to murder? Evading the police has got to be bad for the environment.

Screw it, there are too many to list. Carjackings, murder, shooting and shooting. Basically a Number 3 meal super sized with a side of child abandonment. The menu never changes, only the quantities. I am getting carpal tunnel from this crap.

Sunday, May 04, 2008


1. Who the hell watches the Kentucky derby? This is the only uninteresting sport involving midgets there is in the world. The fact that they call them Jockeys instead of midgets baffles me as well.

2. How many burglars case out neighborhood garage sales? These guys get to case out every house in the neighborhood with no questions asked, bad idea.

3. Delusions of Grandeur - Han Solo said it best.

4. Credibility - Those without any are always the first to advise (unsolicited). See also Glasshouses.

5. Replacements & Stand Ins - Can not be trusted.

6. I would much rather get 17 MPG than drive a Geo metro powered by a 9volt battery.

7. Ignorance Island - The population there keeps increasing.

8. How does some place have the best Tacos? The ingredients are all basically the same. Every time this debate comes up the person I am arguing with brings up the salsa. Doesn't that just mean they have the best Salsa?

9. Kansas City Hip Hop = Italian food in Alaska

10. Those that bitch about their situation in life rarely are brave enough to do anything about it and usually end up making it worst by rationalizing their decisions (or lack there of).

11. I have no idea how to cut up a watermelon without butchering it.

12. Thank god you can buy precut watermelon.

13. There is no such thing as making "enough" money.

14. Why couldn't my neighbors trampoline of been destroyed in the storm?

15. Did Katie Horner purposely use blood red on her weather map last week? Wouldn't surprise me.

16. When are they going to rebroadcast the episode of The Office from last week? And why does a channel with another station for weather have to interrupt our TV Viewing? Can't they run a banner along the bottom of the screen saying TUNE INTO CHANNEL 1345?

17. On St. Patrick's Day people always claim to be part Irish. On May 5th do people claim to be Mexican?

18. I hate it when I order a Diet Coke at a restaurant and they ask me if Diet Pepsi is ok. If I wanted Pepsi, wouldn't I of ordered Pepsi? If I order steak are you going to bring me chicken?

19. I have become even more leery of charities that tell you to send in money instead of goods and services. I heard the spokesperson for the local Salvation Army office telling people that all they needed was money. Aren't these groups the same ass clowns that were full of scandal during Katrina fund raising? I trust them almost as much as I trust Ice Cream Truck Dude.

20. Today I was told that I wasn't religious but spiritual by a local religious leader. I have no clue what that means.

21. Right after I was told that I was hit up for a donation.


1. Face Off in the East Side.

2. Kansas finally passes a Photo ID bill to vote. It has baffled me for years that people get carded for booze and smokes but not to cast a vote.

3. East Side killers have no ethics. Mother killed in front of kids.

4. The area around Swope park is a wonderful place to take the family on the weekends.

5. Soon to be out of business Newsweek picks up its anti America campaign. They wonder why nobody buys their crap.

6. Kansas woman adopts crack babies so she can win title.

7. Is there anything lower than stealing from tornado victims?

8. Yahoo commits corporate suicide.

Friday, May 02, 2008


1. Everyone in the metro knows that if you want to open up something for kids, Indian Springs is the place. That place has always been known as "kid friendly", so the closing of the Museum for Children is certainly a shock to us all. KCK kids will now focus there time on collecting shell casings and serving as lookouts for drug dealers until JOCO Wonderscope saves the day.

2. Standard & Poor agrees, Sprint is junk.

3. Affirmative action strikes again. There is noway in hell that Claire Hukstable is a better mom than June Cleaver or Maggie Seaver.

4. First the surge and now the economy. Liberals have got to be pissed that America is doing well.

5. Further proof that liberal news organizations have no credibility or ratings.

6. Kansas has always been superior to Missouri. The sooner that the people that live in Missouri realize this the sooner they can fix their crap state.

7. Al Franken might disagree with people that say bloggers have no power or credibility. Poor Al. I still say that 99% of the blogs on the internet are crap.

