Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The End of Days

Over the past few days there have been over 20 people shot in the KCMO area and nobody seems to give a crap.  Why?  Because it is now part of our norm.  How many people need to get shot at
once before people start caring?  Obviously 8 or 9 isn't enough.  Maybe 15 - 20?  

The exact opposite side of the coin is the over dramatization of anything remotely illegal that takes place in OP or Leawood.  If someone jaywalks over here there is a fundraiser, telethon, 1 hour of talk radio and a front page article about it in the "Kansas City" star.  

Can anyone even name one of the 20 or so people shot this week?  Hell no.  The metro has written off the east side and its residents.  The schools, parenting, welfare and crime over there are no longer of concern because there isn't a soul in the metro that truly believes that the area and its residents can be saved.  They rather let genocide do the job that the political leaders and activists of the city can't.  

White Liberal Democrat - "Uncle Thomas" Whitest White Guy

Democratic lawmaker hits justice as 'Uncle Thomas' - Washington Times

Best Quote so far 

"Ryan Winkler grew up in mostly-white Minnesota in the 80s which honed his ability to judge the blackness of black Americans who grew up in the segregated south."

Then again it is ok for liberals to make racist comments right?  But seriously is there a whiter white guy in the world than this tool?

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Westboro Church Hates 5 Year Old GIrl

This is the new sign that Westboro Church put up in response to the lemonade stand that this 5 year old opened up.  Hell isn't hot enough for these assholes. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Where to find Killer Beaver

Beaver kills man in Belarus | World news | guardian.co.uk 

15k or Hoffa

Which do you think will be found first?


Obama soldiers enforce public dress code

LAX TSA officer shames my 15-year-old daughter for her outfit - Boing Boing 

Sound familiar?  Probably because we are use to seeing headlines like that in 3rd world countries that hate women. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

You are being watched all the time

If you think that you are off the grid and immune to the monitoring policies of our President, you are wrong.  Let's face it, the government knows more about you than anyone else, even your spouse and there isn't much you can do about it anymore.  You gave up your freedoms 4 years ago  when you fell for the con of Obama and his transparency lies.  Good job douchebag.  

The only thing that became transparent was your life. Why does the government need to know all of this information about you?  

1.  Centralization of electronic medical records
2.  Drones flying over American city's
3.  Traffic Cameras at every intersection
4.  Security cameras at every business
5.  GPS on your phone calls
6.  Cloud storage monitored by NSA
7.  Email monitored by NSA
8.  Facebook posts, chats etc.. monitored by NSA
9.  I.P. Address logged on every website you visit
10.  Air Travel monitored by NSA through TSA
11.  Gun Owner database
12.  President website asking for you to report his enemies
13.  TV viewing habits logged and recorded by cable providers
14.  Special Cards for discounts at retail stores that monitor your purchases
15.  Cell phone calls monitored by NSA

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lenexa BBQ Battle 2013

Great Lenexa BBQ Battle 

The Lenexa BBQ Battle signals the official beginning of BEER & BBQ season for the metro area. 

Just a heads up to you elitist douche bags in the gated communities 

1.  BBQ is not done with Gas
2.  Grilling is not BBQ
3.  Pellet Smoking is not BBQ
4.  Turkey Burgers will not be served
5.  If you got a recipe from Bobby Flay, it isn't BBQ
6.  If it needs a lot of sauce, it isn't BBQ
7.  Electric Smokers are for pansies
8.  Wine isn't served with BBQ
9.  Your "trophy wife" has skin drier than most of the meat.
10.  Yes everyone will be laughing at you because you don't fit in.

Friday, June 07, 2013

Freedoms Lost in America

That isn't the first time I posted that title and it sure as hell won't be the last as long as this administration is in power.  For the past 4 years I have been one of the few people in this area WARNING you about what was really going on behind closed doors and only a select few payed attention or even believed me.  Well I guess that my 100 plus posts were pretty accurate, huh.

This government is dead set on controlling your behavior and snooping in on your private thoughts.     There are so many stories and headlines out there right now that I won't even attempt to link them all.

Thursday, June 06, 2013

Cliff Drive Revival?

Northeast News » Improvements to Cliff Drive byway to begin this year.

I don't want to sound like a pessimist but haven't we all been hearing this exact thing for the past 20 years?

I hope that everything that they discussed actually happens.  The Northeast area of this city is one of the most historic areas this otherwise plain/boring town has and has been neglected for far too long and for no real reason.