Tuesday, October 01, 2013

North JOCO is officially the hood.

Drive-by gunfire hits 8-year-old inside Overland Park home | Local News - KMBC Home 

Further proof that North Joco has turned itself into an a huge crap hole is the fact that this shooting took place in the hood that I lived in from grades 2-8.  This neighborhood use to be a nice quiet place where kids played football and baseball in the street, walked to school without fear of being snatched and had block mothers on every street.  Now, its the hood.  Shootings, drug deals, blight and even an empty elementary school in the area.  

Maybe the law enforcement agencies in the area will stop worry about people going 10mph over the speed limit and worry about policing the neighborhoods.   

When was the last time you saw a patrol car going through your neighborhood?  Yeah, I can't remember either.  

It is a great day in America!

The government shut down should be good news for everyone that sits around and bitches about this country and it's government right?  Wrong.  We will now see those same people that bitched about the government start bitching about the government being closed.  

Not me.  The less that these moron elitist do the better!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Picture of the Day - Manning Edition

KC Douchebags of the Weekend

Here are your Top 4 douchebags for the weekend.  

1.  Promoters, attendees and performers for the "Concert for the Climate" event in KCK this weekend.  I am sure that the climate is really grateful for your efforts.

2.  The head of the KCMOSD for giving what is sure to be a speech full of lies and promises that will never be kept.

3.  Cox Health Care for discriminatory hiring practices.  Why is it legal for people to openly state that they will not hire these people?

4.  Shawnee City Leaders for allowing what is probably unneeded road work to nearly force a man's business into Chapter 7.  It is hard enough to own and operate a small business without the bumbling fools at the government helping.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Is the NSA Paying attention to these people?

This site has been telling everyone that would listen that the rhetoric coming out of DC from both sides is close to boiling over into the streets but everyone thought that it was said for shock.  What do people think now that political figures are encouraging it and even predicting it?  I hope to god that our fearless protectors at the NSA are now spying on the below mentioned people.  You know, for our own safety.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

State Department attempts to save Obama again

BBC News - US state department issues global threat warning 

It is funny how the state department always issues a threat warning when Obama is in trouble in the polls or on an issue.  They are just hoping that you take your eye off of Obama Care for the next 7 days.

If they were credible they would issue these things before we actually got attacked. 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

KC Douchebag of the day - KEITZMAN


I don't listen to this ass clowns show anymore so I am glad that Tony posted the latest comments from Greg Hall today regarding yet another Keitzman meltdown.  Keitzman wants to have it both ways, be hard hitting and controversial and question people etc.. but is a sensitive little girl when people are critical of him.  

Keitzmans latest social media meltdown isn't his first time exposing his thin skin when it comes to internet comments.  Back in 2001/2002 WHB ran a very popular internet message board that had thousands of posters and covered everything from sports to politics.  Most of the hosts interacted with posters but Kietzman was of course too much of a wimp to interact and had flunkies read him the posts that were critical of him.

Keitzman shut this message board down once people started talking about the so called "family mans" alleged affair with one of his employees that allegedly lead to his divorce.  If you ever ask Keitzman about this incident he gets extremely angry and defensive.  Ironic considering he blasts athletes, owners, managers and other media personalities for their indiscretions.  

Most of Kansas City knows that this guy is a douchebag so this latest rant against local fans and listeners shouldn't shock anyone.  

Photo of the Day - North Joco edition

Typical scene in North Joco

Leawood Court celebrates diversity

Today I went to the Leawood municipal court today so that I could help them in their efforts to raise funds to repair potholes in Hallbrook (traffic ticket) and it was an extremely interesting experience.  

1.  The first thing you notice is that more than half the people sitting in the 50 seat courtroom are black.  This is an amazing fact considering that the black population in Leawood is probably less than 1%. This fact wasn't lost among the people in attendance.  The guy sitting next to me said it was ridiculous and way too obvious.

2.  The amount of money the city earns on traffic tickets is a joke.  There is no way that a city as small as Leawood could have that many traffic infractions UNLESS they are purposely using it to raise funds and not to protect and serve it's citizens.

3.  The types of violations people are being ticketed for are a joke.  I wont go into details due to their privacy but I had never heard of people getting ticketed for the crap they were.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Liberals summed up in 1 video clip - Always sunny in Philly

Find out if you live next to a JOCO Housing Project

KSHousingSearch.org | Find Rental Properties in Kansas 

Interesting map that shows just how much Section 8 housing that there is in JOCO.  If you live North of 121st street you can kiss your property value and safety good bye.  


Shawnee man shot at apartment complex 

Here we go again.  Another violent crime in North Joco and yes at yet ANOTHER APARTMENT COMPLEX.  The county is starting to feel the effects of the choices it made to allow section 8 housing to overrun the north part of the county instead of improving it.

Expansion south destroyed KCMO and now it is destroying JOCO.  Our elected officials have failed us all and sold us out to contractors, builders and retailers that would rather build new than rehab the old.

Most Obvious Headline Ever in KC History

Thieves stealing anything of value in northeast Kansas City neighborhood 


JOCO PD's are not ready

After decades of serving as nothing more than revenue collectors and prostitution raiders it is safe to say that the Police Departments in JOCO aren't ready to handle the violent crime that comes with a growing and diverse community (except for the Lenexa PD, they are the elite exception).

For the past 10 years the north side apartment complexes have been transformed into housing projects with little mention made to the general public.  Residents that have lived in these areas have seen their property values ruined, schools decay and violence increase, again with little to no mention of it by community leaders.

Instead of controlling the high crime areas in our county our "leaders" feel that it is better for law enforcement to write as many tickets as possible so that they can pad their pockets and repave the same roads 100 times over and over.  Instead of training our police departments on crime fighting they have turned them into armed meter maids.

So should we be surprised when people end up murdered in one of our special apartment complexes?  Hell, the cops probably gave the corpse a ticket for loitering.

Friday, September 20, 2013

KC DOUCHEBAGS of the day

1.  David W. GuthKU professor that hopes that NRA members have their kids shot. This tool is a perfect example of what is wrong with our University system. Parents spend 10's of thousands of dollars a year to send their kids to become educated by these douches without knowing what is being taught to them. Now that this asshole has been exposed I think that we should all question anyone with a J degree from KU and their ability to be fair.

2.  Hickman Mills students for attacking their teachers. Public school kids that attack their teachers need to be expelled so that tax dollars aren't wasted on them and their disruptive behaviors. Let them take their chances on the streets since they are such bad ass's

3.  Sprint for laying off another 100+ employees.

4.  Metro residents that stood in line overnight in the rain to buy a new iphone that is basically like the old iphone and the iphone before that one and the next one.