8. Injustice in Arizona!!! ASU Cheerleaders get canned for promoting cheer squad! This is outrageous! I would like to thank these girls for their effort.

9. 911 hates white women. LETS LOOT!!!!!!!

10. When the hell will this war end??? Civil War claims another victim.

11. Teacher fired for looking good in a Bikini.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

DO WE NEED A DAY FOR THIS? National scrabooking day.

I just learned that Saturday is national scrapbooking day...This has to be some sorta joke. Those of you with wives that are involved in this addiction understand that too them everyday is scapbooking day. They attend crops (shop), they hangout (shop) at the stores, the go to message boards, they go to websites, they blog about it, they get packages in the mail, they do swaps (not what you think), they take up rooms of your house and SPEND, SPEND, SPEND both time and money on what could be the most expensive hobby on the planet.

Think about the cost (both hidden and obvious) involved in putting photos in an album.

1. Cameras - You are looking at over $2000 divided up amongst 2 cameras, lenses, bags, memory cards etc... This is not a one time cost, scapbookers must have the latest and greatest in photo technology
2. Photo Developing - This isn't cheap and it never ends.
3. Paper - You wouldn't think that paper could that expensive, well you are wrong. Single sheets of paper can cost as much as $1 per sheet.
4. Postage - My house has turned into a freight hub for Fed Ex & UPS. If a stamp is almost 50 cents I can only imagine what the cost of a fed ex package is.
5. Machines - Believe it or not scrapbooking requires $200 plus machines.
6. Computers & Printers - Yes I used the plural form of both words
7. Computer software - Must have $200 worth of Adobe products
8. Stamps, stickers, glue, scissors.....
9. The actual book
10. Storage - You must buy a house that includes a scraproom which means an additional 20k on your house cost, storage bins, book shelves etc...$$$$$
11. Crops - These things will cost you $$ & freedom
12. Overnight Crops - A bunch of women in there Pajamas sharing one shower should be exciting...
Guess where your tax rebate check is going.

If you will look at the entry level costs that I put together above you need to keep in mind that these same people are usually the first to complain about the cost of gas going up 10 cents. The cost of one piece of scrapbook paper could cover the price increase on 10 gallons of gas. These same people have a large contingent of eco warriors. Never mind the fact that half of the rain forest is sitting on a storage shelf in their scrap room, the chemicals used to develop their film and used in their glue. I am sure someone is going to make a fortune off of GREEN Scapbooking supplies.

Yes scrapbookers are hypocrites as well as big spenders.

So do these people really need a day? No. How about a day without scrapbooking?

What does your wife have planned on Saturday? BE AFRAID.


1. NJ liberals want to tax fast food & call it a SIN. Amazing what is and isn't considered a sin in Jersey.

2. 25th and Troost (where even the tulips die) site of latest slicing/dicing.

3. The hidden ghetto finally makes the news (and it is about time). It turns out that a stabbing took place at the Charter House apartment complex in Lenexa last night. Anyone familiar with that area (97th & Monrovia) will not be shocked by this event because they know that Charter House is nothing more than a Housing project in the middle of JOCO. Prostitution, Drug deals, gang activity and yes even violent crimes take place in this place on a daily basis.

4. The groundwork is being set for the greatest cover up in history. As more and more information comes out against the global warming hoax you knew a response was coming. Today scientist have come out and said that temps should hold for the next 10 years and might even COOL off. So lets follow the time line here. 1. The Ice Age was coming...2. Global warming is going to kill us all...3. Temps are to hold for the next 10 years.... You patrons of the Eco Church crack me up. WHICH IS IT? Lets not forget the f'd up hurricane predictions over the past 2 years as well. Al Gore is nothing more than David Koresh with more money and a bigger audience you lemmings are just as ignorant as the idiots that burned to their deaths.


6. People that hang out in coffee houses suck, so this is good news. Once Starbucks closes they will have to figure out different ways of imitating Ross & Rachel.

7. When a democrat talks about switching teams it typically means something entirely different....