Thursday, March 15, 2012

Southern Miss - "Wheres your green card"

How freaking racist is that? Oh wait its Mississippi should we be surprised? What a bunch of ignorant inbreed WT hillbilly fucks.

Rick Santorum Lost My Support

I was beginning to think this guy was ok until he decided that the government would declare war on PORN.   Because that is what is important to our country????????

This is all we need right?  Some guy dictating to us how to live through his interpretation of the bible and utilizing the government to enforce his beliefs.  He is all for big government as long as it is used to push his ridiculous agenda of purity.  This is the same group that thinks that selling beer in grocery stores is evil, gambling is the work of the devil and a woman's place is in the kitchen pregnant.  And if those are his beliefs FINE just don't push them on the rest of us.I had no problem with what he believed in until he did that.

Screw that!

So I will now officially support Mitt Romney because maybe being the most conservative candidate (in the eyes of the bible thumpers) isn't something that America needs.

Almost Daily Link Blast

I am not sure why you are reading this crap when basketball is on!

1.  When women say one of these words, run!
2.  12 Hamburgers that you probably would never eat.
3.  19 Family Feud answers given by KCMOSD grads.
4.  10 WORST Baseball cards ever.  Holy crap these are bad.
5.  How to tell a woman that her Boyfriend is a total Douche Bag.
6.  3 Reasons to buy your IPAD 3 from Wal-Mart
7.  Further Proof that the PS3 sucks
8.  How much is your body worth?  This is an interesting read.
9.  11 Things Banned in Vegas, where gambling and prostitution is legal...
10 . Communist China will now control the news in the United States.

Hipster Douche Bag Superheros

Selena Gomez knows how to promote a movie

The amount of publicity that this movie (that nobody would otherwise care about) is getting because of Selena Gomez's bikini adventures is crazy.

Homeless < stray dog in Philly

Think that they are talking about Zoo animals or stray dogs?  Nope, they are talking about people, homeless people.  Its no wonder the Fresh Prince moved in with Uncle Phil

Chris Rock returns to Pookie

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

San Diego - LA Teachers = Sexual Predators

I can't believe how many teachers in SoCal are child molesters.  Who the hell screens these people?

Voter ID

Get rid of all the things that do require ID and I will be all for not needing ID to vote but it can't be one and not the other.

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Almost Daily Link Blast

Because watching teachers do porn is not all there is to the internet 

1.  All the new specs for the Ipad 3 are out.  Buy me one and I will be your friend.
2.  There isn't a single place on the net that you are safe, including PINTREST
3.  Abortions are now $25 and available in vending machines.
4.  25 Awesome ways to execute people.  BRING THEM BACK
5.  Paula Dean is being accused of Racism.
6.  12 Burritos big enough to feed KC Fatties 
7.  Remember when you could disappear.  Well these are the inventions that ruined that.
8.  6 ways to pick up neglected JOCO housewives at Nick & Jakes
9.  Disney is PRO fat kid.
10.  10 Sales tricks you dumb ass's keep falling for.
11.  Ramen that you can't buy in America
12.  66 Hottest athletes in the world
13.  Mother and Daughter strip club acts??????????????? 

KC Fatties Be Proud

Jayhawks and Tigers aren't the only teams making the Top 25.  KC is ranked one of the TOP 25 fattest cities in the World. 

Tiffany Six is - Stacie Halas is - Science Teacher of the year

Not only is this woman a great Science Teacher, she also is a great tipper!