Monday, November 26, 2012

The Wire - Turkey Slows down murder

KC Killers take the Holiday weekend off to spend with family. Only 1 murder?  Could the city of turned the corner OR did Turkey make people sluggish in their killings?

1.  Note to all WT.  When robbing a "hotel", wear a mask and don't look directly into the freaking camera.
2.  Is it news when only one person is found murdered in the East Side or does it take multiple victims to get more coverage than this?
3.  Sex slave case in Missouri turns into BDSM "How to".
4.  Why would this guy press charges on his friend?  Sooooo he stabbed him, what's the big deal?
5.  Nothing sucks more than getting shot during a gun safety class.

Almost Daily Link Blast

I do this because your bloated post turkey fingers can't.

1.  25 things that straight guys think might make them gay.
2.  10 Things that Ireland does better than the United States
3.  How to Crack a WiFi Password
4.  10 everyday things banned in Saudi land.
5.  The Pretty Girl Paradox
6.  What the hell were these old timers thinking when they created these ads.
7.  10 best sports deals in history
8.   6 awesome Home Shopping accidents 
9.  Chicks that don't like porn have low self esteem.
10.  Facts about Larry Hagman 
11.  Pigs that dive are better to eat...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Be thankful Southern Johnson County

This month has been full of people on Facebook posting about how thankful they are for all the obvious crap.  Like we didn't know that you were thankful for your family etc..  Come on, nobody wants to read that crap.  

The good people of Southern Johnson County have a lot of reasons to be thankful for as a group.  Here are 17 to get you started.

1.  We aren't subsidizing 2 laughing stock pro sports teams.
2.  Our Eastside is Leawood.  Yeah I know the people in Leawood are douche bag wannabe frat guys and sorority girls BUT they don't shoot at us from the golf carts.
3.  Mobile homes are used by construction crews instead of primary housing for residents.
4.  Heritage Park > Swope Park
5.  Pools > Bacteria filled fountains
6.  It would take us over a decade to equal the number of murders that KCMO has in one year.
7.  Fairway, Merriam, Mission, Roeland Park serve as a great DMZ.
8.  "I'm Kyle James Bitch!" has never been said in our area by Kyle James.
9.  Overland Park Mayor never has to duck behind bushes at Town Center Plaza due to gunshots.
10.  We know that Toy Trains belong under the Christmas Tree not our streets.
11.  Not a single street named Cleaver (let alone 2).
12.  We don't take gondola rides on a creek filled with our feces.
13.  All of our Hipsters now live in KCMO and nowhere near us.
14.  Our hookers work out of hotels and not alleys
15.  The jackass's of Prairie Village  don't have quick highway access to our part of town.
16.  Working for food is what we do and not a sign that we hold.
17.  5.9% is our unemployment rate not our graduation rate

Media Idiot of the Day

JACK'S SMACK: It's not Romeo, it's not Pioli -- the constant for the Chiefs mess is Clark Hunt 

Thanks for that brilliant insight Jack.  Nobody ever would of thought of that 

Picture of the Day

The Wire - Gobble Gobble

For those of you new to this blog "The Wire" is our compilation of metro crime stories and some commentary regarding the criminals, the location of the crime and the stupidity of their activities.   Over the past 5 years we have been the most accurate of any media resource in predicting the number of homicides that will be committed in the calendar year so yes we know what the hell we are talking about.

1.  Dead Pool on Shaggy Park Lane.. Sounds like a Scooby Doo episode doesn't it?
2.  American Inn guests who don't hear gunshots are missing out on the whole Blue Ridge experience.
3.  So your son grows up to be a wannabee mass murderer and all that you can say is "he was born different"?  Way to rep Missouri.
4.  You know that the are is going to hell when someone in GRAIN VALLEY gets shot.
5.  Quadruple play in KCK.  Pizza Hut shooting.
6.  If you rob a bank with a Pellet Gun then you almost have to be from Sugar Creek.  Silly inbreeds.
7.  One of the best places to get a Tamale in KC was shut down for simply storing a dead deer in the cooler.
8.  Nude video being used as blackmail of Springfield slut.
10.  Girl in KCK nearly gets raped and NOBODY is talking about it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

All Politics and No Play

Now that the election is over we will be returning back to regularly scheduled posting.